I filled out an application to stay on campus until Sunday (we're technically supposed to be out by today at 12pm unless we fill out the application), and I've been waiting for someone to respond to me and tell me whether or not I can stay since Tuesday. My floor RA told me that she also filled out a form and didn't get a reply so I could probably assume that I can stay, but I don't want the residential life coordinator walking into my room at 1pm telling me that I should've left and charging me $50. I'm gonna be really angry if that's the case.
The phrases “doubles down”, “doubled down”, “doubling down” need to be banned from all news sites. I am sick of seeing that phrase. It’s been overused and overdone.
Why did I say I would do this? I made her like 8 plots that she ended up scrapping totally and now she wants me to make her like 10 in her badly shaped town and isn't open to any of my other ideas. Like, I told you your town wasn't good for having all the villagers lined up, do the house plots yourself.
I'm not holding any more villagers for her, I just need to get Cookie out and be done with it. She wasn't very appreciative of my last house plots nor of me holding her stuff and villagers. She wants Bones in a plot, do it herself. It's her fault she didn't cover enough grass anyway.
allergies, scared to submit my portfolio that I basically have nothing in, forms to sign, getting tired of always being told to push back plans an hour or two
ugh you've got to be kidding me...starting another game of league when you said we would play at a certain time...it's already like an hour and a half past that
LOL I was like "why are my eyes hurting gjfjjdhk wtf" then I look at the time and realize I've been staring at my phone screen for a solid 5 hours and it's 3:30 am. IM SUPPOSED TO BE BAKING A CHEESECAKE TOMORROW I NEED TO ****ING SLEEP goodnight ffs