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@Everyone about the sue matter

I appreciate the kind words and obviously that won't bring my mother back but it's nice to know people are willing to show some care, I appreciate it alot.

First of all, we didn't hire a lawyer because we had the thoughts we'd have slim chances of winning regardless, hospitals tend to be more prepared, this is the first time my Dad has went through this and you'd have no idea what you're doing on the first time, we didn't want to hire a lawyer otherwise because we didn't want to spend money on getting one to only lose, it's a waste of money.

We're fine without the money, we just wanted to bring justice onto the hospital staff but shamefully it didn't go as we hoped, I hope they're happy they've gotten away with taking someone's life and I hope they enjoy making more families destroyed by carrying on with this stuff.

I'm fine, I'm not going to do anything drastic even knowing my mother was just trash to their thoughts, and the fact they're still getting paid for this lack of support to people is the biggest insult ever.

I just need to chill out, I've been moaning for the last two hours because I didn't know how to take it properly but I'm getting there.
I'm beyond pissed off, I've never been so angry before.

That lawsuit **** happened today and guess what? Everyone on the Hopsital's side had lawyers, HOLY **** EVEN THE DRIVER HAD A FEW.

So, my family lost the sue and you can obviously know the Hospital did **** up if they needed that much protection.
Y'know what that means to them? My mother was just another tool and not worth their time but it's fine, it really is to them because they won't care what it's like to have your family nearly destroyed, I hope they kill more people and get plenty of grief from people who've had family lost to their ignorance, honestly, those people can go die for all I care.

**** I'm so mad right now.
I'm so sorry to hear that. ****, some people should just not be involved in the medical field... Jesus Christ, some people just can't be called human beings... I wish I could help you. I really do. I think it goes without saying that you have every right to be angry. If they're incompetent though, I'm sure justice will be served.
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@Everyone about the sue matter

I appreciate the kind words and obviously that won't bring my mother back but it's nice to know people are willing to show some care, I appreciate it alot.

First of all, we didn't hire a lawyer because we had the thoughts we'd have slim chances of winning regardless, hospitals tend to be more prepared, this is the first time my Dad has went through this and you'd have no idea what you're doing on the first time, we didn't want to hire a lawyer otherwise because we didn't want to spend money on getting one to only lose, it's a waste of money.

We're fine without the money, we just wanted to bring justice onto the hospital staff but shamefully it didn't go as we hoped, I hope they're happy they've gotten away with taking someone's life and I hope they enjoy making more families destroyed by carrying on with this stuff.

I'm fine, I'm not going to do anything drastic even knowing my mother was just trash to their thoughts, and the fact they're still getting paid for this lack of support to people is the biggest insult ever.

I just need to chill out, I've been moaning for the last two hours because I didn't know how to take it properly but I'm getting there.

Can i do anything for you, my bruh?????

- - - Post Merge - - -

And I kinda feel ya (not quite the same though tbh your's is WAY worse). My mom's intestines were rotting from the inside and all the doctor had to say was "lol stop taking pain meds u faker." Like DUDE.

that's so ****ed up though Hyogo.
Let's campaign against them.
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****ing christ Finnian that's terrible to hear about your mother, I can't believe people like that are even functioning, that's just satanic talk from people like that.

You don't need to do anything for me, really, I'm going to be fine but I feel like I'm gonna be in a rant mood for the rest of the day, but I appreciate it!!

I forgot to ask, does this hospital have a reputation for screwing things up?
I don't mean to sound racist or too offending but my area has alot of Islamic folk and they aren't really helping the reputation of anything around here because most are just those kinds of kids that will fail school and work in McDonalds because they're trying too hard to be Gangsters.

The hospital on topic though, It's not a superb one, my mother was especially a really big change to their rules on letting teenagers through the gates to basically take a "short cut" out of the hospital to the other side to avoid having to do an extra 10 minute walk to get there, she made it so Teens that're walking with Adults are allowed through (aka, my sister's case since she's 13) however the whole "killing her off" part was just the icing of the cake, they completely ruined our good thoughts on them, it's a nice looking hospital don't get me wrong but the service is terrible.

I'm so sorry to hear that. ****, some people should just not be involved in the medical field... Jesus Christ, some people just can't be called human beings... I wish I could help you. I really do. I think it goes without saying that you have every right to be angry. If they're incompetent though, I'm sure justice will be served.
Believe me, one day I hope they get what they deserve because this is stuff that shouldn't have to happen to anyone, nobody should have to lose someone by lack of effort, If my mother died from the operation (well, if SHE was going to get it, she didn't because they didn't think about sending her to another hospital with actual brain surgeons in) then I wouldn't be mad, they would've atleast tried.

I'd go on about how she suffered while she was in there but I don't fancy crying again.
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****ing christ Finnian that's terrible to hear about your mother, I can't believe people like that are even functioning, that's just satanic talk from people like that.

You don't need to do anything for me, really, I'm going to be fine but I feel like I'm gonna be in a rant mood for the rest of the day, but I appreciate it!!

I don't mean to sound racist or too offending but my area has alot of Islamic folk and they aren't really helping the reputation of anything around here because most are just those kinds of kids that will fail school and work in McDonalds because they're trying too hard to be Gangsters.

The hospital on topic though, It's not a superb one, my mother was especially a really big change to their rules on letting teenagers through the gates to basically take a "short cut" out of the hospital to the other side to avoid having to do an extra 10 minute walk to get there, she made it so Teens that're walking with Adults are allowed through (aka, my sister's case since she's 13) however the whole "killing her off" part was just the icing of the cake, they completely ruined our good thoughts on them, it's a nice looking hospital don't get me wrong but the service is terrible.

Believe me, one day I hope they get what they deserve because this is stuff that shouldn't have to happen to anyone, nobody should have to lose someone by lack of effort, If my mother died from the operation (well, if SHE was going to get it, she didn't because they didn't think about sending her to another hospital with actual brain surgeons in) then I wouldn't be mad, they would've atleast tried.

I'd go on about how she suffered while she was in there but I don't fancy crying again.

I wish there was some way I could help you! I've never been through anything like this, so I can't fully relate, but hearing about what happened and how awful these people are is making me really angry and really upset. Words can't describe how terrible I feel
Seriously? She died because they didn't think to move her to a different hospital? That is just beyond lazy on the hospital's part... it's completely idiotic and incompetent. It also makes me wonder how many other people have suffered due to terrible service like this.
****ing christ Finnian that's terrible to hear about your mother, I can't believe people like that are even functioning, that's just satanic talk from people like that.

You don't need to do anything for me, really, I'm going to be fine but I feel like I'm gonna be in a rant mood for the rest of the day, but I appreciate it!!

You can rant to me, if you'd like too!
Want me to send a care-package your way, full of gross american snack food and Las Vegas souvenirs?
I'll also include an image of the Boston tea party??
I'm sorry I use humor to try to help people?
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Wow, browsed through some of the posts and seems like that hospital was some big d/ck to y'all. I mean of course they have lawyers should they get difficult cases but it's obvious that they do to get paid let alone who dies and not.

Sorry to hear all this rubbish and hope you feel better *hugs*
****ing christ Finnian that's terrible to hear about your mother, I can't believe people like that are even functioning, that's just satanic talk from people like that.

You don't need to do anything for me, really, I'm going to be fine but I feel like I'm gonna be in a rant mood for the rest of the day, but I appreciate it!!

I don't mean to sound racist or too offending but my area has alot of Islamic folk and they aren't really helping the reputation of anything around here because most are just those kinds of kids that will fail school and work in McDonalds because they're trying too hard to be Gangsters.

The hospital on topic though, It's not a superb one, my mother was especially a really big change to their rules on letting teenagers through the gates to basically take a "short cut" out of the hospital to the other side to avoid having to do an extra 10 minute walk to get there, she made it so Teens that're walking with Adults are allowed through (aka, my sister's case since she's 13) however the whole "killing her off" part was just the icing of the cake, they completely ruined our good thoughts on them, it's a nice looking hospital don't get me wrong but the service is terrible.

Believe me, one day I hope they get what they deserve because this is stuff that shouldn't have to happen to anyone, nobody should have to lose someone by lack of effort, If my mother died from the operation (well, if SHE was going to get it, she didn't because they didn't think about sending her to another hospital with actual brain surgeons in) then I wouldn't be mad, they would've atleast tried.

I'd go on about how she suffered while she was in there but I don't fancy crying again.

Yeah... My mom commited sucide 2 years ago. But before she did it, she did call the hospital as well and said she wanted to die and they said "we will call you next week". Same day she died, after a week. They called and said "Hi! now we can accept her and help her". That made us all mad. No wonder we got trust issues nowdays...
@Hyogo: what was the background behind the lawsuit? What was going on? I hear that the hospital won to the lawsuit, but what lead your family or the hospital into suing?
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Yeah... My mom commited sucide 2 years ago. But before she did it, she did call the hospital as well and said she wanted to die and they said "we will call you next week". Same day she died, after a week. They called and said "Hi! now we can accept her and help her". That made us all mad. No wonder we got trust issues nowdays...

That's rough, buddy.
My dad died 3 years ago from who the hell knows and it's still really hard.
He was really, really fat though?
They ruled it not a suicide.
Losing parents is super hard, and it's not fair that these hospitals are just walking all over us.
My mom didn't die (thank god), but they would have let her. They labeled her a drug seeker (you know with 2 brain tumors and rotting intestines okay) and lord knows hospitals WILL NOT help drug seekers.

And wait What??
They said "we'll call next week lol?"
What asshats. Seriously. When I tried to kill myself (or just the times I wen tin wanting to), they always admitted me?? I was also a teenager though, and they do put more value on the life of a teenager.
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On a lighter note, people who upload stuff in FLAC. Sorry dude I don't give a hooters if you are a leet person with needs to make everything perf I don't want it to take 10 hours to dl a thing :/
On a lighter note, people who upload stuff in FLAC. Sorry dude I don't give a hooters if you are a leet person with needs to make everything perf I don't want it to take 10 hours to dl a thing :/

Exactly! What's actually going to make a difference is your headphones/speakers and cables.
You could have the highest quality file out there, but if you have crappy speakers, it'll sound terrible.
Exactly! What's actually going to make a difference is your headphones/speakers and cables.
You could have the highest quality file out there, but if you have crappy speakers, it'll sound terrible.

Yeah it's all about the source and whatever music software you rip to not what format is in that leads you to hear it... Ugh.

I really hate those FLAC/clean track elitists I mean not everyone have 1000 highspeed internet.
@Hyogo: what was the background behind the lawsuit? What was going on? I hear that the hospital won to the lawsuit, but what lead your family or the hospital into suing?
My mother had a Brain Hemorrhage and was taken to Hospital after paramedics checking up and seeing what was wrong and obviously resulted to a Brain Hemorrhage.

While in the hospital, she was poorly cared for, my Dad was doing the stuff the nurses and/or doctors should've been doing, like changing urine sacks, ensuring my mother could still walk, checking her temperature and such, It was till the point where the doctors were like "Yeah, we'll just jam pain killers into her, that should make it better" infact, it made things worse!

Anyway, it was a few hours and my Mom was that..."broken" she could barely move her body or even talk, she was looking at my Dad and tearing, she couldn't say anything or move her body to atleast show something, all she could do was let out a small groan, you have no idea how broken I was hearing about that, it was like she was a Zombie, couldn't show any emotions whatsoever, she was truly suffering and she couldn't even show it, she later then managed to move her body somewhat but not properly and fell out of the hospital bed which resulted to doing severe cranium damage since she landed on her head...

They thought putting her into a Medical coma would ease her pain...but she was obviously just being put to sleep for the time being before they did anything else to her, but they didn't even think of sending her to another hospital and when my Dad mentioned it, it was "too far away" it was literally 10 minutes away from driving, that's not a super long time since she was in the room for hours.

She later wasn't getting any better so they just pulled the plug saying it was the only thing they could do, she later died from her injuries.

Yet they made lies to protect their poor services, like they said they DID mention another hospital to my Dad and it was my DAD that had no idea what to do.
Bleck @ previous hospital stuff. That really pisses me off. Hospitals are just test labs it seems. Take this pill, cut that off, put this back, leave something inside after sewing you up, we have no idea what's going to happen!!! Then they botch it all and go WHOOPS THAT'S YOUR FAULT.

My grandma had some stomach operation that was nbd a few years ago, she had weird pain after, go back to look, they find they left a small sponge. So they took the sponge out and my grandma was just gonna leave it at that cause she just wanted to get well. But no, the hospital sued her because somehow "you should have known and you made us look bad by getting something left behind inside you", they ended up losing swiftly but nonetheless the hospitals are out to get you.

The nurses are disgusting anyway, they talk trash about patients behind their backs and call you nasty and annoying. I've never spent a day in a bed but I've heard and seen things I do not approve of and I bet many others wouldn't if they knew.
I could literally hug all of you, seriously.

To the guys, no homo, unless you want it to be 8)
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