My counsellor suggested me to take Honors Chem over the summer since I'm going to be taking quite a few APs next year. It's a six week, three day per week course and I've never felt this stressed before. The teacher's not teaching, instead he'll give us like over ten Youtube videos to watch on a topic and we learn from there. This is the most annoying thing ever since most of the videos are over 10 mins long and some of their voices are
so dull and monotone that I fall asleep during the video. Some of them talk so slowly that I have to speed up the video 2x in order to pay attention to the actual content.
Since we're expected to cover 10 days of work during the school year in one day in this course, we're literally covering over one unit per day which is killing me. Usually I spread out my studying so I don't have to cram but now I have no choice but to cram. There are like less than 10 questions on each test so if you miss one, your test grade drops a letter grade (not to mention that the questions are not covered in the videos he suggested us to watch). Not to mention that our textbook, which he suggested us to buy, has like a 2.5 star rating on Amazon apparently because several calculations in it are incorrect. In class, he just gives us worksheets (which are not graded) and sometimes we do a lab. No explanations at all. Grrr.
Anyways. I'm hoping that he'll curve the grade since everyone in the class has a B- or lower. Finals on Thursday, and then I have two weeks of REAL summer before school starts.