What's bothering you?

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I was watching Pokemon vids on Youtube and I clicked on "Misty and Brock leave Ash" because I didn't remember the whole scene very well and I watched it and I cried sort of hard and now I'm just bummed. Some cartoons just bring out the feels in me.
Thank you qqq.How did you get through your feelings?

Not very well, in all honestly. She was my best friend, and she kind of stopped talking to me after I came out to her. She kind of hinted that she might like me, though, so I'm not really sure what happened there.

I also recently had a crush on another girl that was my friend that I just sort of waited out because I knew she'd never like me back. Idk if that's the healthiest way to deal with a crush, though.

Still, those are probably towards the extreme ends of what could happen, so I'm sure you'll be fine. If it makes it easier, you may want to just tell them to get your feelings out in the open. Good luck with whatever you decide. :)
I have to go to another class during period 5 tomorrow because my teacher is going down to one of the Middle schools for something. It sucks since that class I have to go to is my period 4 teacher, so I have to stay there for about 2 hours...
People who thinks family bonds are strongest and you must love your parents etc.

Fine we get you had a perfect childhood or a worse one but you still don't have to love then you know?
My pc is starting to sound like me (old man sounds) :D
Man, I need a new one, but my wallet isn`t in complete agreement yet.
And I have trouble connecting online with my 3ds. I must get the fantasy life extra content!!!
Why is everything around me going downhill? I expected myself alone to be unhappy when it happened, I don't want to bring down others too.
Gotta work an early shift after being woken up in the middle of the night.
Now I'm being yelled at for not waking up as fast, even though they were the ones I lost sleep over.
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