• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

put a prescription refill request in on monday. if they don't say it's ready tomorrow, i'll be (unwillingly) off my meds. maybe i could've put the request in last friday, but the turnaround time is only supposed to be about three days, so i figured a whole work week should be long enough and yet! if i get withdrawal symptoms, i'm going to cry. hopefully it gets processed before those can set in. (though i might not be able to do a sunday pick-up, so. i'm really hoping for tomorrow...)
I'm in a very similar situation right now. called my doctor on Thursday to have a 90-day prescription of my anxiety med sent in (bc insurance refuses to pay for a 30-day supply so it's almost $50, whereas a 90-day would be ~$20), and neither my current pharmacy nor the one I used to go to have it. I even had the doctors office call me back for confirmation and apparently that meant nothing. I've been out of my anxiety med since yesterday and the doctor's office doesn't open again til Monday, so at the very earliest I won't have my anxiety med til Monday afternoon. yeah, I feel like they really care. can't wait for anxiety symptoms to potentially set in tomorrow when I'm not working!! :,,,,,,,)

I'm just so tired and exhausted and annoyed today. I don't know what's wrong with me, I don't know what I need. I don't know what to do.
I'm in a very similar situation right now. called my doctor on Thursday to have a 90-day prescription of my anxiety med sent in (bc insurance refuses to pay for a 30-day supply so it's almost $50, whereas a 90-day would be ~$20), and neither my current pharmacy nor the one I used to go to have it. I even had the doctors office call me back for confirmation and apparently that meant nothing. I've been out of my anxiety med since yesterday and the doctor's office doesn't open again til Monday, so at the very earliest I won't have my anxiety med til Monday afternoon. yeah, I feel like they really care. can't wait for anxiety symptoms to potentially set in tomorrow when I'm not working!! :,,,,,,,) I'm just so tired and exhausted and annoyed today. I don't know what's wrong with me, I don't know what I need. I don't know what to do.
i usually get a text when my prescription is ready to be collected but haven't heard anything today either. my mom said she'd check with the pharmacy while she's out (because sometimes they have it and just. don't tell you) so i'm crossing my fingers. if it's a bust, who knows when i'll get them, i'm just hoping i don't get withdrawal symptoms from suddenly stopping. i once went off my antidepressants purposefully, and it made me very ill for a few days. not interested in reliving that lol, especially through no fault of my own. i'm sorry your doctor/pharmacy are being unreliable 🫂
Woke up today remembering how afraid I am of adulthood. I'm not an adult yet, turning 18 this year, though I don't really consider 18 or 19 to be "adulthood", at the very least it's before you fully transition into one imo.
To be honest, i've been afraid of becoming an adult since I was 14. I've heard nothing but horror stories online about it and it's a bit hard to stay optimistic knowing that life being tolerable is finite.
I could care less for the responsibility, but it's everything else i've heard that makes me so pessimistic about the future. Knowing that one day my friends won't have time for me and most of my time will be preoccupied with work makes it hard to enjoy myself knowing that one day my life will essentially be "over". I'm aromantic too (particularly the type not interested in relationships beyond friendship), so if my friends don't have time for me, it is going to be a very lonely few days.
It's not like I can really have memories to be nostalgic over either. Most of my life as a teenager has been plagued with mental health struggles and i've never any real life friends say for my brother. They say to enjoy this period of my life and I feel like i've wasted it.
Is it really that bad? I guess I could try and make my 18 and 19 year old life count.

So many adults will try to tell you that being a kid is the best time of your life. However, I don't know any adults who would want to endure their own teenage years again. I certainly wouldn't.

This is only one account, but I can tell you as someone in their thirties that I spend significantly less of my time in work than I did on school once you factor homework/studying/etc into the equation. I walk out the door at 4:15 PM and don't think about work again until 8:30 AM the next morning. It's my choice if I want to fill my evenings with domestic tasks or if I want to see friends or do something fun. I don't have the same friends I had back then except for two people—one being an ex-girlfriend I recently reconnected with after 13 years—but I've made so many more friends as an adult. They are friends I have more in common with, actually, because we became friends through mutual interest rather than because we were shoved in the same room together 8 hours a day. I live with my partner and I meet with friends at least three days a week, usually more. I keep a wide social circle so there's always someone down to get a coffee and catch-up.

Becoming an adult can be a great thing. It's scary, yes, but it is the time when you get to take over the reins in your own life rather than living by your parents rules. If you're unhappy with how your teens unfolded then you'll likely have a good idea of what needs to change in your life to make it better. You'll change so much in your twenties - early adulthood is just the start of a bigger, better chapter in your life. Once you reach the point of being fully independent and self-sufficient it is difficult to fathom why someone would want to go back.
made the tragic mistake of buying myself a cappuccino today, because it was cold as heck and I figured it would help me warm up. over the last year or so I think I've been developing a lactose intolerance, and I guess after having not drank any milk for a while, my body isn't really used to it anymore. so I'm paying for that cappuccino now, warming up for a bit wasn't worth this. guess I'm not drinking stuff with milk/cream in it anymore haha oops.
i wish people would just tell you straight up if they really don’t wanna talk to u!!! instead of being annoying abt it and leaving u on delivered for hours and when they do answer it’s the most uninterested response ever!!!! and it hurts especially when they are the one person you actually wanna talk to and they could care less abt u!!!!
i wish people would just tell you straight up if they really don’t wanna talk to u!!! instead of being annoying abt it and leaving u on delivered for hours and when they do answer it’s the most uninterested response ever!!!! and it hurts especially when they are the one person you actually wanna talk to and they could care less abt u!!!!
I have this feeling too. It’s pretty annoying.

Some people are just too busy. Others don’t want to talk to you for reasons they don’t want to share with you.
The Ghost and Molly McGee has ended. There will not be anymore new episodes.

I’m not going to look for a replacement TV show to watch. This is my last cartoon I’m gonna watch.
I'm sorry apple 😞

I just woke up from a really awful dream, almost out of a panic. thankfully it ended up not being real, but goodness. I really felt like my heart was broken. it wasn't real though, haaa. 🥺

As someone who lost their mom in 2020 to cancer, I'm really, really, really sorry for your loss. I know from experience there's no words that will be able to comfort you enough, but I at least hope you'll have time soon to grieve properly and think about the good times you had with her. If you ever need to vent or talk about things, my VMs and DMs are open. 💚
Firstly, it rarely snows here and hasn't really yet this winter.
Secondly, a winter storm is coming.
This happened last winter and things really did not go well. I don't want to go through this again...
I’m so, so sorry. I know there’s nothing I or anyone else can say that’ll ease your heartache or take your grief away, but my pms are always open to you if you ever need/want to talk. I don’t know what it’s like to lose a mom, but I do know how agonizing grief and trying to navigate life after loss is. I would be happy to listen, or if there’s anything else I can do for you to help during this time.

Sending love and prayers for healing to you and your family. ❤️
Originally I was glad because I thought that my niece enjoyed our trip to the mall today. I at least thought that we had a great time. Yeah, turns out that she didn't like it.
Well. This week is going to be a tough one, and I'm not looking forward to it coming up. But I gotta say it somewhere because it's hard to face.

Two days from now I'm going to be saying good bye to one of my puppies.. He was my grandpa's dog who came from a puppy mill. He was in a really rough place for multiple reasons. But I like to think we gave him a good life.

He has lots of medical troubles, he's old and doesn't do alot. If you pick him up he basically feels like bones. We had to do alot of treatments for him, and we had him for years because of it.

He's a good dog, a bit on the odd side, but he's a trooper, a good boy. But he's just in too much pain now. It's hard, very hard. It makes me feel sad.

I'm gonna miss him, and now go cry from writing all this out. But yeah. This week is gonna be hard.
love feeling tired, cold, and anxious on a sunday night, i don’t like going out in winter but i have to go to the office, and the cold always makes me feel tired, i might actually go to bed earlier than usual tonight
So I just found out that someone I once trusted to always tell the truth lied to me just so they could gain my sympathy. They twisted the truth to make their ex look like the bad guy in their messy relationship when in actual fact it was them all along. They've then gone on to use mental health as an excuse to look like the victim and make it out that their life in recent years has been terrible because of other people. When in fact the way their life has turned out has been because of their actions.

I just hate being lied to and I hate it when people use mental health as an excuse to be a selfish person because it's them who drowns out those who genuinely struggle every single day. It's also them who feeds into the toxicity that life can't be perfect unless you're in a relationship and living the perfect independent life through the eyes of social media.
I just feel so mentally exhausted and burnt out lately. The feeling of inadequacy is deep. Why can’t I do more? I don’t want to be a waste of space in this world. It sucks.
I am realizing how much I value getting alone time, especially while dealing with these health problems.
No wonder I am very terribly dreading being forced out of my room due to the weather. I have woken up and it's colder than when I went to sleep. I can't be in my room anymore. The weather predicts it will take a week before the temperatures go back to being tolerable...
Idk why my dad is the worst at comforting people. Maybe its cause hes in his 70s idk. My mom was crying cause she's scared for her doctors appointment and my dad was like "at least you have a warm house to sleep in, you could be a homeless dog freezing to death on the street". Oh great, just the silver lining we were all looking for