What's bothering you?

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I am stressed about school. I had midterms on the 4th, 5th and 6th. But I have a psychiatric disorder that flares up when I get stressed out so my psychiatrist wrote me a doctor's note requesting that I "spread out my midterm exams" so then they were on the 10th, 14th and 17th. I got an 82% on the one on the 10th (and it was worth 50% of my grade.... phew). I am stressing over the one tomorrow, and the one on Monday because I don't think I will do nearly as well. I will do a fair enough job, like 60-70 range maybe, but THAT's NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I want to get into grad school! Theres more to these exams than just a grade, theres my future hanging in the balance. My only means of coping right now - because all I do is study - is NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, where you write 50,000 words in 30 days for the month of November. I was on track until about 3 days ago. I am at 16,500 words. I need to be at 21,000 words. I am going to write some tonight. Take a break from all this studying and just relax. I need to seriously catch up though if I am to finish my novel on time. NaNo is great because I meet wit my region twice a week where we all get together at a coffee shop and write together and support each other - its a real stress relief. But even my relaxation is becoming stressful because I am falling behind! :(
I intern at an animal clinic and my co-worker who is an intern just got offered a job. I didn't.
Every night for 3ish days I watch it... why must I like 5 nights at Freddy's but let it terrify the absolute everything outta me...
ever since my grandma died, and since my grandpa moved in with my cousins&aunt , they've been getting heaps of new stuff, they just bought a new 2014 car and new lounges and stuff.. i think they're using my grandpa for his money

i have so much i want to talk about but i just can't talk at all... everyone's telling me to do what makes me happy and I don't even know what will, nothing makes me happy. i don't know which state i should be in, i don't know whether to move back or not, moving might mean the end of a relationship and i don't want that. i'm not happy here, but who says i'm going to be happy anywhere else?
i have to pack my bags tomorrow, and i want to stay, but that will probably (definitely) mean i wont have a job over summer...
i just need someone to make the decisions for me...
My parents. Please.. know when to act and when to shut up :l

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, regarding the last fanbase thread. I hate when you like a specific genre of music(or just a band, singer etc) that has its hardcore fans demand you to know all their names, birthday, zodiac signs whatever or you are not a true fan.

Well. I listen to quite a lot of bands and I have better things like actually enjoying their stuff to do rather than memorize all the facts.
I graduate university in a year, and my parents are already putting so much pressure on me to figure out one specific job that I want, when there's a few I have in mind that I would be happy to do. Ive talked to my student advisor about this and she said there's no need for my parents to pressure me like that, but I think they missed that memo. I really want to talk to them about how I'm feeling, but any time I do that they immediately call me immature and blame everything that's going wrong on me. I'm sick of being guilted. I figured at 21 I would be free to make my own choices, and figure things out on my own but I guess not :/
I was commenting people for fun (in a joke way) until I got infraction for "rude behavior" tbh this made my day and I don't care about my rep here you all guys dunno me in real life so yeah (mostly goof off for fun so yeah). Show it to my friends and we are laughing so hard rn
I hate the fact some people are so picky and choosy about who they're kind to. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular but it just bugs me.
I see some people who are so kind to some people on this forum, and to others they're just rude all-out even if this person has done nothing wrong. I've not experienced this much and it's not a callout in any way but it's just so annoying. If they were rude to you that doesn't equal a right to be hateful back, just report them. If you don't like what this person does, ignore them. But when you pick and choose based on their role/ friends/ bells on TBT? That's not fair.
Every night for 3ish days I watch it... why must I like 5 nights at Freddy's but let it terrify the absolute everything outta me...
If it's Five Nights At Freddy's 2, then I don't know what you find so scary. That game is funny as hell.

I've slept for most of the day and I'm still super tired. I don't know what's wrong.
Kyle is being such a *****. I don't know whether I should give up on him and get a diff villager or do the 16 cycle.. He is my first dreamie after all but idk
My scores on my calc tests keep going down, and I've been studying more and more for each of them. I understand why I made certain mistakes, but idk about others. I just feel really bad because I understand things in class, but when we take the tests, I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't think I belong there. I wish I could drop out.
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