Some people actually speed way up if they see someone trying to merge. Even if the merger had plenty of room before they floored it. People are just overall stupid selfish idiots.I offically hate Freeways/Highways. Its like you're trying to get home from a long day and then its like drivers cut you off, you find yourself driving slow like a snail when traffic is heavy, and of course trying to figure out the signs of where the exit it is. You follow the signs only to realize you have to merge into another lane just to take the exit. Some people don't give you the chance to merge.
That really sucks. I'm sorry you had to go through that. That's not an adult. That's just a grown ass manchild in diapers. I bet if you went into his room and destroyed his stuff he would be
I know how that is unfortunately. False friends are the absolute worst, for real.I still can’t believe how much 1 singular person managed to ruin my life