What's bothering you?

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I'm kind of feeling that suicidal way again, but I know to keep it to myself after the last time.
I don't know what happened last time but you shouldn't ever have to keep something like that to yourself. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. I really hope you feel better soon.
so surely if anything, that should be 'getting away without having morals'? and I really don't see how liberals 'allow' people to do that, but I digress..

What's bothering me is my ex was pestering me for sex again last night. Think I'm just gonna block him now, which is a shame, because I liked him before he got all annoying.

If you have no interest in him, he needs to leave you alone. I hope he doesn't get around your block.
im on the edge because i offered kid cat to someone and hes ready to leave but they havent answered yet @_@a i should get him out as soon as possible
I'm sorry you're having a rough time right now! :( I can't say I know where you're coming from with your having eczema and your allergy, but I know what you mean about not seeing a better future come along, and I'm around your age, too. It sounds like you're going through a lot right now and I don't think you sound spoiled at all for feeling like how you do. I wish I could say something that's actually helpful, and I'm sorry that I can't, but I just really hope you feel better soon and that things will look up for you in the future (I'm sure they will).
;v; thank you the thought that you took the time out of your day to write a reply warms my heart c:
the fact that im always jealous of something/someone gets in the way of me being in a good mood bothers me
What bothers me? Brewster's Caf? is getting spammy again. Just because it's the off-topic forum doesn't mean you can spam or make topic-less threads.
What bothers me? Brewster's Caf? is getting spammy again. Just because it's the off-topic forum doesn't mean you can spam or make topic-less threads.

They're just trolling; the mods will deal with them.
They're just trolling; the mods will deal with them.

And they already have. These threads got locked. Seeing a whole bunch of locked threads doesn't make me think that the mods are strict. Seeing a whole bunch of locked threads makes me think that something isn't going right with the regular users.
My dad just screamed at me and my brother because my brother payed him 20 dollars for an ink cartridge and he's pretending to be a saint like "oh no its your money" and being condescending to us and its just STOP
Ugh my laziness and feels

my life. ty.

What's bothering me? I hate that I lie to people.. even those close to me and I don't feel guilt.
It causes me so much trouble.. I really need to start feeling a little bad about my actions.
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