What's bothering you?

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There are no birthdays today?!?! that's not correct.

Also, where are the mods when you need them ;A; I NEED THEM TO READ IT
It's middle eastern I think. I'm not going to say Indian because I'm probably wrong but it seems from the disgusting comments these people are making it seems to be around that area.
It's kind of like the people at school talking Chinese to me. Of course, I don't understand Chinese so I just snap back some incredibly weird comment in self defence.
Bullying hurts man. But it's hilariously funny when the bully can't even get it right.

Do they actually speak Chinese? Or did they just learn to say things in Chinese to mock you? Because that's really sad.

And oh my gosh, it IS funny when the bully ends up looking stupid.

Someone once told me to go back to Albania where I belong (apparently they have some problem with Albanians?). I just said "Albania? What are you talking about?" Turns out they had me confused with someone else, so they just walked away looking embarrassed XD
Do they actually speak Chinese? Or did they just learn to say things in Chinese to mock you? Because that's really sad.

And oh my gosh, it IS funny when the bully ends up looking stupid.

Someone once told me to go back to Albania where I belong (apparently they have some problem with Albanians?). I just said "Albania? What are you talking about?" Turns out they had me confused with someone else, so they just walked away looking embarrassed XD

Well, half of it was random stereotypical noises I haven't heard from a five year old but they've learnt incredibly basic words and greetings in Chinese they honestly thought would hurt me.

Sucks I'm not Chinese. I could've said something to them.

Oh my gosh, how horrible! At least they were confused though haha~
What's Punjabi? ... am i stupid or something...

I think it's Indian/Pakistani...

:D I wasn't accusing you of being ignorant as I don't know exactly where they're from myself, I just think that people shouldn't be racist about it, ESPECIALLY if they have no idea about the ethnicity.
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@starlark no wasn't you...not saying who though

- - - Post Merge - - -

@star...it was not about you...oh no now I, crying bc it was really not about you...it was...I can't but not you...now your mad and it wasn't you. And as far as my fianc? I'm not worried about what goes on here but what do you mean if I am worried about creepy guys, or telling him I can't have a kid, or being sick, what am I worrying about that is bad for my fianc?...

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Or I mean would be harmful to our relation. He knows I have trouble going out alone but last semesters of med school can't always be there. And again was not not not you dear. I am so sorry if you thought it was due to the timing was someone else...I've been staying away a few days..but not you. At all. So no tears no anger. It was...pm me and I will tell you who and what if you wish but know it wasn't you. I don't understand about my fianc? though he knows my worries and he is 21 and I older and he is great but that is unrelated...I'm confused but more concerned that you think is you. I deleted bc thought better to talk in private, and was done with whole thing ready to be fun on here and forget it but it wasn't you who sent the private message not you dear. Now upset that you are, I don't say names so sorry you misunderstood but be assured your not the one.
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Christina piercings look so cute and if I wasn't so self-conscious (and if my boyfriend was actually into them), I'd totally get one. I'm like, vicariously living through you and @Motte for your adventurous piercings, lol. I wanna get one, but at the same time, I'd rather not, lol. I feel like my anatomy just isn't cute enough. Or knowing my luck, it would cause some sort of complication.

Aww man sorry to hear you're self conscious ;n; I seriously doubt you have any need to be self conscious tho, I've been lurking on the 'what do you look like' thread and you are looking hella fine. /internetcreeper

They are seriously awesome piercings though! Do pop in to a nice friendly piercer (I always prefer female when it comes to stuff like that) and see if you're anatomically suitable, if you're ever interested in getting one that is! Most Christinas don't heal well or end up migrating because people just don't have the right anatomy and the piercer is too concerned with getting a paycheck rather than actually making sure the person is suitable for the piercing. Mine healed super well because my anatomy is basically perfect for it, it isn't a hard piercing to heal at all. I'm convinced most of the rejection stories come from people who weren't anatomically suitable for it.

My piercings generally make me like my body more, and trust me my body isn't exactly supermodel status. I'm a dumpy kinda chunky chick with short legs and a really long torso. My nipple piercing made me like my boobs more :3 before I thought they were tiny, misshapen and gross but now I'm like... who cares I've got a hella dope barbell stuck through there they look awesome.

Sry piercing rant.

Although thinking about piercings and being bothered, I am seriously annoyed at how unsuitable my ears are for basically everything. I can't get anything bar my lobes pierced because my stupid ears cba to be a nice shape. I really wanted a tragus, a daith and an industrial but NOPE. Of course this might be a sign for me to go ahead and just get elf ear mods hehe.

I must've misunderstood...agh, I'm so sorry! I always mess up on these things :( I'm sorry to hear that, you two should really try to work something out. Have a talk together, make sure everything's okay :)

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Piercings are cool and in the long run they look awesome but they hurt soooo much D:
Now an anxiety attack bc again just by speaking I hurt the wrong totally wrong persons feelings. I was reading older posts and messages from days ago and that was part of it but most was real life stuff. Now wrong person is offended my goodness. I hate upsetting people but the wrong people that's worse...

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We both misunderstood. Someone else already kind of said for me privately what I needed to say to said person but didn't have the nerve so was just a all that's bothering me. But most was general, some IRL, and I would never call you out here or anywhere or at all really. If I had too would be where no one could see if possible like a pm or not at all and tell a mod. But it's just a game site for fun so wouldn't even do that unless was really harsh, closed a thread I started once bc went off topic but aside that see site sans this thread as fun and ignore the rest and this forum is the only one can say how feel off game but as long as you know wasn't you all is good. The majority of it was actually all non site related but can see how could be misunderstood. Hugs.
People who are like:

"Do you know who (famou sperson) is?"
"Yes, how so?"
"Then who are they"

It's middle eastern I think. I'm not going to say Indian because I'm probably wrong but it seems from the disgusting comments these people are making it seems to be around that area.
It's kind of like the people at school talking Chinese to me. Of course, I don't understand Chinese so I just snap back some incredibly weird comment in self defence.
Bullying hurts man. But it's hilariously funny when the bully can't even get it right.

Chinese isn't a language. It's a family of hundreds of languages spoken in China.
Well I'm not Chinese so sorry for not knowing what the bullies speak to me x_x
I'm gathering it was Mandarin though.
woke up really early and now my whole body is sore.

Did you wake up by obligation or because someone or something else woke you up? I woke up early too... good thing I went to sleep early last night. I know a lot of people who work on saturdays.
Did you wake up by obligation or because someone or something else woke you up? I woke up early too... good thing I went to sleep early last night. I know a lot of people who work on saturdays.
i woke up because I couldn't sleep. loud rain is pouring outside.

i really hate it when in my sleep I go in an akward position and then I wake up to feel the most agonizing pain in one of my limbs.
Goddamit did the villager reset trick and THOUGHT there was no one there but nah Truffles has dumped herself in a remote corner of town.

My legs have been sore for overusing them in P.E. and these 1 day breaks in between aren't helping the pain :/
I have to tell my current boss that i'm leaving for another job in 2 weeks tomorrow and i'm really scared cause what if he can't find someone to replace me in time? The pub isn't exactly getting a lot of customers lately and i feel really bad but i've wanted this new job forever, it will open a lot of doors for me. gah.
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