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What's Bothering You?

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I was just listening to some FF 7 soundtracks and it got on to "interrupted by fireworks" which is such a beautiful song and the point in the game when it is used like memories ugh. It has a lot more views than a lot of the rest of the soundtrack so I go to the comments for clues.
Every. Damn. Comment was from a Phangirl saying something along the lines of "omf my pheels", "official phandom theme", "i just got some phan in my eyes", "PHAN SONG OMG I'M CRYING"
Now this wasn't BAD. It's easy enough to just roll eyes at them spamming the comments and enjoy the music, but every bloody comment was the same thing. It was like the phandom meetup and the lot of them were just completely ignorant to the fact that the song didn't belong to them or their "phandom"
Then of course you have all the comments invading Dan and Phil's privacy and being borderline stalkerish but eh, that's everywhere.
But then I saw like 10 comments saying "it's funny how everyone is only here for phan lol I love this phandom", "i swear nobody here cares about the game but omg my pheels"
Get off the damn video. It's cool you found this lovely song because of Dan and Phil but the song is NOT the "phandom song" it is a final fantasy song ffs. People are here to listen to this song and remember final fantasy and the comments have become a Dan and Phil worshipping forum. And the minute somebody says something about the endless influx of these annoying, ignorant, monotonous comments the whole phandom explodes like it's tumblr. Say for example someone comments:
"Whats with all this Phandom stuff? Could you all please remember that this is a FF song and not your phandom theme and some of us want to enjoy the music and game so could you be a little less lo-"
*Phandom goes full rage mode*

Like I quite like Dan and Phil. I used to watch them a lot when I was younger but holy crap their fangirls are out of control. I wouldn't have minded had every single comment not been the exact same thing ("omf final phantasy interrupted by phanworks shld be the title amirite") and they hadn't said painfully stupid stuff like "Lol nobody cares about finale fantisieeesy everyone is here for phan lol I love it"
No. Some people came to enjoy the song and game and not have their experience ruined by a bunch of tumblr kids (I actually saw one accuse some guy who protested the whole 'nobody is here for FF thing' called sexist and judging

Like no. If you want a place to discuss how the song makes you cry with pheels, take it to tumblr. You just made the comments a boring, unnecessarily angry place. Irrelevant rant over
My mom made an angry rant because I didn't open the window.

A window.

How the heck do I even put up with her this whole time...?
urgh ok so lately I've been feeling so upset with my art. It's driving me insane. I'm feeling like I haven't been improving at all and argh it makes me really sad. I don't like my "style" either. (Not sure if I even have one) seeing all these great young artists makes me feel so unaccomplished...just had to get that out u.u
urgh ok so lately I've been feeling so upset with my art. It's driving me insane. I'm feeling like I haven't been improving at all and argh it makes me really sad. I don't like my "style" either. (Not sure if I even have one) seeing all these great young artists makes me feel so unaccomplished...just had to get that out u.u

Your art is super nice though. I wish I had your ability and style!

I'm currently going through a break up and it absolutely sucks. I'm not sure if I'm angry or sad.
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i just found out i have to go to some dumbass 'freshman focus' thing to get my high school schedule and its like ?? please just send the damn thing i dont want to go to your ugly school cleanse yourself please !!
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why can't my friends just get along or put their differences aside for one day instead of making me choose between them all the time
Seriously, there are 3 days until admissions close. I went and talked to my advisor, took my tests, signed up for orientation.
So??? WHY CN'T I SIGN UP FOR CLASSES??????????????????????????
College is irritating.
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Time management is bothering me right now. :(
Because I'm gonna have school next month (2 classes) and work full time (weekend off) on top of that... Gym...
Imma be very stressed out and tired!


Wish me luck, hopefully I won't get super duper depressed like few months ago.
My last cat had to be put down today... I've had lots of cats in my lifetime, but she was our last one left and now she's gone...
Vets might have even escalated her illness.

I had been crying hysterically until a lil bit before my mom came back from the vet. Showed me a clay paw print they made of her and I broke down again.
Been a really hard day.

Worst part is... I didn't even get to say goodbye. I didn't even get to pet her today. And now I get to regret it for the rest of my life. Just like with so many of my other's I have lost..
I put on this spray-on sunscreen way earlier today and even after a shower with lots of soap and scrubbing... It's still on my skin... And it makes my skin feel really sticky and dry.

That sunscreen is going in the trash.
I put on this spray-on sunscreen way earlier today and even after a shower with lots of soap and scrubbing... It's still on my skin... And it makes my skin feel really sticky and dry.

That sunscreen is going in the trash.

You:Alright,time to trash the 356 sunscreen...

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