So, about 15 years ago I had a really bad spell of vertigo (and a panic attack to go with it) while driving on the interstate. It was crazy, but I just thought - huh, that was weird - and brushed it off. I also started having headaches. A lot.
Well, it kept happening, but only while driving. I'd get dizzy, vertigo, panic attacks, just awful. But it wasn't all the time, just once in a while, quite random. And it only happened after I was driving for a while. Plus, more headaches.
Fast forward to today - yeah it's pretty much just part of life now. I don't drive much, sticking to certain routes that don't have bridges, curves, or high speeds. Dizziness, vertigo, headaches are just common, daily things to deal with. The new daily 'normal'.
After 15 years of this, and an insane amount of doc visits (nothing is wrong, all tests fine, perfectly healthy) I just figured this is permanent. (Fr I even had the doc run hormone panels, metabolic panles, a1c test, all kinds of stuff). Had ears checked in case it was inner ear thing. Pfft - all fine.
Recently, I found out there's an eye disorder that could cause ALL of these issues. No joke! It's a binocular vision disorder. One type - vertical heterophoria - could cause all this nonsense. So weird! And it usually isn't caught in regular eye appointments (which I've had - they're supposedly fine).
So, march 1st - im getting screened to see if i have what my husband calls "googly eyes".
First time ever I'm hoping they say yes! You have this problem! Solve the puzzle, eh?
But right now it's bothering me. Because it's possible my eyes are fine, which leaves me in the same boat. Fingers crossed, I guess....