What's Bothering You?

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I kind of hate when someone I don?t like makes a reasonable statement and I agree with it
I have so much trouble to get food down at the moment.. I hate it.
dumb headache i guess my own fault for having a bit too much last night but man **** off lol
I have tried to fall asleep last night but I ended up lying down awake for hours. I’m tired of not being able to sleep. Tomorrow is probably going to be this morning because of the super bowl and it’s going to be a pain. I worry about getting sleep because if I don’t I’ll be in trouble.
The depression just hit me out of nowhere today and I don't have a lot of easy food, so I'm trying to decide whether it's more of an effort to cook a meal or go shopping, either kinda sounds like torture. I'd get take-out, but I'm kinda stressed out about money and there aren't a lot of cheap take-out places nearby.
Heard from my friend, some poacher was carrying a baby cougar in his boston bag and arrested at airport. Baby cougar was emaciated from shock and dehydration... He'll never be able to see his mom forever and is going to be transported to zoo, and forced to live the rest of his life there. I'm so angry.
omfg poachers can go die :( ^ wtf man.

also okay wow weirdo headache must have been something else rip
Just spent the last several HOURS trying the super singles battle challenge at The Battle Tree in Pokemon Ultra Sun, once again not being able to make it through all 50 battles despite having a good team and good strategy. I’m exhausted, tired, and frustrated from this. Probably a good idea not to touch that game for awhile just to keep my own sanity, lmao.

Welp, time for some Zzzs.

Yeahhh I think I tried it once but since it's not that good made either I kinda gave up lol.

Also if the Kyurem could become shiny now that'd be neat.
rly hope i get a call back for this job i applied to, it's the only thing that i've applied for that actually sounds like a good job
Nothing new on the news, at least from the news source I read from most. It’s just the same old stuff.
I wish people would put lychees and grapes in their market boces on Pocket Camp so I can buy them uhghhhhhh
another day w/o animal crossing switch or vampire weekend UK tour dates . how long must i suffer like this
The Saints should be the ones facing the Patriots in Super Bowl LIII smh
The Saints should be the ones facing the Patriots in Super Bowl LIII smh

Should be Saints vs Chiefs tbh

I hate both the Rams and Patriots so the fact one of these teams has to win bothers me. Hope the Patriots lose though
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