What's bothering you?

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I finally get Agnes out since she was in front of my houses path and Diana comes and, wthout putting down the plot first so I can plot reset, moves on it again. It's not directly on it like Agnes' was but still.
It annoys me that people ship people in free together and they have crushes on those boys
This lol.. I mean I get it's a grateful series to ship but some people are too much.

Also this assignments. 1500 words and you can only use a few texts and ONE sequence... wtf
Cool. She cancelled our date last minute for the third time this week. On Valentines, the day after, and now today.

I'm not even going anymore. There goes my money wasted. Again.
I feel like I'm to blame partially for my mother dying, I did really make her stressed at times and that wasn't helping her hemorrhage, but I can't really get over that till I know the results of us sueing the hospital she was in (gave her poor health care and everything)

Resting does help but I'm not feeling super tired, but I'm feeling more better than I was about an hour ago, I just needed something to do, although I've had these breakdowns more regular these days and I haven't a clue why.

It's not bad advice at all! I tend to sleep in quite late because I love to sleep when I'm really tired >w<

I don't think I'll fully stop my pixels, I just don't feel all that comfy posting them here anymore, I'll probably just stick to DeviantArt for now until I'm used to doing more styles and figures whenever possible and I may open commissions for TBT bells, that's not a 100% choice of mine but it's something I'd like to do.

Trust me, it is not your fault that your mother died. Even tho I understnad where that feelings comes from. I do feel sometimes it was my fault my mom commited suicide because we had a agrue a week before she did that. But I bet your mother would rather live happy and don't feel any guilt. And you don't need to please anyone with your art for make yourself good. You are good anyways. But I understand that both you and me would like to get some feedback and support. We both start doubting about our skills. We know that we aren't too bad but we are not professionals. Don't be to harsh on yourself darling, I wish I wasen't to harsh on myself. *many hugs and kisses ontop of your head*
I need to catch up on a bunch of PMs and I need to still get in contact with a bunch of people who won my hybrid giveaway on FB... That and I'm still trying to reimburse a few members that got scammed. But I hate bothering people with a bunch of messages asking to drop off stuff... It's been a bit and I'd like to ensure your things get to you before I forget all together or give them away/sell them here.
last night when i was trying to sleep i kept hearing this light buzzing in my left ear. it sounded kinda like a phone on vibrate. heard the same thing earlier. starting to stress me out. :U
I've been feeling very depressed lately...

I'm sorry you're feeling that way. Feeling depressed is a tough thing to go through, but it will come to pass. I like to watch animes that have happy moments and listen to music to help me get over it. I also pray on it as well. I hope you feel better soon. Same to you Aradai.
I did not sleep last night.

Also, after four weeks on discussing abortions and pregnancies in English class, I am done talking about abortions for a very long time. It's part of the lesson, but the purpose of the class is to learn about arguments.
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