What's Bothering You?

My back and feet are just killing me today for some reason. I don’t even feel up to sitting at my desk, I just wanna lay in bed.
I don’t like even acknowledging I have a uterus but ok fwiw it is that time of month again which explains some of my mood and it’s good I can look forward to that going away more soon. HOWEVER PMS also makes my chest hurt a lot more this year… ever since the one time i was taking bc my periods got more annoying with more effects in general :/ they really did a number on me and i feel really pissed off that i was just unlucky with my reaction and my doctor is just like “lol most don’t have any issue with it, it wasn’t worth mentioning”. I can’t talk to him about anything with my uterus, he just doesn’t take it seriously (well, maybe that’s a bit hyperbolic but i feel i get written off a lot) or understand in general

also… why can’t i change my name on new leaf, and as good as the game is… man it has such a dated approach to gender. Maybe i already mentioned that but it continues to bother me. No matter ur opinion on nh i think we can agree it mostly got it right (even if it’s missing nonbinary.)
The threads got moved because they aren’t necessarily forum games. The discussion threads got moved, but you can’t earn forum bells in some of the threads in here, to prevent spamming for bells.
While it is a bummer we still cannot earn TBT, I think this works better since it is a discussion thread
A small thing but I lost the back to one of my enamel pins and it's DRIVING ME CRAZY because it must be somewhere 😩

Update: I found it 🙏
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Currently really getting hung up over the fact that I don't have any friends.
The only person I really know in reallife and talk sometimes with is living over 1.300km away from me, lol.
I need at least one friend, like come on it can't be that hard and yet I get ...pooped over every damn time I have a potential friendship.
Woman I met with her child in my girls age on the playground that said she is there every tuesday? Saw her twice and never again.
Woman that was really friendly to me and my girl played with her girl in a playgroup that was every friday? Well that playgroup closed forever and I can't get her phonenumber or anything anymore.
Group I wanted to try out after the playgroup closed for good? Well, the building it was held in burned freaking down.
Could go on like that, since this is literally my life when it comes to potential friendships. 🙃
can't help but feel a little guilty, I'm feeling great and doing well but so many of my friends are struggling, and I just wish I could give them some of my joy 😞
I’ve been awake for about 30 minutes and I’m starting to get a headache 😤 always on my day off
I woke up feeling groggy and wanting to go back to sleep, and now I can feel a headache coming on. Hopefully it doesn't end up being a migraine, but... It's the time of the month when I get a migraine... So... It's not looking good
I just saw a whisper post on pinterest with a random picture of a beautiful woman in the background, saying that they would slap a baby for $200 million or something like that and everybody in the comments was agreeing and some even saying they'd do it for free. You're not obligated to like children, but please treat them with respect. Anyway, I'm sure they're probably all young and tbh I had a baby/kid-hating phase too but at least I treated them with respect and didn't post about it on the internet like it's some #Aesthetic. #Pathetic.

Anyway, just adding this image 'cause it cheered me up a bit.
I heard my dad talking to my mom on the phone, but he hung up before I got a chance to even go downstairs. I know my mom isn't in the best place right now, but I haven't talked to her in almost a year (let alone actually visited her), and I really miss her. Maybe she'll call again on my brother's birthday in two weeks, but I can't guarantee it...
I am beginning to feel that God is punishing Texas. The heat wave has been baking since June, and there’s no relief in sight over the next month. And the cause of this heat wave isn’t because of carbon emissions, but rather Texas’s radical right-wing laws on several social issues.
My night lamp just turned on by itself without any of my input - and it was out of battery this morning. This is a bit startling. I will try to forget about it but it sure is unexpected.
every time I see the "what did you eat for ..." thread I feel bad. because I know I'm supposed to eat three times a day, and I'd say about half the days I do, but my mental health often gets in the way of my ability to do that. yesterday I think I was only able to get myself to eat once (before I left for work) and have a snack, I couldn't even eat last night. it's not because I'm intentionally skipping meals either, it's because sometimes I physically cannot handle eating anything or else I'll feel sick.

and I feel bad because I know that's not normal, but I'm really trying my best over here 😞
I’m getting fatter. To be honest, not getting exercise is going to make you fat, but this heat wave is making it too dangerous to walk outside, and there is a kids’ camp at the gym I go to (and these camps are loud). So I can’t go to the gym this month.