Anyone can be smart enough to realize how miserable their life is. It's up to the individual how smart they allow themselves to in order to overcome it. Any person of whatever circumstance can do it- and they have- but some choose not to. You've got to have the will and the determination to make the changes necessary to achieve the life you want.
You want to be great? Strive for greatness. Open your eyes to the fact you deserve better, and in a confident way- demand that of yourself! Life is always worth living- if not for others; yourself. You can do it!
As I was going to bed last night I got text someone I haven't seen in a while was nearby. We got through over 3 bottles of wine between us. I'm gonna die at work today. Pretty sure I'm still drunk and I've a meeting in 2hrs.
I'd like to know how this went. Also what wine did you have?
Ahhh, I definitely would be too but I think it'll be good to be able to experience that! Good luck mog <3
thank u angel!!!
it's not so much being alone as it is if something goes wrong i panic lol, i'm sure i'll be ok thoo, just gotta not turn into a little ball of anxiety if i get lost
I feel you on that. There may be some unfavorable situations that you'll encounter, but just try and remain calm alright? It can be tough to do so, but the things we're nervous about are probably not as extreme as we make it out to be. I believe in you mog! <3
omg u're so lovely, thank u so much for ur words, i already feel like i can achieve anything!!!!! :' ) i defo stress way too much about things tho, this will be good for me, i need to get out my own bubble ya kno, ty angel
We were drinking Casillero del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon.
I sobered up before the meeting, thankfully! But on 4hrs sleep and PMSing on top of the hangover I was no use to anybody and ended up home by lunchtime.