if my mom tells Bonk to find something to amuse herself with one more time i am actually going to lose my mind. she is not a child. she is not a human. she is a cat, one that has SIAMESE in her, and she needs, wants and deserves stimulation. it is not her fault that my mom and dad can’t be assed to stop ****ing around on the computer or watching one of their stupid shows to give her the time of day.
she’s constantly getting into things because she’s CONSTANTLY BORED BECAUSE NO ONE BUT ME PLAYS WITH HER. and i can’t be with her 24/7. she doesn’t want to sleep all the time. she’s not a lazy, docile cat. she is a healthy, active cat and she wants to play.
i am so ****ing sick of the way my parents treat her. it enrages me that my mom is such an avid animal and cat lover, but she’s such a dick to her own cat. it enrages me that my dad is constantly saying to send her back to the shelter. they are such miserable, bitter, angry people, and they keep trying to make it this sweet cat’s problem. i am so angry for her. she deserves so much better. i just want to take her and go somewhere where we can both be happy.
and of course my parents got into a fight over her and of course they’re both going to unload on me over it because the email i sent them did ****. it was a waste of my ****ing time and energy. they are spirit-crushingly miserable people and i am so tired of them draining me of every ounce of happiness and energy and positivity i have.
Bonk is going to be dead one day and they’re going to have the audacity to mourn her and act regretful over the way they treated her when they’ve spent the past year and a half treating her like she’s the world’s biggest burden. my mom had no business getting another cat after Zeva when she’s made it clear time and time again that the only cat she wants is her. Bonk is not her, and she shouldn’t have to live up to a legacy that isn’t hers. Bonk is sweet and funny and goofy and she deserves so much better.