What's bothering you?

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okay yes i just posted like 20 minutes ago BUT

For 7 months we were planning to go somewhere special, and we were going to go this weekend, but she literally just told me she can't because she's travelling. She told me at least 20 times that she'd be open since this month and she's just telling me she can't come now? Even after I worked my ass off just to ****ing buy two tickets to the US?

What a ****ing waste - maybe this is why I don't like going anywhere with anyone.
Isn't bothering me as much now, but I thought I'd mention it again since this is the perfect opportunity.
I'm laughing at this person who's "friends" with one mod but only because they practically pressed the mod into doing something for them.
I think their only reason is because they've been quite rude to several members of the community and was very nearly banned once, so they literally spam the staff each day asking them obnoxious questions in the hope they'll earn a fast ticket up the friendship ladder.
Basically, he's just being one of those bullies that, as soon as one of their victims manages to pluck up the courage to tell on them, starts sweet-talking the teacher just so they won't get outed.

Whether that's on TBT or not, I'll leave that up to you.
But I get a good laugh out of it just seeing how desperate these people are to stay.
F**k this. See you in space.
Can the rest of us come too?

I pre-ordered ORAS about a week ago and can't cancel the pre-order. During the last week they put up the steelbook versions in the store. I want them but I also don't have money left, and I can't cancel. Damn you, fate. This is the second time you've made me miss out on a cool edition of a game.
This bothers me tremendously
My family is bothering me. They like to criticize everything about me, especially the clothes I wear u.u
After the spam in Brewster's,a few members think it's okay to post a GIF in EVERY.SINGLE.POST.
When people don't know how to use grammar. I get a little uptight about this kind of thing and when a sentence is really hard to read because of bad spelling and punctuation, I die a little inside.
I know I'm going to sound stupid but I'll take that risk. I'm frustrated since I noticed my dad has been taking his vacation days on every single ****ing day I don't have school and he doesn't tell us so it ends up ruining my plans for that day. Why would you do that? Just use up all your vacation days at once. Also, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since I've woken up. I wanted to eat chili, but I don't want to eat that because I don't want to get gassy. I was going to make cereal, but there's no ****ing bowls. I was going to eat chips, but yesterday while I was eating dinner, someone was eating chips and coughed and I don't know if they covered their mouth or not since I wasn't looking, so now I'm paranoid and I refuse to eat chips now. I was going to make a sandwich, but there's no god damn ham or lettuce. Also, I was planning on cleaning, but my dad has been sleeping on the couch all day and now I'm ****ing pissed. I am so angry right now since things aren't going how I want them to. **** life.

- - - Post Merge - - -

After the spam in Brewster's,a few members think it's okay to post a GIF in EVERY.SINGLE.POST.

I think I might know who you're talking about.
The girl I had a crush on keeps yanking me around-- she totally ignores me most of the time, but other times (mainly when her crush isn't around), she'll decide I'm worthy of talking to. After the way she's treated me, I don't really have a crush on her anymore, but it's so difficult to be her friend when she does this.
The girl I had a crush on keeps yanking me around-- she totally ignores me most of the time, but other times (mainly when her crush isn't around), she'll decide I'm worthy of talking to. After the way she's treated me, I don't really have a crush on her anymore, but it's so difficult to be her friend when she does this.
I'd make it known to her. It may be difficult to get it out and she might not like hearing it, but I think if you started treating her like trash whenever a certain person is around she wouldn't like it either.

I haven't been able to sleep at all due to continuing hallucinations, even after promising somebody I would be up all day. Yay!
When people don't know how to use grammar. I get a little uptight about this kind of thing and when a sentence is really hard to read because of bad spelling and punctuation, I die a little inside.

first rule of grammar...
they're our know rules!
Gonna do a week worth of work experience :L I'm praying for it to not to suck, but my boss is a weird judgy old female who likes to repeat things at me like I'm a child. She also took the fact I don't read all that much anymore pretty badly and honestly I should have lied. ****ing librarians.
I'm also not being fed which sucks since last time I could go eat a decent meal anywhere I wanted in the whole mall... I miss free sushi. Now I just gotta buy own snacks at the grocery store ugh. THE LIBRARY IS RIGHT NEXT TO A MALL FULL OF **** HOW CAN YOU NOT FEED ME.
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