What's Bothering You?

I may have to give up on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It’s getting too hard, and I’m feeling player fatigue from Mario Kart.
It’s been more stressful just because my dad’s been angrier than usual since his car being damaged. That always sucks being stressed just because you’re around someone else that is. I hate having to walk on eggshells. If I say one wrong thing, it’s just an angry response.
my dentist appt is today and I'm really not looking forward to it, wish it was earlier in the day so I could just get it done and over with 😭

edit: called as soon as they opened to see if they possibly have an opening earlier in the day and they don't. I really don't want to spend the next 6 hours being anxious about it, praying they call me soon saying there's a cancelation so I can go in asap 😔
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For whatever reason I just don’t feel okay today. I woke up feeling very nauseous, had a coffee and some cereal before work (5am start ugh I will never not complain about those start times) went to work pulled my back out whilst pulling an alcohol pallet onto the shop floor which made me feel even more sick. Whilst walking home I felt like I was going to pass out the whole way home, I’ve eaten, I’ve been drinking water, I’ve taken painkillers and I’m now in bed and I still feel so poorly🥺 being a single mama has its downsides when I have nobody to look after me and I gotta take care of my rugrats. Gonna nap and see if that helps 🤞🏻
My mom told me a story recently where I was the same way as a baby: she had to get in the car and drive me around for me to fall asleep because I'd only fall asleep in the car. Eventually, she took the car seat out of the car, put it in my room, strapped me in, and realized I would fall asleep anywhere as long as I was in the car seat.

That said, I'm sorry to hear you haven't been getting much sleep lately. I hope you're able to get a bit of much-needed rest soon. 🙏
Feeling off today, pain in stomach and low mood trying to take over - not sure if peg tube is playing up and bugging me or if my anti depressants are just messing with me but too exhausted today to deal with either of those 😭
not to be dramatic but uh
its almost girlie timetm 💁‍♀️ and my hormones are making me so dramatic and cry over the stupidest things ever. I got stuck on a VERY SIMPLE part of the tutorial in Baldur's Gate 3, started SOBBING and had to close the game 💀
kinda expected after a major procedure, but the whole left side of my head is achey. it's not just my jaw hurting, I also have a mild headache on that side. I had fillings done on my four lower left molars, the last few major cavities I had.
while they were drilling away at my teeth I learned the hard way that it wasn't numbed enough because I was dealing with some pretty sharp pains for about 15-20 minutes straight. I told them I was okay, but soon enough I had to give in and let them give me one more numbing shot. my anxiety got so bad at one point that my hands and feet actually went numb, and I hyperventilated for a little while. needless to say, it was a pretty grueling experience. luckily after I got the last shot it wasn't too bad, since it numbed it completely at that point.
as much as I really resented needing to have that done, I knew that if I let it go any longer I would end up needing to have a root canal done instead. and honestly, the dentist said I was pretty close to that point. it was a rough time for me, but not nearly as rough as it could've been.

thankfully, that was the last of my major dental work, and now anything else I have done will be little minor things that won't be nearly as bad to deal with.
Time to get rid of the comment. I'm still a bit angry though.
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I’m doing a lot better, but yesterday my dad kept trying to start arguments, I had to intervene and release some anger by yelling back and my throat hurts. It’s gonna get me more sick plus I wanna read to my boyfriend ):
I have lost all patience over when the heat wave will end. I am tired of the heat. Weather predictions are still saying there are 100° days in sight for where I live. I need weather manipulation powers.
Phone keyboards are monsters with random highlighting and deleting and typing a letter I'm not trying to hit. Go through a bunch of text 3 times and still find these dumb things.
I give up lol.
I think I need to get a new pillow. This is the second day in a row that I’m waking up with neck pain from sleeping funny. Yesterday it was so bad it almost turned into a migraine. It was awful, and today is not starting out much better. :(