I remember as a kid, when I would visit my grandpa, he would sometimes take me to visit my aunt and uncle (his nephew) to hang out and chat for a while. I know my mom's paternal side of the family tends to be a pain (and honestly, ever since my grandpa passed we haven't had much of any contact w them) but those visits specifically hold a special place in my heart.
now my uncle has been gone for a few years, my grandpa has been gone for a year and a half, and my aunt was diagnosed with late stage cancer recently so who knows how much longer she has. before I even realize it... all three of them will be gone. even my cousin is gone now, I'll never step foot in her house ever again and I have so many memories there. I know I'm basically in my mid-20s at this point, but it's really starting to hit me now that the big parts of my childhood that I hold near to me are dying off. and it's just so sad.
I know I'll have a lot of wonderful new memories to make in the present and future, but first I need to be able to cherish but let go of the past. those days are gone. I need to make room for the things that are important to me now. but I'll never forget those parts of my childhood that were so special to me.