What's Bothering You?

so I'm home for brrak, and I'm not gonna lie I hate it here. This house makes my allergies act up really bad, my dad doesn't know how to clean and my mom is in poor health so the house is basically trashed, and I just generally can't stand how loud my parents are all the time.

Like I'm not kidding, I'm actually thinking about trying to move out as soon as possible. Idk how I'm gonna do it since I don't have a good paying job and I can't get one since I'm a full time college student. Housing is also a bit expensive around where my college is so that sucks. Idk but I can't handle living here anymore. I want my own place.
Things just feel super negative all the time. No matter what's going on it feels like I can never stand up tall and just face it like a normal human.
My tongue is swollen because I think I bit it in my sleep when I was napping this afternoon. Now I can’t stop noticing and feeling my teeth on it and it’s bothering me.
I’m bothered by some tropes on TV Tropes. One of them actually discredits Nintendo for the inventions they made. Examples:

- They said that the Wii wasn’t the first console to have motion controls, nor did Nintendo invent motion controllers.
- They said that Nintendo 3DS wasn’t the first to have 3D screens
- They said that Sega, not Nintendo, invented the idea behind the Nintendo Switch.

This was also the same trope that made the classic Christmas special Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer look like a plagiarized copy of another existing work. They said that the idea of Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer existed long before the song. They even said that there is already an existed animated film based on Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer before the 1950’s (the famous one came out in 1964). They can go ahead and stay “historically accurate”, but I will give credit to whoever popularized the idea.
Argument with my SO because he wasn't around at all on my birthday and he doesn't seem to see a problem. Wasn't working or doing errands, just doing his own things like league and watching anime. We're long distance for a while, so there's that. I would have been pretty much alone if my sister didn't sit in a discord call with me since she's away at college.
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For some stupid reason I’m unable to log onto Thonky and I need to know what Wolfgang likes... modern, black I know but I want specifics... his birthday is tomorrow... Does anyone besides me think the world just went a little too far and got too damn complicated for its own good? Plus, I’ve got to do my nails and I hate doing my nails and I’m just in a miserable mood, worse than usual I mean... oh, well, it’ll pass, it always does, just suck it up until it does. Thanks for letting me vent.
My hair is too long and gets knotted way too easily... i brush it a lot and it still gets knotted. But I don't want to cut it.
My mom's in tears, I don't know why and I can't help her!
- They said that the Wii wasn’t the first console to have motion controls, nor did Nintendo invent motion controllers.

I'm pretty sure that this is true. I've seen motion controllers that were made as far back as the Atari 2600, when they used mercury to detect movement. The power glove is also, in a way, a motion controller, and this design was not created by Nintendo but they did utilize it in their NES games. Nintendo may have vastly improved upon the concept of motion control with the Wii Remote, but they weren't the first to use motion controls.