kinda expected after a major procedure, but the whole left side of my head is achey. it's not just my jaw hurting, I also have a mild headache on that side. I had fillings done on my four lower left molars, the last few major cavities I had.
while they were drilling away at my teeth I learned the hard way that it wasn't numbed enough because I was dealing with some pretty sharp pains for about 15-20 minutes straight. I told them I was okay, but soon enough I had to give in and let them give me one more numbing shot. my anxiety got so bad at one point that my hands and feet actually went numb, and I hyperventilated for a little while. needless to say, it was a pretty grueling experience. luckily after I got the last shot it wasn't too bad, since it numbed it completely at that point.
as much as I really resented needing to have that done, I knew that if I let it go any longer I would end up needing to have a root canal done instead. and honestly, the dentist said I was pretty close to that point. it was a rough time for me, but not nearly as rough as it could've been.
thankfully, that was the last of my major dental work, and now anything else I have done will be little minor things that won't be nearly as bad to deal with.