What's Bothering You?

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Still in need of help with my mattress, but no answer. I'd gladly do it myself if strength weren't involved. I'm afraid to ask my brother, he's not a nice person...
Is it a drawing? Cause if so your drawings are really nice, so I'm sure it's great and they'll love it. Even if not, you took the time to made it, and I think you're pretty talented so it's gonna be good :)

aw thanks so much Q-Q it wasn't a drawing gift (although I have one of those on the burner as well that I'm probably gonna end up scrapping bc I saw they received a piece that looks like a way better version of what I was trying to do LOL) This is more like a craft I guess. I just want it to be perfect and it's nottttt ;'( Ty for motivating me tho, I'm gonna try not to follow my MO and give up on it haha

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Anywho I did some groundskeeping to help out my poor pal who is sick and now my back is kinda sore xp
I've been going through a lot the past 2 weeks. My boyfriend and I broke up after being together for a year and a half. I was devastated but what he said made sense. I couldn't really argue with his reasoning so in the end I was just very sad and upset about it.
also getting massive anxiety for school tbh.

Same. I always feel like I'll never be good enough in school. I used to dream of being a really smart person who everyone liked, but it doesn't seem to be like that.

Sorry I'm just a poet of despair right now because I'm never not disappointed in my life.
Hmmm kinda wish my project partner wouldn't spend so much time taking a "lunch" break. Like seriously, when I break for food, I only take like 30 mins, 1 hour max.? Is that not normal? I don't want to be around uni for so long if I can avoid it, and I feel like I'm wasting time waiting around for her when I've got 10 other things that I could be doing rn.

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Same. I always feel like I'll never be good enough in school. I used to dream of being a really smart person who everyone liked, but it doesn't seem to be like that.

Sorry I'm just a poet of despair right now because I'm never not disappointed in my life.

I'm sure you're very smart and likeable :) Intelligence is relative, I mean after all your in college so that must mean something!!
Hmmm kinda wish my project partner wouldn't spend so much time taking a "lunch" break. Like seriously, when I break for food, I only take like 30 mins, 1 hour max.? Is that not normal? I don't want to be around uni for so long if I can avoid it, and I feel like I'm wasting time waiting around for her when I've got 10 other things that I could be doing rn.

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I'm sure you're very smart and likeable :) Intelligence is relative, I mean after all your in college so that must mean something!!

when given the choice in uni i always opted to skip lunch or breaks so i could get away even quicker aha, that would annoy me so much!
Just feeling like something is missing or I’m not doing enough in my life, I suppose.

Ah, I know this feeling as well. Definitely not a fun one. What I have done lately is to keep a weekly journal of everything I have accomplished or improved on that week. I feel that to actually acknowledge everything I have done helps me remember I have not been completely stagnant. It's harder to quantify something when it's only a vague idea in your head. Alternatively, it shows I really haven't been doing enough and that I need to improve next week.
my head stop hurting i didnt do anything :(

also i really hope my terraria world is not bugged, like bruh this update is ****ed... wmh devs
This puzzle is gonna make me go insane lol

This puzzle is gonna make me go insane lol


longs its not hard as the two BotW 1000 puzzle l did lucky
but this one is still hard, soooo much blue l would just do this puzzle slowly and don't waste so many hours on trying to find a match if your having a hard time. Also get more ppl to help you with this puzzle cause l would go crazy on having a hard time with this blue puzzle.
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It's unbelievable how tired I am. Daylight savings is kicking my butt x[
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