After talking with a friend, this may be a false alarm, but I got quite the scare earlier. Someone messaged me on Discord saying they reported my Discord and Steam accounts on accident. They claimed someone was impersonating me.
My mother, who I still live with, compared me to my father, who I have nothing in common with
I am sorry to hear that. I hope you can eventually move to your own place, so you can be free.
My mom did exactly that a few years ago in 2019. She said I was becoming like my dad as an insult because I was talking to her about some stuff. I am not saying my dad is perfect, but that was too far. She basically insulted both me and my dad. My mom tried getting me to live with her, but I knew it would be miserable, since with all due respect, she can barely take care of her self. How can I expect her to take care of me, when she still relies on my dad for financial support?
I am sorry if I am getting too personal here, but I am actually glad my parents got divorced in 2019. Things are less stressful now that it is just me, my dad, and my brother living together (I would still love to get my own place later on down the road, but this is better than my mom being apart of the group). The only hard times their divorce has been giving me is that:
#1 - I am socially impaired, so I have a hard time maintaining conversations with my mom over the phone. And she just guilt-trips me because of it.
#2 - Having to go see her. Not only am I scared of any mishap happening, but she lives quite a distance from us (approximately 8 hours), so this has to be made into a vacation, which I honestly hate vacations...I just feel so out of place when I have to be away from home overnight on a lengthy trip. I do not want her living with us, but I definitely would love for her to move closer to us, so seeing her doesn't have to be made into a vacation, but rather a daytrip, which I vibe much more with. I am not a complete hermit, I just do not like vacations.
I've been in the same house all my life, and I'm occasionally frustrated by the fact that I still live with my parents at 24 years old and want to move out, but I'm stuck here unless I get lucky with the lottery or change jobs.
I feel you. I am 25 (26 on June 9th), and I still live with my dad and my brother, as I mentioned above. But I still have a long way to go. I am slowly, but surely learning how to do more stuff. Of course, money can certainly be a messy topic. Housing is expensive, and saving up money is a very slow process, since a lot of it needs to be put to other things. I really hope you can find a job you love AND that you can make good money for.

This is a bit of a touchy subject, but I am going to be put on disability for the time being, since I do not have the capacity to keep a job. I have a very poor attention span, and you have to be able to do things in a certain way and at a certain pace. But please do not think that I do not want to amount to anything. As I have discussed before, I intend to be an author. It is not set in stone, as I still need to figure a lot of stuff out in terms of publishing, but it is something I have really been looking into for a couple years now, and have even started on some books. Of course, I am not doing it purely for financial gain...I want to help spread awareness/kindness/peace/etc., but I am not going to pretend that making money is not important. If this works out, I may not even have to be on disability anymore. Plus, I can check "Career" and "Money" off of my list of what I need to do until I can live at my own place.
I have nothing against my dad and my brother, but similar to your situation, I tend to clash with them in certain situations (just another reason why I am glad my mom is no longer apart of the equation), which can make things stressful for all three of us. There are a lot of things I want to do, but I have to wait until I live on my own. Plus, it will be a lot easier to relax.
I do not want to diagnosis my dad or self-diagnosis, but we tend to have OCD behavior (I am not saying we have the actual disorder, just saying we have behavior of it). I tend to fixate on intrusive thoughts, whereas my dad is a bit of a neat freak and gets on me about putting my things in specific places.
It is very hard to be neurodivergent because we are often misunderstood. Since neurodivergence is extremely variable from person to person, we are often misunderstood by people who may be neurodivergent themselves.
But yeah, I can relate to both of your situations to some extent, so I just wanted to share some info from my side too
@rocketspruggs - I hope things get better with your mom and you can eventually move into your own place (if you want), so can spent time with her on better frequency rate and you can have more freedom.
@TN4U - I hope you can eventually find a suitable job that provides a better income. While it is hard work, I understand the feeling of wanting to live on your own.