What's Bothering You?

i'm genuinely terrified of the next couple weeks, it's gonna be tough in work and my mental health is already suffering lately, my anxiety is beginning to have a serious effect on my life, i wake up in the middle of the night thinking about work, i dream about work, i log on in the weekend constantly.. it's just never ending..
I've been having a lot of trouble speaking all day. I'm autistic and have had trouble with speaking and communicating with other people my whole life. Sometimes it just gets really bad though. I've seen a few of my brothers kinda snicker about it too. I'm trying so hard to get better at it and raise my self esteem but I do nothing but fail everytime.
I've been having a lot of trouble speaking all day. I'm autistic and have had trouble with speaking and communicating with other people my whole life. Sometimes it just gets really bad though. I've seen a few of my brothers kinda snicker about it too. I'm trying so hard to get better at it and raise my self esteem but I do nothing but fail everytime.
I'm autistic too and people (mostly my family) think I sound mean when I'm speaking when I'm actually not. I'm not sure if that's what you're having trouble with, but I'm so sorry you had to go through this...
I'm like on 21a and 21b of my assessment, and they're both similar sounding questions to me, and the information given doesnt' give me much on how to actively spread the information to both questions? Also don't wana look up anything incase that leads to AI once again.

If my teacher would just reply, that would be great. I understand that they have more students, possible, but I messaged them on the 3rd of May and nothing back except for resubmitting my older questions.

If I didn't have to retype everything, then it would be fine. 🙃
i think i have a stye 😭 my right eye has been hurting and dry for the entire day now :confused::confused:
update.. i have 3 styes. three styes in the bottom eyelid of one eye. this is hell 😭 😭
it's still red and itchy
i think it's cuz of the new lash serum i used like two days ago. at least i'm hoping it's just a bad reaction to the lash serum instead of some other underlying health problem.
I don't like my Spanish class. Some of my classmates there are loud and noisy nutheads and their behavior has been keeping me from learning almost anything. They've also gotten away with dropping f-bombs and other swear words too, and I don't like hearing people talk like that. The worst part is that the teacher doesn't seem to care much about it. I mean, he does try to keep them from going too far, but I feel like that's not enough...

I'm lucky the last day of school for me is on May 31, because if it went on for longer than that, I think I'm going to crack.
My switch lite is still not charging even with new charger. I went to nintendo support and it estimates $89 for a repair. idk how long it would take if i do send it in. I just want to be able transfer my island and data to my new switch first. is there really nowhere else i can take my switch in to for a quick repair or at the very least charge it enough for me to transfer? i hope i can get this resolved before the tbtwc.
My switch lite is still not charging even with new charger. I went to nintendo support and it estimates $89 for a repair. idk how long it would take if i do send it in. I just want to be able transfer my island and data to my new switch first. is there really nowhere else i can take my switch in to for a quick repair or at the very least charge it enough for me to transfer? i hope i can get this resolved before the tbtwc.
Look into local electronic repair shops in your area. Local is your next best bet after Nintendo.
I don't like my Spanish class. Some of my classmates there are loud and noisy nutheads and their behavior has been keeping me from learning almost anything. They've also gotten away with dropping f-bombs and other swear words too, and I don't like hearing people talk like that. The worst part is that the teacher doesn't seem to care much about it. I mean, he does try to keep them from going too far, but I feel like that's not enough...

I'm lucky the last day of school for me is on May 31, because if it went on for longer than that, I think I'm going to crack.

My school did that too :c I was in spanish stuck between a bunch of much louder kids. So I requested a removal from the class. Administrative office granted it. They still made me take french. I had all my credits by senior year but needed something to fill my schedule.

During my last year of highschool I was overall feeling burnt out on all the noise. I stopped eating in the cafeteria. A few other seniors had the same idea too.

It sucks but just happens to some of us.
ugh something was off with my hunger signals today I stg. I had a really filling breakfast, and didn't even feel hungry around lunchtime until I suddenly felt all weak and queasy bc I was so hungry 🙃 which, you know, didn't really leave me feeling like eating much. And I thought I had a decent dinner, then got a stomachache for no good reason two hours later, it goes away, I'm still not hungry for the rest of the evening, and THEN for some reason as I'm getting ready for bed I get actual hunger pains???
I don't like eating this late, but I had an apple and a cup of pickle juice and I'm not in pain anymore, thankfully. I'll make sure to eat plenty tomorrow ig.
I was notified today that I've been selected for jury duty in June. I normally wouldn't mind, but I've got a lot of issues going on right now and I'm still waiting for the hospital to schedule my surgery. I know if my surgery/recovery conflicts with the jury duty, I can be excused, but having to notify the courts and submit whatever documentation they want is just another stressor on top of everything else I have going on.
I want to apologize to anyone I have offended. I received a warning, and I apologize. It bothers me to know that I said something offensive. I haven't been around much lately, but I do love to hear your thoughts and what bothers you. I never had any intentions of insulting anyone in a general way. I hope you can continue to accept me and my sometimes stupid mouth into your community.