What's bothering you?

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^ This
It's annoying me like crazy! XD

Something like this?
i hate it when people ask me, what do you want to eat? Crazy I know. Im not overly picky. Im just hungry so pick something so we can eat. Then when I say " I don't know what do you want?" or I make a suggestion they have to ponder. Like make up your freaking mind, why make things so difficult.
I'm nauseated again.
And it's just killing me. I don't know what's wrong.

Also, if I can't make room for Peaches again, I'm going to lose it.
Ever since I've been told there's a high chance I have MCDD (autism and schizophrenia in my case) I've been thinking about it and have only realized more and more how much it may actually be true. It makes me depressed, even though I try not to be. I know it's manageable, but I feel like I should be able to live a normal life without taking medication my entire life.

Apart from that, some things people have said to me come across in the wrong way. I don't know how to explain myself to them, and I feel ashamed if I even mention it. Even though they know everything about my condition, I feel like they won't understand what happens in my mind and how much I dislike what happens. Even then, I can't help it, and that's the biggest problem for me. It hurts me more than they think, and them getting annoyed at me only makes it worse.
I think seeing people change around me really bothers me. I feel so disconnected and keep trying to pretend like I belong even when it feels alien.

I've returned to being a horribly lonely person.
I think seeing people change around me really bothers me. I feel so disconnected and keep trying to pretend like I belong even when it feels alien.

I've returned to being a horribly lonely person.

<minties> Also where the f is horus

-30 minutes later-

<Horus> wat hi minties
<Horus> o
<Horus> she ded af

I was watching a video in full screen :[
I feel guilty because I was eating healthy all week but today I ate really badly :( I'm afraid I'll fall into a downward spiral from here, I'll have to work really hard to eat better tomorrow. The worst is that my parents are going to one of my favorite restaurants in a little bit and invited me to go with them but I don't want to eat any more because I have a fear of gaining weight
Each day I've been kind of alternating from being happy all day or sad all day, and today I'm really sad.

On the bright side maybe that means tomorrow will be a good day.
my school website is down and i need to get onto my email to type a discussion response due tomorrow and arGH
I don't think I'm ever going to lose all the weight I gained back.
Last summer was all for nothing, it seems. :/
If I was rich, I'd just pay to get it sucked out...
I don't think I'm ever going to lose all the weight I gained back.
Last summer was all for nothing, it seems. :/
If I was rich, I'd just pay to get it sucked out...

Well,everyone's beautiful in their own way.Plus meaty girls look better then boney ones you have to say.(Sorry if I offended people,Don't know how to state it.)
Forgot to add that the tip of my tongue is burnt or something.
Well,everyone's beautiful in their own way.Plus meaty girls look better then boney ones you have to say.(Sorry if I offended people,Don't know how to state it.)
Forgot to add that the tip of my tongue is burnt or something.

its probably not meat tho
I jhave a bit of a headache right now and earlier my jaw was hurting like crazy when I was trying to eat. :U Also gotta get motivation to write.

Well,everyone's beautiful in their own way.Plus meaty girls look better then boney ones you have to say.(Sorry if I offended people,Don't know how to state it.)
Forgot to add that the tip of my tongue is burnt or something.

"boney ones you have to say" Uh...what?
The amount of people here who make/use signatures
with a piece of art without credit and permission. Having
credit is not enough, you must have the artists FULL permission,
it's incredibly rude not to, and in fact illegal. Especially editing
and selling...I don't know if people just don't know if artists
having feelings or they just don't give a **** about their hardwork.
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