I'm detaching from my favorite person to no fault of her own. I don't know. I used to have to see her every week. Now, I can go longer without seeing her. I still carry her work name tag with me in my bag, but I just can't be bothered to remove it. I haven't thought about it being in there. I'm not latching onto another person... It's just, I'm becoming more dependent on myself. The only significant thing that's changed in my life is my job over that amount of time. Was I really in that stressful of an environment I felt the need to keep that obviously unhealthy connection going? I don't know what prompted me to officially ask for a transfer, but something officially clicked in my brain at the other job; not the toxic one. That's when I knew it was probably the right decision. It wasn't something that upset me at my other job, but it was a situation at my other job that made me feel like I actually belonged.
It was different because over the past few years, I'd quit jobs based on one specific thing that happened that upset me. It was a rinse and repeat scenario. One year that I was doing my taxes, I had to wait for a record, NINE tax forms for the jobs I had over the course of that year. If you asked me about a negative aspect of my job, I'd have a hard time thinking of one. I truthfully can't think of a single person I dislike. I was letting my emotions control me over the past two years which prompted me to say things I didn't mean and develop into someone I'm not.
It feels normal not obsessing or thinking about my favorite person all the time. It just feels more lonely without that aspect of my life, but it's better than being forced into toxic groups I shouldn't be part of in the first place. There was a point in my life at the other job that I started vaping, but stopped after about a week after realizing it wasn't helping. I received it from someone I considered my friend at the other job because she said it would help my stress. I used to consider myself anti-smoking, but clearly I'm not as against it as I once thought. The vape was given to me by the same person responsible for my write-up - and there I go blaming someone else for my overreaction. Basically, she was one of two people that were serving. I was only helping the one person because while she was filming Tiktoks in the breakroom, the one person was actually doing their job. When the girl asked me to help her, I told her no because I'd rather help the person actually doing their job. I got written up for catering to one person and refusing to help anyone. So, basically, I received a vape to help reduce my stress from one of the people causing me stress. That was the job I transferred from.
I'm pretty sure I found a job I actually like, and that's a big deal for someone with BPD such as myself. I'm detached from my favorite person. We're definitely still friends. I'm just questioning some of the other friendships I have because the only meaningful connection I've had with someone up to this point has been with my favorite person.