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What's Bothering You?

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I miss my dad :c

(He's alive and well, just lives a bit far away)
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My internet is being slow .-.

I'm sorry for your loss :( May Abuelita rest in peace.

It's ok she was very depressed after my grandpa die -sigh- but.. -sigh- anyways it was my grandma in Spanish grandmother is call abuela and we'll Spanish is my natal language so I call her abuelita

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Also.... trying to laugh when someone want to make laugh is hurting me
i need to touch up my hair but im addicted to acnl. ****.

also someone needs to wake up so i can bug him. B')
It's ok she was very depressed after my grandpa die -sigh- but.. -sigh- anyways it was my grandma in Spanish grandmother is call abuela and we'll Spanish is my natal language so I call her abuelita

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Also.... trying to laugh when someone want to make laugh is hurting me

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that....and I hope you feel better soon. <3 -hugs-
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My dad has been crying off and on for the last several hours because my older sister has hurt him emotionally many, many times and he misses the way that she used to be.
I hate to be the strong one when someone important to me dies.... But if I'm not strong.. My mother will cry more... And I need her to be brave so being the strong one just to give her that hug
i want to change my avi/sig on the first snow of December but i dont feel like waiting that long
I may have to give up coffee. For the last week I've been overly sensitive to caffeine and ending up with horrible dizziness. Not coffee, please no- it keeps me out of prison.
I may have to give up coffee. For the last week I've been overly sensitive to caffeine and ending up with horrible dizziness. Not coffee, please no- it keeps me out of prison.

try decaff, wont give you the buzz but at least you'll have the flavor of it. that might be enough to suffice.
Went through the whole list of new ACNL items to add to my wish list catalog and arrgh it's so much
Someone for the last 3 days has been calling me and when i respond the other person doesn't talks. Not even a single sound is heard wtf
My fianc? is losing his home if he doesn't sell his car for money and he doesn't wanna do that because he will still eventually run out of money and lose his house and his car would've been all he had and his dogs are getting taken from the state and put to sleep and I don't know what to do. I feel like ****. I can't help him. I'm not the wife I should be its my job to support him and make him feel like he's worth it. He feels like killing himself and so do I and he's just so depressed.. I wish I could do something to help him. I can't even get a job so I can help him financially. He doesn't talk to me much, and at one point he didn't answer my texts or calls or anything for 3 weeks. I was so worried and I started self harming again and I feel ****ty because of that too now because im afraid to tell him even though I now he'll see all the ones I have now when I see him next time, which will probably be in the next week or two.. I just wish that everything was okay. I wish we had the money to celebrate Christmas within our immediate family even. I just want things to be better than they are right now but they've been this way for a long time..
I have lost my ipad... I broke my charger... I don't know how much they cost or where to find one...

I'm still crying and yet being brave when it's needed... I wouldn't stand for myself tomorrow in the funeral it's just to depressing
Being the bravest but also the weakest really suck
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