• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

i’m a lil sick to my stomach about my reddit comment being removed. i completely understand why it was removed but i feel embarassed reading the moderator’s message because they interepreted it as possibly smartassy and one of the last things i want to come across as online when faced with something harmless is smartassy. reddit is full of smartasses and i don’t want to stoop to their level. i feel bad, but that comment’s in the void now plus no one else probably saw it anyway.
Minor complaint, but I'm really, really tired. Still have some hours to get through though. I'm probably going to faceplant into my bed when all is said and done.

Doesn't help that it's been freezing outside all week, so I couldn't get groceries, either. 🫠
My dog has been so moody the past few days. I know she's in heat, but good grief it's been ridiculous. She's normally a happy dog. I hope she's done soon.
difficult night last night, and difficult morning today. I'm hoping that, as the day goes on, I'll be able to get back into my right frame of mind and get some stuff done (especially since I have the day off and I have things I need to do), but for now I'm just feeling very sad and kind of depressed. 😔💔
update on me. never did get back into my right frame of mind. ended up having multiple mini-crises throughout the day. I'm trying to spend the evening decompressing and it's so difficult. 😞

I'll be okay though, I've gotten through all my worst times. just need to keep my head up a bit.
i kind of feel like im over reacting about this and being picky but.... rant time

my english teacher rearranged assigned seats today and OF COURSE he puts me next to this annoying guy who's kind of rude too. teacher tells him to sit next to me and he loudly fake laughs about it for a few seconds to appease his little buddies. i am uncomfortable and i ask the teacher if he can move my seat after class, which he does but he makes me switch seats with the other guy (not the one i have a problem with) who sits on the opposite side. i told him not to make it too obvious but im worried that HE IS because he's an older teacher and... well yk how some of them are sometimes. i wasn't very specific about WHY i wanted to move seats but he figured it was because of disruptions, and his claim as to why he put me there is to separate the rowdy sports players from each other because i'm quiet. like um... you expect me to DETER them from talking?? loud people are always going to be loud no matter where they are. disruptive people like that are always going to talk whenever and wherever across the room to eachother.

and to add onto it, im pretty sure the girl at the end of my row is scared of me for some reason and im going to have to sit next to her since my seat moved. i personally do not have a problem with her so i don’t know why she looks intimidated when im around her unless i read her face wrong. like girl, i haven’t done anything to you ever. i don’t talk much and neither do you. i don't know what it is about me that is so intimidating to people, if i have nothing to say i'm not going to ramble. is my silence bothersome?? I DON'T GET IT, what about me is so scary? am i reading into this too much?

my friend thinks im overreacting but idk, im just not comfortable :-/
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Just as I thought my work schedule was getting back to normal, I check the schedule for next week and see I'm suddenly on two shifts that run so late that they become early, starting at midnight and ending at 8 in the morning. I am most definitely not looking forward to that.
i have so many mental health issues and its makeing me feel like i dont belong
I saw that you’re new here - welcome to the forums! My inbox is open if you ever need someone to talk to. 😊 this community is so nice and caring, I hope you enjoy being here.