What's bothering you?

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Boyfriend's internet isn't working. And he says he's going to bed early because he doesn't want to deal with trying to fix it. *sigh* It's only 8 my time and 7 his time.
So I have a Latin test that I completely forgot about until now that's going to be tomorrow and then I have a math test that I didn't study for.
I have a headache. I'm supposed to be at another school's football stadium for a marching festival and I'm supposed to be there for extra credit since I'm not in Marching Band. I can't go since the person I was supposed to ride with couldn't go for a few reasons, and now I'm pretty sure I'm going to get in trouble for not going (even though my teacher said we don't have to...). Band is ******* irritating me and stressing me out, I'm going to quit next year. I have to do 2 essays.
I have so much homework to do and I'm not at all motivated to get any of it done; mostly because I've a lot of math to do and I missed a few days of the class so I'm totally confused with the material.

Also I'm probably gonna disappoint my parents because they're expecting me to go to a really great college and I feel like I'd never be able to get into any of the ones I had wanted.
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24/7 of A y Winehouse songs repeating for 3 weeks gives me a migrane,along with hiccups.Only the gangrene gang can save me now
I am under so much pressure I am almost about to cry. School is getting so tough that it feels like Mjolnir was placed upon my head. My parents are disappointing in my grades because I have 3A's, in my fun non academic classes and 4B's and 1 D- in classes I try so hard to understand everything in. I can't relax anymore even if I try and I just don't know what to do. I am getting migraines a lot more then ever, considering I had never gotten them before this, and now I just am loosing hope I will ever get accepted to collage because I am so weird and am just bad at school overall. I want to have fun and have free time but now everything seems like it consists of chores and homework. When I try doing homework I just keep on getting distracted by everything... I know it is ok to be imperfect and have issues but I feel so left out by my family and friends who go do so many fun things and I do nothing but try and pass school. Even when I focus and try hard my efforts get me no where and it is so discouraging. My parents want me to do what I wish but only if I am taking the hardest and most collage bound classes... I just am so lost it is getting discouraging... no one even talks to me after school and if they do I am to out of the loop to understand, I act so laid back but I am not, I am always so stressed. I need to compete with my sister who is great in everything since half my teachers had her and she was good at everything... I am so lost...
why do i keep stumbling upon nazi blogs and nazis

maybe u shud get off tbt
My school's website is down. 3 AM is when I do my best thinking. This is inexcusable. I JUST WANT TO REPLY TO THE FORUMS. D:

My shower keeps spewing out black water. Stupid well water. :c
I just woke up (yes, at 3AM.. well, actually at 1.) and all I want to do is post on forums and take a shower and eat leftover chicken tenders from KFC.

Speaking of. Why do I keep getting sick. Everything I eat angers my tummy. Everything. My sister recently found out she has Celiac, maybe I do, too, and it's from all the grains I keep eating. Or maybe there's secretly milk in everything I've been eating.

Boyfriend is supposed to protect me from my nightmares. It's his job, alongside killing the winged beasts that try to inhabit my home (hornets and roaches). Why do I keep getting nightmares when he's sitting 2 feet away. AND WHY DOESN'T HE WAKE ME?! Oh, right, he's sitting there because he's immersed in a game, headphones on and all. He's not paying attention. He makes for a terrible dream-catcher. I should fire him.
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My school's website is down. 3 AM is when I do my best thinking. This is inexcusable. I JUST WANT TO REPLY TO THE FORUMS. D:

My shower keeps spewing out black water. Stupid well water. :c
I just woke up (yes, at 3AM.. well, actually at 1.) and all I want to do is post on forums and take a shower and eat leftover chicken tenders from KFC.

Speaking of. Why do I keep getting sick. Everything I eat angers my tummy. Everything. My sister recently found out she has Celiac, maybe I do, too, and it's from all the grains I keep eating. Or maybe there's secretly milk in everything I've been eating.

Boyfriend is supposed to protect me from my nightmares. It's his job, alongside killing the winged beasts that try to inhabit my home (hornets and roaches). Why do I keep getting nightmares when he's sitting 2 feet away. AND WHY DOESN'T HE WAKE ME?! Oh, right, he's sitting there because he's immersed in a game, headphones on and all. He's not paying attention. He makes for a terrible dream-catcher. I should fire him.

I feel you, try to do homework- NAH let me crash and blue screen :( I keep getting sick too, I am so sorry, it sucks... You may want to get checked out at the doctors or try having some tums or antacids. I don't have a boyfriend so i don't have a protector so can't help you there :/ and with the water, call someone to fix it, if your well is infected or all mud you shouldn't have to pay
My sis just threw up and I'm having a panic attack and freaking out cos I'm scared of throwing up [when others do or when I do] and I feel like I'm stuck in a nightmare and I can't wake up and I feel sick though Idk if i'm sick too or if it's just this attack and darn it I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. The thought of puking makes me freak out and I'm freaking out and my hand is shaking and I can't sleep now because I might throw up and I feel like a selfish person for thinking that.
I feel you, try to do homework- NAH let me crash and blue screen :( I keep getting sick too, I am so sorry, it sucks... You may want to get checked out at the doctors or try having some tums or antacids. I don't have a boyfriend so i don't have a protector so can't help you there :/ and with the water, call someone to fix it, if your well is infected or all mud you shouldn't have to pay

I hate it. I just had a huge reply to someone, click submit, "Website is down." Went back 20 minutes later, it's back up and my reply is not there. We're graded on our forum posts, so I may as well have just lost one of my assignments. Bah. BAH. =(

My medical insurance hasn't kicked back in yet, I don't think.. But as soon as it does I'm going straight in to find out why food hates me, lol. Tums are so gross, I really wish we had a non-chalky alternative around the house.. Water seems to be easing it a bit for the time being. Hope you feel better soon, too, though. I hate being sick. :c

As for our water, it just happens sometimes. It's on a whole-house purifier and everything, but sometimes the lines get a little gummed up and it just spews out black water to clear it out. Usually it only lasts about 10-20 seconds, but last night it went all black for a good 5 minutes. I had to clean my shower, it was practically stained black. And tonight it's being a jerk again.

And no worries, lol, sometimes boyfriends are just for whining about. Especially when he pays more attention to his computer than you. MMOs do not come before girlfriend. :p


I am under so much pressure I am almost about to cry. School is getting so tough that it feels like Mjolnir was placed upon my head. My parents are disappointing in my grades because I have 3A's, in my fun non academic classes and 4B's and 1 D- in classes I try so hard to understand everything in. I can't relax anymore even if I try and I just don't know what to do. I am getting migraines a lot more then ever, considering I had never gotten them before this, and now I just am loosing hope I will ever get accepted to collage because I am so weird and am just bad at school overall. I want to have fun and have free time but now everything seems like it consists of chores and homework. When I try doing homework I just keep on getting distracted by everything... I know it is ok to be imperfect and have issues but I feel so left out by my family and friends who go do so many fun things and I do nothing but try and pass school. Even when I focus and try hard my efforts get me no where and it is so discouraging. My parents want me to do what I wish but only if I am taking the hardest and most collage bound classes... I just am so lost it is getting discouraging... no one even talks to me after school and if they do I am to out of the loop to understand, I act so laid back but I am not, I am always so stressed. I need to compete with my sister who is great in everything since half my teachers had her and she was good at everything... I am so lost...

It sounds to me like what you really do need is a little break. You need some time to unwind -- de-stress and recoup a little.

Things aren't sinking in because you're worrying yourself into migraines. D:

Though I might be able to help a little. Which classes are you having the most difficulty in? And why? Which methods are you trying to learn through that just aren't working for you?
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My sis just threw up and I'm having a panic attack and freaking out cos I'm scared of throwing up [when others do or when I do] and I feel like I'm stuck in a nightmare and I can't wake up and I feel sick though Idk if i'm sick too or if it's just this attack and darn it I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. The thought of puking makes me freak out and I'm freaking out and my hand is shaking and I can't sleep now because I might throw up and I feel like a selfish person for thinking that.

Your sister threw up? As in, you two live at home with the parents? Did someone at least clean it up or are we still having trouble, regardless of the mess? o:

And fwiw, you're not selfish for feeling that way -- everyone has different things that set them off. You're human. Unfortunately it happens to the best of us. :v
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