What's Bothering You?

Today my sister and my niblings move away. I don’t know how I’m going to concentrate and finish my invitation entry by the end of the day with my feelings all a mess right now.

Getting that Celeste plushie collectable is going to be a real challenge.
One of the communities I help moderate (notably, one of 2) just decided this morning Im no longer a staff member without telling me! I just had to log on today and find out via a friend that Ive been removed from all roles. Although Im hurt by the removal itself, since Ive been doing community moderation for various servers and platforms since 2016 and would argue Ive been doing a good job, Im mostly stunned that nobody told me.
I've been sent some messages from within the staff chat where they say they removed me because I was inactive (not sure how 7000 messages in a few weeks is inactive but go off I guess) and say Im welcome to reapply when Im active again but none of this has been said directly to me! And while the owner is saying this in the staff chat she is actively ignoring my private message to her where I ask why nobody felt it was important to tell me. Some of the other mods are pissed, I think some of the other mods will be feeling the same but in secret because of the messy structure of the community. The owner of the server is inefficient and ill-suited to the role at best, but like many others I've bitten my tongue because I really love the community we have and I had respect for the owner... I don't think I have that same feeling of respect anymore and I wish I had been more vocal about the issues I see within the community. Its whatever, I guess the time I devoted means very little to this community and I will bear that in mind in the future. As for me being 'welcome to come back' if they feel Im active enough again..... I don't think I will be doing that. I will stay in my other moderation position where I am respected and communicated with if there's an issue. Thats how they held onto me for so many years, its a shame this community couldn't have done the same.

Maybe its time to look for new horizons. If I cry about it may be a tad dramatic but I need to feel the sadness to let go and acknowledge how damn unprofessional and rude this situation is lol.
I'm really struggling with the fact that my social skills suck and my ability to read other people sucks. I just wish I could understand things people say and do better. I cannot read between the lines. I can't understand things from very few words, or actions for that matter. I'm just tired.
unfortunately, I can relate to this ;-;
I'm really struggling with the fact that my social skills suck and my ability to read other people sucks. I just wish I could understand things people say and do better. I cannot read between the lines. I can't understand things from very few words, or actions for that matter. I'm just tired.
my social skills have gotten better since I've been working in customer service for over a year now, but it definitely isn't something that comes naturally to me. there are still little quirks I have that aren't "socially acceptable" as well. part of me is scared that I might get fired from my job one day because I'm not presenting myself the way I'm expected to (though in that case wouldn't it be bad on their part, as they're firing me because of a disability? I dunno).

I say that society is crafted in a way that is catered to, and intuitive to, neurotypical people, but not neurodiverse/disabled people. and then we get punished for not behaving like a neurotypical person. it sucks, but that's the norm apparently.

edit: my phone created a typo hsjfgsjdkavsj
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My mom isn't feeling well today and idk it will pass or if I should worry. She had a hard time sitting up in bed and then she was kinda sad while I gave her her shower. She also had a hard time transferring to her wheelchair. I asked her if she feels sick and she said idk. I'll see how she is tomorrow but I told her if she feels anymore sick or becomes dizzy imma have to call 911. I can't put her on her stair lift if she's dizzy, it's too much risk which is why I'd need the ambulance people to help. Hopefully I'm just over thinking.
been feeling like I'm an afterthought lately, like my friends only talk to me because I keep pestering them, but they don't really want to, and I feel kinda lonely
I'm sure it's not true, just something I've been struggling with lately
my PC has been having issues, when I tried to start it up, it keeps freezing. I’m seeing if I can can get it sorted out on my own.
so a bit of an update: I unplugged this one cord from my PC for a bit. Then I plugged it back in. Thankfully, this solved ONE (so far) of the freezing issues I was having: the regular one when you’re trying to start up your PC, and one where it is trying to load a factory reset/repair process, it was the latter.

So I’m in the process of doing a factory reset, it sucks how I’m gonna have to do a lot of re-downloading and re-logging into things (if it even works to begin with), but if it solves the issue, so be it. ^^
i feel like i am made to be there for everyone because then they'd "get sad if i wasn't talking to them" even though i'm deep in my head and am ready to give up at any moment. i have the bad habit of tending to everyone's needs before my own because i always think that they're more important. i dunno. crying is NOT helping and i'd love to scream in the middle of the woods, honestly. not sure what to do anymore.