What's bothering you?

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Deciding what sixth form to go to is stressing me out. All my friends are talking about where they're applying to and because they're more ''street smart'' and they've got older siblings they know more than I do but seem unwilling to share their opinions.I have no idea what to do, I know that I'm probably not going to be friends with them forever but it extremely bothers me when I meet new people to the point where I feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack. Some people say change is good but I'm just not one of those people

I'll let this do the explaining...if he was joking with me, he would've stopped and apologized when I said she's dead.

It was her funeral today, I helped carry the coffin, a message I wrote for my mother was read out by the Vicar and I saw her grave, something I never wanted to see.

All I asked for was a good evening and I can't even get that, I hope someone understands how furious I feel about this.
So I was rubbing my eraser.And then friction happened and I burned my finger and now I can't write #stupid.
I just had a slice of pizza AND some macaroni and I'll prolly get a stomache ache later for it but it was so goood.

Also, I can't bring myself to continue this fanfic I'm writing and I'm angry at myself for it.
Alone again.

.. (naturally).
im sorry

I have 2 reports due on Monday and I'm being a lazy butthole. :*
I'm bothered that nothing's bothering me.
Think about that for a while.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Actually I am bothered.
I have like three commissions I need to finish and I've had them all for at least a month.
I don't want to give up Rudy so soon... but I really like Genji all of a sudden... and even though Rudy's house is in a not-so-great place it could be worse and he's so cute I love him already...


I'll let this do the explaining...if he was joking with me, he would've stopped and apologized when I said she's dead.

It was her funeral today, I helped carry the coffin, a message I wrote for my mother was read out by the Vicar and I saw her grave, something I never wanted to see.

All I asked for was a good evening and I can't even get that, I hope someone understands how furious I feel about this.

No one should even make fun about these things. It's common sense, right? Death isn't a joke. I know how you feel. Hope you're feeling fine now.
Well about the conversation you should never go with something that pervert, everyone will make your mom/dad at one point. Youths I say.

Well .. my mom. Likes making annoying remarks whenever you are actually enjoying yourself in a good company and conversation.
I gotta do 5 pages of LA Hw due friday,4-8 assignments in history,and next week 10 pages of reading and answering questions.

I'll let this do the explaining...if he was joking with me, he would've stopped and apologized when I said she's dead.

It was her funeral today, I helped carry the coffin, a message I wrote for my mother was read out by the Vicar and I saw her grave, something I never wanted to see.

All I asked for was a good evening and I can't even get that, I hope someone understands how furious I feel about this.
When the mother of one of my friends died, I often caught myself making jokes about moms. I immediately caught myself and apologized profusely. He wasn't as close with his mother as you were, so he didn't mind it that much, but I still felt ashamed for thoughtlessly making a joke like that. I can only hope that these people will feel the same shame, because hitting a person while they're already down does not make for a good time.
Matt Taylor being bullied during the biggest part of his career cuz he wore a shirt his female friend made for him. Seriously just **** people. I wanna ****ing murder the pathetic feminists who dared to ruin the biggest moment of his career for him.. ****ing *******s arent gonna achieve anything in their lives anyways but ruining it for others? mother****ers.
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oh and this keyboard look at this typng its even wrst then usual omh
Some people won't set aside their pride to talk to someone who has a different opinion than them.
//rocks back and forth in corner.-

is it ther 29th yet????
i need it to be the 29th

My mother is the one of the meanest and dumbest people.
She was turning into a lane without using her turn signal and nearly hit a guy. She spent the rest of the ride screaming about how it was the other drivers fault and she should sue.
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