What's bothering you?

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I went to my dentist and this dentist has sush an attitude. I am waiting for a date when Im will go through a jaw sugery (I got overbite). Ive been waiting for 7 years for this and this sugery stops me for do anything. I don't dare take school class for improving my degrees and I have a deadline to be out of sweden in 5 years. But they just push the time over and over again. I Was supposed to do the sugery 3 years ago but it never happen. Everytime I travle somewhere. I risk to miss the date for the sugery. Anyways, this dentist was so upset seeing ONE tooth in dirt (not much at all) and she refuse todo anything about it and send me home. I told her that Ive been waiting for 7 years for this now. And she told me to stop whine. Well...trust me, have braces in 7 years is pain in the a s s.
Wow, dude that sucks :( My dentist used to be really bad until we had this really **** of an argue and then she and the staff became nice (am pretty oversensitive to drilling and stuff and I have pretty bad saliva).
mmmm feeling invalid and i keep saying stuff and ppl keep arguing over it mmmmmmm
This student card company. Um sorry I want my card physical cause I need discounts not in a ****ing smartphone I don't even have one yet you now apparently need to claim you want it in you mail ><
I wish my parents would stop using me as the middle man when they're ****-talking at each other. I get it that you hate each other's guts from the moment I was born (hell even before), but I don't want to be constantly reminded that one wants the other to die already. It's kinda funny how my mother thinks that I should of turned out to be 'normal' in that hostile environment instead of my **** personality I'm embarrassed to talk about.

Another family-related issue that's been bothering me is my grandmother from my father's side. My father told me that it's been two months since she's been in the hospital because of her cancer turned to the worst. She was already in a fragile condition when I visited Okinawa for the first time in April and I'm dead worried. I've already lost my great-grandmother (who I've never got the chance to meet unfortunately) last year and I don't want to lose her too. I want to talk about my worries to my mother but then I remember she hates talking/listening to anything that relates to my father so that's a no go, and the weather looks like it'll go even worse tomorrow so my lunch with my close friend has been cancelled.

TL;DR: This week sucked.
They usually don't do that unless it's like covered in snow and undeground system and whatnot is off at least not here.
Sobbbb ( ◜◡‾) I was planning to surprise my mommy and daddy today by cleaning the house but I was a loud mouth and I blurted it out,and there are so many chores to do.But as long as they're happy
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