What's bothering you?

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I really hope you decide to.

I can't. I don't have a way to get there and my mom is too busy putting me down to help half the time, my boyfriend's at work, and my dumb ass is in the school parking lot, stuck having to wait for a class at 11. And I can't stop crying.
Mother's funeral is tomorrow so tomorrow is definitely going to be bad for me but I'll be able to cope for my loss, I also plan to carry my mother's coffin with my older brother and dad too.

My house is going to be REALLY packed with guests tomorrow...
I feel like the next few months are going to be emotionally tough for me.. I'm scared of what lies ahead.
All night I warned my friend not to whatch 5 nights at freddy's when it was dark and late, he HATES scary things-like he will panic compeletely- and so he agrees not to. What do I do after a night of waking up and freaking out at every little sound, I watch markapliter 5 nights at freddy's until 1am.... Yup Not my smartest plan to watch it in the dark when you have a fear of the dark (yup I am THAT 15 year old with a fear of the dark) and when you are already scared from the night before. I jump easier then a kitten when you sneak up behind it, man I am freaked for night time XD
I thought you'd gone. I thought you'd stopped terrorizing us and being a general nuisance.
But you're back now, and you're still causing trouble.
I have a super bad cold and I'm in school and I feel so bad being in school with a cold because I don't wanna get anyone else sick and it's probably getting annoying for everyone listening to me cough all day. :/
The school computers block almost EVERYTHING AND IT IS REALLY BOTHERSOME! I can't go on Youtube, Wiki, Manga Inn, Manga Fox, Colors 3D, Cards Against Humanity Online, eBay, Pokemon.com! JUST UUUGGGHHHHH seriously you can't even let us go on freaking anything, I am surprised they haven't blocked this. Iboss is the most horrid system any school can have, it doesn't allow anything. I get it that it is a learning environment but in things like computer classes or just when you are done with everything we can do SOMETHING I mean seriously, they say Pokemon.com is a dangerous gaming site. What about it is dangerous! If they think we are gonna play video games at school might as well make the internet Illegal at schools. Just SERIOUSLY gets on my nerves when I finish all my work and we are not allowed to do anything because half the internet is blocked and nothing goes on here really mid-day.. at least watchcartoonslonline isn't blocked
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I don't expect anybody to read this, but I wouldn't really talk about this with anybody else I know as it's about a friend of mine, so I just kind of want to rant.

My very close friend is dating a guy who is verbally and emotionally abusive. It's been going on for years but she's so attached to him she doesn't care. It makes me furious but I try not to get involved, and just be supportive because she comes to me with a lot of their problems. This isn't really news.

But what happened just recently is that he left (again), told her he was done after some stupid fight they had. Told her he was moving out, and he wanted the rent he had paid for their place back that day so he could go find another place. She was devastated, and basically told me she didn't know what to do with her life because she had invested so much time into the relationship and this future with him. We had a long talk about it, and like I said, before I tried not to even give my opinion about it one way or the other because it's none of my business.

[We have had this talk many times as he leaves her constantly and says they are done, calls her horrible things, it practically destroys her, then he comes back and she happily takes him back]

But she asked me what I thought, so I told her honestly.

I basically said that I understand how attached she is to him, but to try to think of it as an opportunity to get to know herself, and not just as his girlfriend. That this has been going on for too long and even though she is trying hard to keep them together, he is obviously not making an effort whatsoever (I mean he threatens to break up with her like every week for gods sake) so she needs to think hard about whether it's even worth the constant bull****. And that whether she lets him go or they get back together, it's her decision and I'll support her either way. And I don't mean to be harsh, but I just want her to be happy because she is honestly one of the best people I know.

We both got pretty emotional and I felt like she was finally seeing the relationship for what it is, and understanding that she deserves better.

This was about a week ago, and I'm texting her today and she says about being tired and wanting to go to sleep, but "[insert *******'s name] is coming home at 9 so I have to make him dinner".

I love her dearly and I will support her either way as I said, but I cannot express how sad that last sentence made me. :(
I don't expect anybody to read this, but I wouldn't really talk about this with anybody else I know as it's about a friend of mine, so I just kind of want to rant.

My very close friend is dating a guy who is verbally and emotionally abusive. It's been going on for years but she's so attached to him she doesn't care. It makes me furious but I try not to get involved, and just be supportive because she comes to me with a lot of their problems. This isn't really news.

But what happened just recently is that he left (again), told her he was done after some stupid fight they had. Told her he was moving out, and he wanted the rent he had paid for their place back that day so he could go find another place. She was devastated, and basically told me she didn't know what to do with her life because she had invested so much time into the relationship and this future with him. We had a long talk about it, and like I said, before I tried not to even give my opinion about it one way or the other because it's none of my business.

[We have had this talk many times as he leaves her constantly and says they are done, calls her horrible things, it practically destroys her, then he comes back and she happily takes him back]

But she asked me what I thought, so I told her honestly.

I basically said that I understand how attached she is to him, but to try to think of it as an opportunity to get to know herself, and not just as his girlfriend. That this has been going on for too long and even though she is trying hard to keep them together, he is obviously not making an effort whatsoever (I mean he threatens to break up with her like every week for gods sake) so she needs to think hard about whether it's even worth the constant bull****. And that whether she lets him go or they get back together, it's her decision and I'll support her either way. And I don't mean to be harsh, but I just want her to be happy because she is honestly one of the best people I know.

We both got pretty emotional and I felt like she was finally seeing the relationship for what it is, and understanding that she deserves better.

This was about a week ago, and I'm texting her today and she says about being tired and wanting to go to sleep, but "[insert *******'s name] is coming home at 9 so I have to make him dinner".

I love her dearly and I will support her either way as I said, but I cannot express how sad that last sentence made me. :(

You should really explain to her or tell someone he is abusing her, words hurt just as much as fists, just in a different way. I wish I could be there to smack some sense into that guy though, he seems so mean and like a jerk.


and then

HE SEEMS LIKE A TOTAL JERK!! EERRRRR People like that irritate me
My sexuality is kind of getting me really frustrated because it's making me feel even more lonely than ever.
Can't focus on my project for school. Head hurts. I just want to lay in bed playing Final Fantasy for hours until I drift to sleep and then not go to school and just repeat the whole process.
i hate when i make a casual joke that's not even mean or anything yet the other person acts like a huge butthole
I start with 2 of my least favorite classes tomorrow. In one of those classes, we did a test the last time we had class, and I slept through most of class and the test and I handed it in blank (it just had my name, date and period on it) and walked out immediately left the room. So I know my teacher is going to talk to me tomorrow. The other class, we're going to be having a sub and I hate it since we do the most boring **** when there's a sub. I also have no friends in that class so it doesn't help the boredom, and I can't use my phone since I don't have it right now.
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