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What's Bothering You?

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My mother, she won't shut her dang mouth up and let me do my homework late at night...
yeah they are coming Dilute is a bit lazy today it seems :p

- - - Post Merge - - -

ohh he got off ****...
So, I was eating my breakfast whilst playing Minecraft on the Xbox and I had noticed that there was thunder in the distance. And me, being paranoid, didn't want to risk playing the xbox during a storm so I took my stuff and my breakfast to go to my room. Big mistake.

While I was picking up my notebook, my breakfast had started to tip over. I tried to catch it but it has flipped over and spilled the food on the table. R.I.P. breakfast...
School went exactly how are expected. Made no friends and had to eat in my homeroom surrounded by older grades.
i hated lunchtime during high school during the end of my senior year (friends falling out). I hate how it wasn't really okay to eat lunch alone in high school. i do it all the time now in uni bc of conflicting schedules with friends and it's great. still a little lonely though.

honestly i would rather sit by myself than with my friends now if i weren't so worried of looking like a loner i guess. i can already feel us all drifting into smaller groups and i just feel really uncomfortable staying with them & feeling like excluded every time
honestly i would rather sit by myself than with my friends now if i weren't so worried of looking like a loner i guess. i can already feel us all drifting into smaller groups and i just feel really uncomfortable staying with them & feeling like excluded every time

ugh that was definitely me my senior year. do you have any other friends you can sit with? my close friends were the ones that were sort of...distancing me. but thankfully, i had a few cool acquaintances i'd spend my lunches with up until graduation. still kinda sucked but better than nothing i guess.
ugh that was definitely me my senior year. do you have any other friends you can sit with? my close friends were the ones that were sort of...distancing me. but thankfully, i had a few cool acquaintances i'd spend my lunches with up until graduation. still kinda sucked but better than nothing i guess.

yeah i started talking to my old friend from freshman year today so i'm probably gonna spend lunch with her. we used to be really close until we had a huge fight but things are cool between us now. i'm kind of reluctant to leave my friends because i've spent most of high school with them and we've made pretty good memories but i can't keep feeling crappy and awkward. they don't even talk to me much anymore, i kind of just sit there as they have a conversation about something i don't know about
yeah i started talking to my old friend from freshman year today so i'm probably gonna spend lunch with her. we used to be really close until we had a huge fight but things are cool between us now. i'm kind of reluctant to leave my friends because i've spent most of high school with them and we've made pretty good memories but i can't keep feeling crappy and awkward. they don't even talk to me much anymore, i kind of just sit there as they have a conversation about something i don't know about

yeah i can really relate to that. it's hard to move on when you've been so close to a group of people for a while, but there's no point in dragging it out when you're practically sullying the good memories you've had with them. i'd rather move on with the positives. you shouldn't go through your last year with those kinds of feelings!
I still don't understand what's so wrong about same-sex marriages. Two people love each other but are both guys, what's so wrong about that?

I haven't the slightest clue why people think same sex marriage isn't the same as heterosexual marriages. Love is love- unless of course it's a 50 year old with a 12 year old or say a person and an animal, then things kind of get weird. Well, I suppose it boils down to religious beliefs and personal opinion which is all good, to each their own, but it doesn't mean you belittle others who don't share those same views or opinions. Or refuse a couple's right to be together legally. I just feel the people who are trying to make this woman seem like a hero have way too much time on their hands...like shouldn't they be at work or something lol. Oh well.

New what's bothering me:
I want to order a Japanese 3DS LL but the question then becomes- do I want to be poor until Friday or wait until Friday and then be almost poor but not as poor? Sigh, life is tough for the first world inhabitants lol.
I haven't been feeling like myself lately. I'm not sure why it's been this way, but I don't like it.
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I just started a new job and I already need Saturday and next Tuesday off... Not sure how to ask my new boss about this :(
It sucks not having that one friend that acts like a therapist with you in High School.
It sucks not having that one friend that acts like a therapist with you in High School.

I feel the same. In middle school I had a lot of close friends so that wasn't a problem for me but I drifted from them since they all went to the same school while I chose a different one. I haven't been close close to anyone to the point where I'm completely comfortable telling them everything. Even if they say they're willing to listen I just feel like they don't really want to. I have quite a few friends now but me (or anyone in the group) being upset seems to make them uncomfortable since they're so playful all the time.
But yeah you can always talk to me if you want. We don't really talk but still. :)
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