What's Bothering You?

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i have no one, nothing, and im so ****ing alone. i genuinely dont understand why ive been cursed with this eternal feeling of loneliness. i just want one person. i was best friends with so many monsters. i gave my entire soul to them but that wasn't enough and they all left me. i finally found someone who i thought i could trust and date, but he turned out to be a manipulative piece of **** which ruined my trust even more than it already is ruined. i want to just sob until i can't anymore. when will i find someone who's just going to love me in a genuine way and not turn their backs on me? i just can't trust anyone anymore. i can't allow myself to let anyone in. i'm so wrecked, i just wish i had one person who actually loved and cared about me and didn't seek to ruin me.
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Mom went to hospital again. :(

Extremely anxious and nervous about her.
cold and runny nose ugh.. It gets really uncomfortable (and annoying) when you keep sneezing or wanting to, while doing important stuff.

Thanks girl <3 I'm definitely resting today to try to get

You and me both ): I hope you get better soon too!

Get lots of rest and hope you get well sooner :)
My mind. I'm having a constant war w/ it! Wth?!
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The black phone is still not being sold in the market place in Pocket Camp. I need it for Happy Homeroom.
Pretty sure I failed an exam in a class, which takes away from the joy of starting spring break and makes me feel like I don’t deserve it. The only thing that matters to me right now is getting good grades, and I haven’t been able to contribute in class as much because of some anxiety. If I have to take this class again I may just want to die :’)

Hopefully you did better than you think you did!! I know it can be hard, but try to enjoy your spring break anyway.

On that note, I do not want to go back to school on Monday lol.
I have no idea what I'm gonna do when my folks are gone. I hate to say it but I'm not exactly the most independent person around. I know nothing of finances or paying bills. I have an awful memory. Don't know what I'm gonna do for transportation(so shopping is gonna be a thing). I mine as well kill myself LOL!
cold and runny nose ugh.. It gets really uncomfortable (and annoying) when you keep sneezing or wanting to, while doing important stuff.

Get lots of rest and hope you get well sooner :)

oh noooo you're sick too? D: Yeah I definitely feel that too :c
Thank you! You too, make sure you get lots of rest and drink lots of water!

Pretty sure I failed an exam in a class, which takes away from the joy of starting spring break and makes me feel like I don?t deserve it. The only thing that matters to me right now is getting good grades, and I haven?t been able to contribute in class as much because of some anxiety. If I have to take this class again I may just want to die :?)

Aww no I'm sorry to hear that :( You never know, you might not have done as badly as you think! Plus, midterms don't always determine the outcome of courses, you can always bring it back with other assessments! Trust me haha, I've failed a few midterms pretty bad but I still managed to pass, so I believe you'll be fine either way :)
I think my hunger hormones are defective. I?m feeling full right now, too full to eat, yet my hunger pains are acting up. They won?t win tonight, but I don?t want this ever.

I wish I can have my hunger hormones surpressed so I would not want to eat for a very long time.
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Someone play terraria with me, those hardmode ass bosses have become impossible even with like the best gear around :(
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