What's Bothering You?

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I really just want to die. To fade away into the void. Everyday things just get much worse and I can't hold it in anymore. I'm going to break but I wish I was dead right now.
waking up too early.. well i did sleep good so shan't complain too hard i guess

also so many nice game released now and no money *looking at you superdimension and DQVII* :c

and just life in general, bleh
Super tired, trying to read and play games so I don't fall asleep. Hope I can go home and pass out and get some good solid sleep. Also damn me for starting to play Skyrim again. RIP
Getting mighty tired of deleting/re-downloading Streetpass mansion everytime it starts freezing bc nintendo can't check their updates properly.. ugh
my train was cancelled and my bus was really late so i decided to walk and my feet really hurt now
Of course, my phone has to not tell me when I'm on 1% when I'm on my 5th paragraph. At least putting it into words sorta helped.
A lot of the people I've been talking to recently have been really upset over certain things, and I try to help them all I can, but it's really getting to me. It's just hard to stay positive when you're listening to so many people's issues everyday, as much as I love helping them.
aha the more I venture out into the art community the more they make me think every artist is some type of anti-social weirdo
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