What's bothering you?

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To the guys, no homo, unless you want it to be 8)


Different subject;
I really hate when someone says "well this is no good" and some dumbass has to respond with "WELL WATS UR IDEA TO REPLACE IT THEN!? Shut up if u dont have an idea!!!" okay way to go being a jackass. Who says I/they/someone has to have an idea to replace the bad one, to recognize it's a bad idea?
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Oh wow.. I take it they just get paid to do everything as smoothly and quick as possible without caring. Or only treat those who can pay a lot.
Oh wow.. I take it they just get paid to do everything as smoothly and quick as possible without caring. Or only treat those who can pay a lot.

Of course, hurry up and get those who can't pay out of here and those with money, who can come back and nab us if we do bad, treat properly. (for the most part)

- - - Post Merge - - -

At my moms hospital, they kick people out if someone with insurance comes in but someone without is taking up a bed. Probably do that at a lot of em, or most even.
Oh wow.. I take it they just get paid to do everything as smoothly and quick as possible without caring. Or only treat those who can pay a lot.

This is exactly why universal healthcare is a serious problem. Hopefully the UN outlaws universal healthcare. We got really good doctors in America, and we don't have universal healthcare. But we do have some form of socialized medicine that is on the risk of getting repealed.
This is exactly why universal healthcare is a serious problem. Hopefully the UN outlaws universal healthcare. We got really good doctors in America, and we don't have universal healthcare. But we do have some form of socialized medicine that is on the risk of getting repealed.

It's hard for me to believe that you're stupid enough to think malpractice only occurs when there's universal healthcare. There's good and bad medical professionals in all countries. If you think you can judge an entire caste of people based on a small group, you might as well become racist.

Not to mention, look up any comparison of healthcare systems and you'll see that the US' healthcare is more often than not ranked below that of the UK's, while at the same time being immensely more expensive. How would that have helped Hyogo's mother at all, seeing as she was already in a country where on average the care is not only better, but also cheaper?

If you want to make it about politics so badly, why do you think the UN outlawing universal healthcare would change anything? The US obviously doesn't give a **** about UN laws, with their war in Iraq and subsequent regime changes forced onto people.

Seriously dude, either get educated or just stop your pseudo-intellectual bull****.
This is exactly why universal healthcare is a serious problem. Hopefully the UN outlaws universal healthcare. We got really good doctors in America, and we don't have universal healthcare. But we do have some form of socialized medicine that is on the risk of getting repealed.

I'd say that would be more common if you have private healthcare, imo since they want to earn a lot of money. From my experience private instances are worse.

Oh well not gonna politically debate this since it's obvious we have different opinions. And read on further next time

(Reindeer; exactly)
It might've been Jeremy; I saw him viewing the thread.

What the holy fap? Can't the mods pick a place and stick with it?!

My family always thinks I'm lying or not being serious. I've barely ever told lies as long as I've lived and they still don't believe me, even about the most serious things. It frustrates me to think they wouldn't trust me even after all this time. I've been with them all my life, you'd think they would believe me when I tell them the truth. Everyone always assumes I'm secretly trying to get my way and that I'd make up crap to do it.

I'm just not like that and it hurts to know that they think that about me.

Yeah, it angers me when people like that just make assumptions about others despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Yeah, I need to stop justifying my behavior. I'll go ignore them now

I'd probably do the same except orange's post are way too entertaining. :p
No he is not entertaining, he's just harassing like every different-minded user here and trolling badly.
Sometimes it's really funny to see what a tryhard "troll" has to say, I need to look at Orange's posts some more.
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Sometimes it's really funny to see what a tryhard "troll" has to say, I need to look at Orange's posts some more.
Well he obviously failed, lol.

And no it wasn't fun because he didn't try, he was just being an obscene noob.
Well he obviously failed, lol.

And no it wasn't fun because he didn't try, he was just being an obscene noob.
mhmhmhmh now that you mention it, failure would fit Orange more than "tryhard" I suppose.
mhmhmhmh now that you mention it, failure would fit Orange more than "tryhard" I suppose.

yes considering all he did was to look up where I posted and make total ignorant replies that weren't valid and he shouldn't have been continued in the first place.
I don't get why some people join just to troll people. I know who you're talking about, but it's best to not talk about banned users.
I don't get why some people join just to troll people. I know who you're talking about, but it's best to not talk about banned users.
Yes I know that.

Well they do because they obviously know they can get away with it for some time.
Also to switch on topics.

People who take ecchi/hentai games seriously...like these radical fem gamer critics.

Dude.. calm yo ass. Japan has a different culture which most of these people have a hard time to get. Fictional games with nudity is not a reality. Also these games are made for simple pleasure and contains girls. They are not objectified just because they have to have boobs(well some are more flat-chested than others). I enjoy my simple, IQ-free boobs now and then thank you. Stop playing if you think it's reality. Also the fact that there are 2-3 guys with like 15 girls makes it even more enjoyable imo.

There is a really nice difference with intentionally making objectified characters and making a harmless fighting games with some nudity.
Also to switch on topics.

People who take ecchi/hentai games seriously...like these radical fem gamer critics.

Dude.. calm yo ass. Japan has a different culture which most of these people have a hard time to get. Fictional games with nudity is not a reality. Also these games are made for simple pleasure and contains girls. They are not objectified just because they have to have boobs(well some are more flat-chested than others). I enjoy my simple, IQ-free boobs now and then thank you. Stop playing if you think it's reality. Also the fact that there are 2-3 guys with like 15 girls makes it even more enjoyable imo.

There is a really nice difference with intentionally making objectified characters and making a harmless fighting games with some nudity.
Why are feminists attacking gaming anyway? If they have a problem with media portraying women wrong then why attack a side media, why not concentrate on the big thing? Why not shame pop singers like Miley Curys for being a bad influence? There are kids that feel miserable about themselves since they're not 'pretty enough'

Yet all of that is okay but OH NO SOMEONE GOT *** PHYSICS IN A VIDEO GAME!!1!!1!!11

But seriously that just makes gaming feminists look like big bullies who just want to make $$$ out of ridiculing gaming. Not exactly something to respect.
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