What's Bothering You?

I accidentally slammed my finger in the door, because my cat was about to go outside, when he isn't supposed to. It's not as bad as it looks, it just feels sore, and it looks more like I got a cut instead.

My mother, who I still live with, compared me to my father, who I have nothing in common with, and doesn't live with us anymore, for the millionth time, and she had the nerve to call me an, "attention *****", all because I got upset, because of the pain, and she told me to control my anger, because she thinks I can control my anger, she's afraid I'm gonna hurt her, because of my anger, and she flatly asks, "why are you crying?". I have a feeling that she doesn't even care at all.

I am still not speaking to my mother.
I accidentally slammed my finger in the door, because my cat was about to go outside, when he isn't supposed to. It's not as bad as it looks, it just feels sore, and it looks more like I got a cut instead.

My mother, who I still live with, compared me to my father, who I have nothing in common with, and doesn't live with us anymore, for the millionth time, and she had the nerve to call me an, "attention *****", all because I got upset, because of the pain, and she told me to control my anger, because she thinks I can control my anger, she's afraid I'm gonna hurt her, because of my anger, and she flatly asks, "why are you crying?". I have a feeling that she doesn't even care at all.

I am still not speaking to my mother.
I’m sorry this happened
I've been in the same house all my life, and I'm occasionally frustrated by the fact that I still live with my parents at 24 years old and want to move out, but I'm stuck here unless I get lucky with the lottery or change jobs. As many of you know, first-time homebuyers have been in a sour spot since 2020 as the interest rates are ridiculous and I cannot afford anything around me - not even a 1 bedroom apartment - and really don't want to venture into the cheaper, cruddy neighborhoods closer to Detroit. My younger sister has her own place down there, but it's a super tiny studio apartment in the middle of one of said neighborhoods. She has to receive help from my parents to pay for rent, which is fair as she's still fully committed to going to school for her final year. Despite me being able to swap her bigger bedroom with mine in my parents' house, I'm still frustrated by having to deal with my parents occasionally and how the place itself is always a mess.

I have the cleanest car and room in our household, by far. There's a bit of disorganization in my part of the house simply because there's remains of stuff that I cannot put elsewhere, and my parents don't want me moving them to so-called "random places". The rest of our house? A disaster zone. Our kitchen is always a mess with ZERO counter space most of the time, and I'm rarely making anything in there. Random objects lay on the floors that don't belong, and there's certain places that cannot be traversed because stuff is piled too high. Let me be clear; our house does NOT resemble those found on Hoarding: Buried Alive, but the presentation of the house as a whole is way worse than most. If I invited any friends over (or a girlfriend if I had one), I would be extremely embarrassed. This is one of the major reasons why I've rarely invited anyone over to my house and my social life became a dumpster fire.

The worst part? My mom refuses to believe that we have a problem as I think we all have conflicting types of OCD. I've got the clean and presentable type, my dad's got the "routine" type, while she's got the "put places where they belong" type. At least my dad has some form of sense whenever I bring up the issue with him, but neither of us cannot do any major cleaning or organizing in the house without getting yelled at by my mom. She's the one that does most of the "cleaning", and if we make attempts to clean the living room, kitchen or their master bedroom, she throws a huge fit. There's been several times when I've accused my mom of her habits, only for her to refuse to talk to me for up to two weeks. Some may consider me lazy for not helping out with cleaning, but how can I clean the entire house if my mom will get angry at me?

Like I've said before, I'm stuck where I currently live as I cannot afford a decent place. I haven't considered rooming with any of my friends as I haven't talked to any of them for at least five or six months, and I'm still committed to the school district where I work until at least the end of the school year. I'm heavily considering upgrading the CDL I have to a type A over the summer, joining a company that will give me hours and pay me much more.

I can't wait for the day to finally move out of this dump.
After talking with a friend, this may be a false alarm, but I got quite the scare earlier. Someone messaged me on Discord saying they reported my Discord and Steam accounts on accident. They claimed someone was impersonating me.

My mother, who I still live with, compared me to my father, who I have nothing in common with
I am sorry to hear that. I hope you can eventually move to your own place, so you can be free. 💖 💕

My mom did exactly that a few years ago in 2019. She said I was becoming like my dad as an insult because I was talking to her about some stuff. I am not saying my dad is perfect, but that was too far. She basically insulted both me and my dad. My mom tried getting me to live with her, but I knew it would be miserable, since with all due respect, she can barely take care of her self. How can I expect her to take care of me, when she still relies on my dad for financial support?

I am sorry if I am getting too personal here, but I am actually glad my parents got divorced in 2019. Things are less stressful now that it is just me, my dad, and my brother living together (I would still love to get my own place later on down the road, but this is better than my mom being apart of the group). The only hard times their divorce has been giving me is that:
#1 - I am socially impaired, so I have a hard time maintaining conversations with my mom over the phone. And she just guilt-trips me because of it.
#2 - Having to go see her. Not only am I scared of any mishap happening, but she lives quite a distance from us (approximately 8 hours), so this has to be made into a vacation, which I honestly hate vacations...I just feel so out of place when I have to be away from home overnight on a lengthy trip. I do not want her living with us, but I definitely would love for her to move closer to us, so seeing her doesn't have to be made into a vacation, but rather a daytrip, which I vibe much more with. I am not a complete hermit, I just do not like vacations.
I've been in the same house all my life, and I'm occasionally frustrated by the fact that I still live with my parents at 24 years old and want to move out, but I'm stuck here unless I get lucky with the lottery or change jobs.
I feel you. I am 25 (26 on June 9th), and I still live with my dad and my brother, as I mentioned above. But I still have a long way to go. I am slowly, but surely learning how to do more stuff. Of course, money can certainly be a messy topic. Housing is expensive, and saving up money is a very slow process, since a lot of it needs to be put to other things. I really hope you can find a job you love AND that you can make good money for. 💕💸

This is a bit of a touchy subject, but I am going to be put on disability for the time being, since I do not have the capacity to keep a job. I have a very poor attention span, and you have to be able to do things in a certain way and at a certain pace. But please do not think that I do not want to amount to anything. As I have discussed before, I intend to be an author. It is not set in stone, as I still need to figure a lot of stuff out in terms of publishing, but it is something I have really been looking into for a couple years now, and have even started on some books. Of course, I am not doing it purely for financial gain...I want to help spread awareness/kindness/peace/etc., but I am not going to pretend that making money is not important. If this works out, I may not even have to be on disability anymore. Plus, I can check "Career" and "Money" off of my list of what I need to do until I can live at my own place.

I have nothing against my dad and my brother, but similar to your situation, I tend to clash with them in certain situations (just another reason why I am glad my mom is no longer apart of the equation), which can make things stressful for all three of us. There are a lot of things I want to do, but I have to wait until I live on my own. Plus, it will be a lot easier to relax.

I do not want to diagnosis my dad or self-diagnosis, but we tend to have OCD behavior (I am not saying we have the actual disorder, just saying we have behavior of it). I tend to fixate on intrusive thoughts, whereas my dad is a bit of a neat freak and gets on me about putting my things in specific places.

It is very hard to be neurodivergent because we are often misunderstood. Since neurodivergence is extremely variable from person to person, we are often misunderstood by people who may be neurodivergent themselves.

But yeah, I can relate to both of your situations to some extent, so I just wanted to share some info from my side too 💖
@rocketspruggs - I hope things get better with your mom and you can eventually move into your own place (if you want), so can spent time with her on better frequency rate and you can have more freedom. 💖

@TN4U - I hope you can eventually find a suitable job that provides a better income. While it is hard work, I understand the feeling of wanting to live on your own. 💕
back home and I'm just feeling sad, I may have left a little piece of my heart in Ontario last time but now I'm pretty sure that Ontario has like half my heart 😔

I dunno, I know I'll return someday. and maybe, some other lovely day, I could find myself living there. but that's a long time away from now. things are difficult and I feel so isolated and lonely here. I guess I'll just continue to work hard and save my money and keep my head up. I believe the future has some really wonderful things in store for me. 💗
Extremely depressed again. The last two days were pretty good; yesterday my depression was starting to surface again but wasn’t too bad. Now though, I’m miserable. I’m scared still my best friend isn’t going to reply to me again and am so lonely and hurt. Hard to stay hopeful about how just things with my friend by in general. talking to him made me so happy and made me start to like myself more; now how can I :/ I did just take my medicine; hopefully it kicks in soon.
Everything in my life is going to ****. When I mentioned friend problems in one of my earlier posts, I was partially referring to a certain "friend" who is mad at me about something. The whole situation is messy and I'm not going to retype it (I talked about it elsewhere), but here's an "in a nutshell" version: Our friendship is most likely gonna end because that "friend" refuses to communicate and never told me why they were mad at me. Oh, and I'm now realizing they're actually a terrible person.

If that wasn't bad enough, I also got family issues to deal with. I've been getting into multiple arguments with my family members every day, and my dad is threatening to do a family intervention on me. I've been feeling nothing but stress and anguish these past few weeks, and I'm feeling more depressed than ever. School is just as boring, exhausting, and demotivating. I left 2/3 Discord servers I was in because I felt excluded and I didn't wanna deal with some drama that was brewing. And I'm still grieving for my mom.

Dude, just make it ****ing stop. I wish my life would be in order for once. What a great 2024 this is!
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Tummy ache
I think I started to get a tummy ache but I’m praying and listening to. A subliminal and it seems to be going away but man it feels scary when it starts to happen which makes the pain worse

Edit: all better! ❤️
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The feeling of neglect at my job seems to never end.

I'm going to try my best not to reveal a ton of information for reasons you'll soon understand, but here's the deal - I am sick and tired of constantly having my concerns at work get pushed aside or straight-up ignored. This is getting to a point where I'm starting to believe that the higher-ups have something against me for whatever reason.

I applied for an assistant manager promotion at the school's bus garage back in December, and didn't get it. No big deal; I wasn't expecting to get far with it due to my lack of experience. However, almost immediately after having my application rejected, that's when the dominos started falling. I mentioned before that I had a long-term sub route shoved onto my run for no extra pay without my approval, and all efforts to try and have them hand it to someone else have failed. As my run consists of two schools with two buses, having a third shoved in between is making me run late to the intended second school every day. I attempted to prove my point that older drivers cannot physically do the same thing as me by taking my time in getting the second bus ready after finishing the sub route, and they yelled at me for being too slow. 😒 I'm now forced to add 15 minutes to my timecard to get the second bus ready BEFORE the run begins, and there are even days when it's being used until the last minute by someone else, thus I can't get it ready in time. If this happens, I can't get paid extra.

Oh, and I just found out that they approved the original driver a month-long vacation after their original medical return date, so I'm now stuck having to do this stupid route for the entirety of March. Meanwhile, I once tried to get an afternoon off for an important dentist appointment, and they said no, wait two more weeks and do it over break. Do you realize how unfair that is to me?

Even the other employees and drivers are failing to realize why I'm incredibly frustrated. I sent an email to HR complaining about my issue, and they completely sided with my boss, despite me clearly telling them about my concerns in as much detail as possible. Co-workers are not giving me any encouragement; I was told by someone to NEVER email HR about problems with my boss, and that I should treat them with more respect. Uh, hello? Do you realize my situation here? I'm clearly unhappy with what's been forced on me, and I've voiced my opinion quite loudly to everyone involved, yet they're treating my words like color bars on a TV.

Also, I've written up some students on my bus due to misbehavior, and the amount of time it is taking for administration to hand out punishments is unacceptable. I'm sometimes having to wait upwards of three weeks for someone to get suspended. For example, I witnessed someone kick another student with both feet, and the suspension was not handed out until three weeks AFTER the incident occurred. Ridiculous. The amount of communication between them and I is lacking greatly, and I once sent an email to them asking for a status update on several incidents. Of course, my boss comes in and tells me NEVER to email them, and that I have to wait. I've since written multiple concerns to my boss regarding these incidents hoping to speed up the process, but I'm assuming that they all get sent to the shredder. If I DO get a letter back, nothing happens afterward. Everyone is treating the incidents I'm facing like it's nothing, and that's abysmal. If you aren't going to suspend anyone, at least TELL ME WHY. I NEED TO KNOW YOUR REASONING. Jeez.

Overall, I feel abused and neglected by the higher-ups. The logical reasoning of some of their decisions is incredibly bad, and the communication of important concerns is lacking greatly as well. I may be forced to have another "talk" with my boss, and I'm expecting to receive the same automated answers as before. Needless to say, I'm most likely not going to sign the commitment form for the next school year, and may have to switch jobs as I need to start earning much more money so I can finally move out of the dump that is my parent's house. Pathetic.
I've realized that I metaphorically backed myself into a wall. I'm going to a "job fair" tomorrow with my brother to hopefully land a job, and of course I put off writing a resume until the last minute... Like I know how to write one.

Honestly, I have no confidence that I'll get accepted into any job. Even if it weren't for the fact that I specified only wanting to work during the summer (as if any employer would wait months for a singular person to work), my resume's gonna look very plain; I have very little work experience + good work qualities.

If this is what the real world is gonna be like, then I won't last a day out there. I'm so not ready for this... 😭 I graduate this year, so that just puts more pressure onto me to grow up when I'm not even legally old enough to pay taxes and vote.
I feel like my behavior on this forum is becoming bizarre and annoying. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I made a few regrettable moves.

When I returned to this forum, I promised to be the better man than I used to be. Now I’m reverting to my old habits or developing strange habits. I don’t want to go there.
I've realized that I metaphorically backed myself into a wall. I'm going to a "job fair" tomorrow with my brother to hopefully land a job, and of course I put off writing a resume until the last minute... Like I know how to write one.

Honestly, I have no confidence that I'll get accepted into any job. Even if it weren't for the fact that I specified only wanting to work during the summer (as if any employer would wait months for a singular person to work), my resume's gonna look very plain; I have very little work experience + good work qualities.

If this is what the real world is gonna be like, then I won't last a day out there. I'm so not ready for this... 😭 I graduate this year, so that just puts more pressure onto me to grow up when I'm not even legally old enough to pay taxes and vote.
Employers don't expect school pupils to have experience. When they hire young people they're looking for cheap labour, enthusiasm, and someone with the right personality to fit within their existing team.

Try to have a bit more optimism. Your chances are as good as anyone else your age. :)
I feel like my behavior on this forum is becoming bizarre and annoying. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I made a few regrettable moves.

When I returned to this forum, I promised to be the better man than I used to be. Now I’m reverting to my old habits or developing strange habits. I don’t want to go there.
You've ben consistent.
I had a rubbish day at work yesterday and for some reason it’s still on my mind.

Basically my supervisor tried to deny my annual leave over the Xmas period. He said I needed to give others the opportunity to have that time of year off instead. I told him I take off Xmas because we’re quiet and it’s difficult to get into work as public transport briefly changes at that time of year. I was ready to fight him if he carried on but he relented and accepted my annual leave.

However it left me feeling incredibly angry as it turned out he hadn’t said this to anyone else wanting to book off annual leave. It was just me in the hopes I’d back down because he thinks I’m soft. Yet come the summer he will annually book off three weeks to fly back home to Slovakia to see his family, aka our busiest time of year.

What a hypocrite.

Oh and how many people had asked for time off over Xmas… three out of an employment of thirty. 😡