What's Bothering You?

It's Labor Day; I don't have school, but I do have homework I procrastinated on. It's due tomorrow. It's like I can't escape this.

And I can't even work on it because it's digital. My mom needs me to take a shower, but I don't want to until I get everything done. So while I was in bed she barged in and took away all the devices in my room. How am I supposed to finish my homework on this old and slow laptop that requires an external USB keyboard because the one it has is broken. And don't even get me started on my school Chromebook...

I cried a few times. Tomorrow I'll be going back, and guess what. More homework.

I can't take it.
Feel as if I'm a victim of gaslighting as apparently I'm always in the wrong and I'm told I always overreact. I should add this is only one person irl. Others are very supportive. When I try to discuss my feelings it's always 'You're too sensitive.' or 'I didn't say that.' I don't consider myself to be sensitive as I'm a believer of 'Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt.' However, it's beyond playground childish talk. Things being said to me make me cry and basically feel I want to be left alone and not say anything. Then, it's constantly on my mind asking myself 'What have I done?' If I'm asked a question and give an answer, for example 'When do you want to go out this week?'.If I say Wednesday, it will be 'Oh, I was thinking about Thursday.' So tired of it.😔
Trying to figure out how to deal with an insecure boss....and most advice suggests to compliment them and boost their confidence. My brother in christ I can't even keep my own confidence up, let alone someone else's!! I will also struggle to compliment someone when I know I'm being dishonest.

I already mask the 'tism and the ADHD, I can't handle more masking lmao 🥴🫠
finally had a phone triage with the mental health team and, uh. won't offer stimulants and won't offer mood stabilisers, the main two reasons my GP even referred me lmao so like. what is the point? guess i'm just gonna be majorly debilitatingly depressed for the rest of my life.
I had a fun time with Among Us, but I’m a bit upset with my switch connection. I had no d/cs on my tablet but I had a bunch of d/cs on my switch. test connection said my connection was fine though. I have no idea what the problem is. I have d/cs during tera raids in pokemon violet, but i test my connection and it says it is fine. :/