What's Bothering You?

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My tablet pen just broke and it'd be cheaper just to replace the whole unit. No more commission money for me any time soon
Up early again and can't sleep mainly because of heartburn...it's really bad for some reason but I don't feel I ate a lot of stuff yesterday that would cause it...
My dad, like.. just stop trying to act "nice" that way ain't gonna get you points here just saying.
when you ask a question and they try to make you feel bad when askin the question
like it's either yes or no idc about your trials and tribulations
i have no self-control... i've been telling myself that i need to eat better; no fast food, no pizza, less lattes and desserts... so what do i do? have two lattes at breakfast, eat out twice and now i'm having pizza... i'm not overweight by any means but this is not healthy... ; v ; (and not to mention, expensive...)
my sister had a whole in her lung so they have to take her by life flight down do a hospital that treats that

i know i've never seen her, but i really hope shes okay
It's getting late and I should go to sleep so I can get up closer to when I'll need to get up on Monday but I'm not sleepy ; v ;
Boyfriend jumped on my back today and something make a horrible noise and has been hurting like hell all day, was tossing and turning in my sleep and now I can't really bend or anything... =[ It's gunna be a long night.
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