• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

I'm still having constant headaches, but now my throat is sore. My brother got sick yesterday, so I think I caught whatever he has. Fun.
Drink honey straight from the bottle and lemon-lime Gatorade. 🍯🍋 I swear, that stuff always works for me. Especially honey. That stuff's good on its own. I particularly prefer the plastic bottles that look like a bear because they're cuter and it's funny pouring honey straight into your mouth out of their heads. 🐻😂
So basically this is another act of mob mentality, with Lady Emily inciting a mob against Chuggaaconroy.
I don't know these people, but I was interested enough to look into it a bit when you said this, because mob mentality has become both fascniating and horrifying to me in recent times.

All I can solidly establish is he bought and sent some sneakers to the other person as a gift and made a comment about the recipient having "big stinky feet" is that right?

I'm struggling to understand what the alleged "sexual harrassment" was. I understand he has admitted to having a foot fetish and was in a relationship at the time, but seemingly made it clear that he has no sexual interest in shoes? And these were black high top sneakers, which don't exactly seem like the classic choice in perversion.

I might be missing the wider context and like I said I don't know the people involved. But the screenshots didn't jump out at me as being perverted admittedly, so I felt like maybe I missed something here.
having another "I'm really just not vibing at all" kinda day. couldn't get to work this morning so I missed out on making some extra money, and I ended up having to shell out $110 because my car is stupid.

on the bright side, I finally have a battery jumpstarter for my car. better not have any more battery issues after this.
I’m so sorry, friend. I can tell how much you love your fur baby, and I know you and your family gave him the best life possible. All he knows is love, care, and safety because of you guys, and that’s so beautiful. Having to put your baby to sleep is never an easy or painless decision, but it’s the final act of love you can do for him. He knows how loved he is ❤
It's not an easy thing to recover from, I still am, I hope he was happy in his life.
I keep having bad dreams that are having to do with my job. And that isn't because I dislike my job. In fact, I really like it, which is what's making the dreams weird. I somehow asked for a transfer in my dream and regretted it immediately. I'm not even sure of the context or what prompted me to ask for a transfer. It's really rare that I like a job, and for me to stay at my current job with BPD as long as I did (still employed there) is honestly a miracle. I don't know about these dreams, man. I'm honestly controlling my BPD very well, so it's weird how things keep going wrong with it in my dreams.
@CylieDanny i’m sorry for your loss ❤️ you’re a wonderful person for giving him a happy life!
I hope so, I hope he had a lovely life. He deserved it. I still miss him.
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So sorry to hear this, you gave him a life full of love and that's the best thing a pooch can wish for. My heart goes out to you, friend.
Yeah, he had a really rough life before, so we did our best to give him a happy life. With lots of joy. ♡
Long distance is so evil I want my best friend here 😔

Also, I really can’t fathom how some people do the things that they do and are still able to look their reflection in the eye after. Saying sickly sweet and kind things in public doesn’t make up for the awful things you say and do in private.
I don't know these people, but I was interested enough to look into it a bit when you said this, because mob mentality has become both fascniating and horrifying to me in recent times.

All I can solidly establish is he bought and sent some sneakers to the other person as a gift and made a comment about the recipient having "big stinky feet" is that right?

I'm struggling to understand what the alleged "sexual harrassment" was. I understand he has admitted to having a foot fetish and was in a relationship at the time, but seemingly made it clear that he has no sexual interest in shoes? And these were black high top sneakers, which don't exactly seem like the classic choice in perversion.

I might be missing the wider context and like I said I don't know the people involved. But the screenshots didn't jump out at me as being perverted admittedly, so I felt like maybe I missed something here.

i'm not gonna pretend i've read up on the entire situation but at one point he seems to send her about 10-12 messages in a row with zero response which is pretty harassing, he can tell himself he wasn't sexualising the situation but you don't gift a near stranger shoes and ask her to take multiple pictures if not for that reason in my opinion, i also might be missing some wider context tho and i can't say i watch his videos lol
i'm not gonna pretend i've read up on the entire situation but at one point he seems to send her about 10-12 messages in a row with zero response which is pretty harassing, he can tell himself he wasn't sexualising the situation but you don't gift a near stranger shoes and ask her to take multiple pictures if not for that reason in my opinion, i also might be missing some wider context tho and i can't say i watch his videos lol
How did he get the address to send the shoes though? I assume he was given it? Why accept gifts and give out your address to a stranger you allegedly already find creepy? Something doesn't quite add up.
How did he get the address to send the shoes though? I assume he was given it? Why accept gifts and give out your address to a stranger you allegedly already find creepy? Something doesn't quite add up.

well i assume she just thought it was an innocent gift, it was only after he'd sent it that he told her about his "special interest", if he'd told her before that then i'd get you but he used her to kind of act out his fantasy and she wasn't even aware really and that seems to be the point where she felt uncomfortable
love the unnecessary arguments that happen almost daily in my family

yesterday I was talking to my dad about my birthday plans and he was saying yes to everything (invite relatives during the weekend, do our own thing tomorrow), but today my mom told me that she invited them for tomorrow to go to the restaurant???? I said we would just get fast food (restaurant #1 has become boring because my parents always force us to order a specific dish, restaurant #2 doesn’t really have food I’d want and I just like the desserts) and then my dad was acting like the conversation from yesterday never happened and I’m crazy

why is the communication so bad, I don’t want to go out to the restaurants my parents like for my birthday, I just want to stay home and have cake 😭
well i assume she just thought it was an innocent gift, it was only after he'd sent it that he told her about his "special interest", if he'd told her before that then i'd get you but he used her to kind of act out his fantasy and she wasn't even aware really and that seems to be the point where she felt uncomfortable
I don't know the people involved, as I said. But I don't think it's wise to presume any gift from a stranger to be innocent and I definitely wouldn't give out my address. Both these people seem stupid and it just seems like yet another youtuber drama, the more I read about it.
I started typing up paragraphs then decided things were getting way too personal. I'm starting that over.
Anyway, my bedroom floor is absolutely terrifying and this is the only room I get the amount of peace I want in. I am so upset as I don't want to sleep somewhere else for possibly years. Being stuck in the living room for a few days (due to the weather) really showed me how much I value my alone time, especially when under stress. I don't know what I'm going to do...
I seem to be receiving random bursts of thoughts that make me think that I’m unwanted or have no say in things outside this forum. It’s been happening more frequently with my job as of late, but more importantly, it’s an issue with my existing friend group whom I’m assuming everyone has gone their separate ways by now.

Shortly after the year began, I made the difficult decision to log out of my Snapchat account and let it go dormant. I still have friends that added me, but when I posted a message to my followers that I would be quitting Snapchat within 24 hours and to follow me on Instagram if they wanted to, no one bothered to reply, and no one added me on Insta. I also posted a status message on Insta telling those followers what was going on, and of course, no one bothered to read my wall of text and reach out to see what’s wrong. That was basically the final straw of me trying to maintain friendships with the remainder of my friends from high school. If they’re not going to reach out, then why bother. The few times I’ve tried, I’ve always been unsuccessful because they say things like “can’t do it, busy”, “I don’t feel like it”, or a few times “why should we say yes when you always say no to us?” Like, come on. I’m bored and wanting to do things for once. The last time I truly got invited to something from my friends was over the summer. The few times I went out since then, I was the one asking to join. And now? Nothing for over three months.

I’m now just working a job, currently feeling miserable because the chain-in-command are giving me hints that they don’t need my input on anything, and it’s all just “we know what we’re doing, we’re always right, leave us be”. Okay, you think you know everything? Fine. I won’t spontaneously help you anymore. I’ll only help when you ask me to do something that you approved. Sorry for trying to go above and beyond; I didn’t know going the extra mile wasn’t allowed. Who knew getting turned down from a promotion would lead to them shoving extra things down my throat without proper discussion and refusing to accept my help.

Most of the other co-workers are now giving me hints that I’m annoying, which is unusual as there are a few who have been on my side for a while. I’ve even tried reaching out to my mental therapist and they haven’t replied or checked on me either. I’m seriously beginning to wonder if most of the people I interact with in real life are turning on me. First it was my friends, then my sister, and now my co-workers. I deal with this frustration in my room by playing music, my video games, and coming to this forum.

I really don’t want to find another therapist to shell my money out to, but it may have to come to that if things don’t improve soon.
I just realized today that next month is Valentine’s day :/. It means nothing to me yet at the same time I’ve always hated it and now more than ever. I’m still waiting to hear back from my best friend and for once not be yelled at or scolded. He hasn’t checked on me once to see if I’m still safe :/. when this stuff first happened, he said I should be happy for him… he had a lot of nerve for saying that after dropping the news about meeting someone when I was hurting about something minor, and before Christmas. he knew I was waiting for him to let me know when I could visit him & how much I wanted to be his gf… At the same time, when I said anything he said he didn’t want to hear it or that I knew. i didn’t know he would drop me so tactlessly & yes I did know he didn’t have the same feelings, but he doesn’t seem to understand the whole thing with “love is blind”. Yet i still can’t help hoping even through all of this, that he takes everything back and tells me he was testing me or something. I really wish we never met or I was more likable and normal not to mention his type 😔.
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my dear lovely friend @/kiwikenobi has left 💔
I noticed ;-;
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I started typing up paragraphs then decided things were getting way too personal. I'm starting that over.
Anyway, my bedroom floor is absolutely terrifying and this is the only room I get the amount of peace I want in. I am so upset as I don't want to sleep somewhere else for possibly years. Being stuck in the living room for a few days (due to the weather) really showed me how much I value my alone time, especially when under stress. I don't know what I'm going to do...
I can relate. I remember my dad taking us (him, me, my brother, and my mom) to hotels a lot in our old town because of the bad weather conditions we would sometimes get. It wasn't a big deal to my family, but for me, I was practically miserable during those situations. I hate extended moments of no alone time. It's one of the main reasons why I am not fond of vacations either.
I just realized today that next month is Valentine’s day :/. It means nothing to me yet at the same time I’ve always hated it and now more than ever. I’m still waiting to hear back from my best friend and for once not be yelled at or scolded. He hasn’t checked on me once to see if I’m still safe :/. when this stuff first happened, he said I should be happy for him… he had a lot of nerve for saying that after dropping the news about meeting someone when I was hurting about something minor, and before Christmas. he knew I was waiting for him to let me know when I could visit him & how much I wanted to be his gf… At the same time, when I said anything he said he didn’t want to hear it or that I knew. i didn’t know he would drop me so tactlessly & yes I did know he didn’t have the same feelings, but he doesn’t seem to understand the whole thing with “love is blind”. Yet i still can’t help hoping even through all of this, that he takes everything back and tells me he was testing me or something. I really wish we never met or I was more likable and normal not to mention his type 😔.
Oh yeah, I've been there before. That stuff sucks. 😞 It was those experiences however, that have influenced the better person I've become and inspired me to express those heartbreaks in my games, art and music. 🎹🕹️ After such personal growth from those pains, I almost feel silly having felt that in the first place, but I'm thankful for the positive that I was able to find from that. 🌟

Interesting username, by the way. I read Don Quixote and it's incredible! Everyone always mentions the windmill part, but I find the part where they brick-off his library and cause him paranoia much funnier. 😂