What's Bothering You?

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I managed to receive someone's New Leaf cartridge thinking I would be able to start a second town. Well, turns out the cartridge is faulty and stopped working as soon as I found a perfect map. I had yet to save, so everything that map could have become is now forever lost.

At this point I'm probably just going to buy my second copy digital. Too many instances of dying cartridges for me to play on one with any level of comfort.
interview for a good job but apparently i didn't think to see where it's based and it's 2 hours away, good job MOG
I can't see properly today, it's all foggy
feliz navidad.. prosper ano y felicidad (also too lazy too copy that tilde n thing i dont have spanish keyboard rn)
what's with teens hanging literally by the door at a mcdonalds? yous gave me a dirty look when I pushed through your 'gang' like theres a field just down the road so why not hang around there so you're not in anyones way or smth?? idiots.
Failed my final today. She’s inputting whatever grade we got on the final instead of the average of our last three exams even if the average of those was higher. Effectively just failed my first college course.
Why am I always so tired? I have done nothing all day lmao
I think you just answered your own question

I'm on my 867th soft reset for shiny Regice. Almost wondering if it's even worth it lol (obviously yes, shiny regice is fantasticcc)
I feel like a disaster. November was already a pain the ass so hopefully December gets better soon...
Since glow sticks aren’t as good as they used to be, I should probably stop buying glow sticks altogether.
I agree, except that your post isn’t exaggerating on how bad Windows updates are. In fact, it’s more of an understatement of how bad Windows updates really are.

Yeah, I could have written a more detailed post how ******** they are but honestly we all know that they are just bothering me and I wonder why they exist.

Also white old male ppl: If you're coming into our store for the sole purpose of provoking the staff, go burn in hell.
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