• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

I saw one of my former high school classmates at my job today. She came in as a customer to order food. I’m usually in the kitchen handing out orders. I glanced down at her name tag because she looked awfully familiar. She had the same name, which isn’t even that common of a name to begin with.

She used to tease me for my teeth before I got them fixed, and I couldn’t help but notice that hers weren’t that great now. It’s funny how the tables have turned. She didn’t recognize me, anyway.
Reminds me of all the people who made fun of me and called me slurs for being on medication when I was younger. Most of them are on the same crap now.
Just woke up about an hour ago and not feeling real great. Still waiting for my medicine to kick in. I had a dream that didn’t help my mood either

I’m feeling bad how I reacted to some stuff last night.

I’m getting worried again about the mail that I’ve been waiting for.

No comments please.
Honestly idk where to start.. my life is a shambles. Since I last wrote on here I lost my uncle and we found out my nana has cancer and doesn’t want treatment😭

Also in other news my ex boyfriend drama, I thought I was over it, I’m not, he’s seeing someone new (which is fine I ain’t one to beg for another go at things) but telling me he loves me and he misses me and can’t stop thinking about me. Which imo is disrespecting us both. I’m so done w/ everything
aw, man. bought a headset on amazon because i needed a mic, and the audio quality is so meh and absolutely terrible if you plug them into a headphone splitter. i also bought a usb adapter thing that has multiple usb ports + a headphone jack because my pc's headphone jack is kind of broken, but the audio quality through it is also terrible. lame. now i have to return both and find alternatives that hopefully don't also suck.
Ah, to finally get my monthly paycheck, and to see it was less than it was suppose to be. Was suppose to have £40 more than I actually got.
I dunno if I should text my boss or tell her in person.

See, I gave her my hours a week before and this week was suppose to be normal hours, but I had to stay and help some of the time this week, so obviously it changed. Hence the hours being different which I gave her :/ So I dunno why she did this.
I'm ranting about this again, but I'm seriously starting to think that my step-mom is getting tired of me. (The feeling is mutual, I guess...) She's really making it clear that she doesn't like to spend money to take care of me and my brother, is constantly snapping at me, and insulting me... It's making me feel unwanted and like a nuisance.
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Now that kids will be going back to school, I start a lot earlier and have to leave/wake up earlier. Not fun. In the holidays I even got their later because I really wasn't expecting many customers.
Gotta ask my boss when she comes in about where the other money is, I dread this sort of stuff. But I know if I didn't mention it to her in person, I probably won't see the other £40.
The fact that I gave her the hours before, and she didn't believe that or didn't take into consideration that I stayed longer hours for another day just speaks volumes of what she is like as a boss.
Another reason I never plan on adding her job onto my CV, besides the last job I was at I was literally doing the same thing just WAY more.
had the MOST depressing meeting with our client today. Basically cutting our budget in half. Meaning we can do even less on our already catastrophically failing roading network.

The publics perception of us is bad because of their decisions. They're not doing themselves any favours by making these ****ty decisions.

We out here trying our best to make things better, yet here the client is trying to reinvent the wheel.

I'm at the point where I just want to send our crews out there and do whatever we want and ask for forgiveness later. Im tired man 🫠🥴
Man, I'm having the worst stomach indigestion. It's shooting straight through me. It hurts.

I hope it settles down. Feeling this way also gives me anxiety.
oh no, i'm so sorry that's happening :(( i can totally relate, i have daily stomach problems most likely due to the abrasions they saw in my stomach on scoping last year. a lot of the times i have difficulty finishing dinner too (some sort of nocturnal acid reflux) so i take medications at night. i feel uneasy when my stomach hurts bad because i keep panicking about it, too. i kinda wanna get scoped again soon just to know if my stomach has gotten worse throughout the year.

our tummies hurt but we are being very brave about them. i hope you're feeling better. 🫂
Today was a good day; now that it’s the time that I should be asleep, I’m starting to miss my best friend again. Anxious too about leaving the house tomorrow to go to lunch. I really hate eating out. The firecrackers were really bad tonight; fortunately for a good portion of it I was playing Among Us so that kept me distracted. I think my cats were okay or they felt okay enough to be in my room.

Please no comments.
I have several email addresses for different occasions as I don't want to use a fun email for serious emails. I write all my passwords in a book which is always with me or locked in a drawer. However, the password I have written down to connect that email won't work. I've used it before no problem. I tried to do the recovery email but I don't have a clue what it is. It shows you so many letters, but I can't ever recall even having a Hotmail account since about 2007! 😥 It's not my day, as I have entered a reference number from a letter I received and that isn't recognised. Can't do anything until I get one of them sorted.

Edit: Completely my fault with the email address a case of brain fog trying to log in to a Gmail account with an Outlook address! Just the reference number to sort now!
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