What's bothering you?

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Someone was doing a trade by giving me 60 mil IGB for 500 TBT. Bailed out on me while I wasn't even halfway finished picking the bells up. Never responded to my PMs. Won't give me a refund. Too scared to leave a negative wifi rating.

Do it, or contact the mods if you still have the thread/pms/their posts they should be able to help.
Someone was doing a trade by giving me 60 mil IGB for 500 TBT. Bailed out on me while I wasn't even halfway finished picking the bells up. Never responded to my PMs. Won't give me a refund. Too scared to leave a negative wifi rating.

Actually, you should give him/her a negative wi-fi rating without getting in trouble.
one of my signatures looks bland with the thick spoiler, I'm thinking of using a thin one instead but idk =_=
So I have a friend.... or at least we WERE friends.... he was a compulsive liar, and suffered from OCD..... a year and a half ago he became homeless and my boyfriend and I had a 3 bedroom apartment so we took him in and gave him free room and board to give him warmth so he wouldn't be on the streets in the winter.... and having him as a room mate was fun at times.... other times he was difficult to live with, but we managed..... you know, room mates fight at one point or another.... anyway he got involved with some REALLY sketchy individuals..... HE claimed they paid for him to move out of our place and got him a place..... I don't know how true that was..... But anyway it all happened so suddenly and he moved out the next day..... He didn't speak to us again for almost a year. We found out he lied about his age. He was 32, not 25..... he lied about a lot of things.... but we still missed him.... I found him on Facebook. I messaged him. We got in contact. The three of us met up at the mall a couple months ago. I thought we were on the road to being friends again. Things got really busy with school and I lost touch with him. He may have thought I was avoiding him or something. I tried emailing him today. Blocked. He also blocked me on Facebook. I can't even find him. My boyfriend found him and messaged him..... I wanted to email him to see if he wanted to go see a movie with us..... But now I am DEEPLY hurt..... I feel rejected.... What's worse is that I am in a REALLY bad place. I am feeling depressed and I have been isolating. I emailed him as an effort to break that and get out and hang out with friends and surround myself with supportive people. But I feel like I am losing his support. I feel like he doesn't care about me. I care SO MUCH about him. And who the F*** would care about ME anyway?! He babysat my cats when we went away on vacation. He really bonded with them. He got them a cat tower and everything. What about our cats?! DOES HE NOT LOVE THEM?!?! How can he forget about our SWEET BABY BOYS?!?! Is he just going to ABANDON THEM?! ABANDON US?! OUR FRIENDSHIP?! ALL WE HAD?! DID IT MEAN NOTHING TO HIM?! Great..... because THAT'S what I need...... And my boyfriend keeps trying to tell me, "Oh, theres a billion reasons why the email didn't go through....", "Oh, I don't know WHY you can't find him on Facebook but I can when you search his name". We all know why..... BLOCKED. THAT'S WHY. HE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. I AM WORTHLESS. HE WANTS ME OUT OF HIS LIFE. And if my boyfriend didn't have such a common last name, and there were dozens of him on Facebook, he would probably block him too....
I was sick on friday and now I don't have a ride to go to school cuz my alarm didn't go off -,-
It's freezing here today but it wouldn't be so unbearable if it wasn't so dang windy. I hate freezing wind.
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