What's Bothering You?

@skarmoury I apologize if you didn't want a response. I know those thoughts are hard to deal with, and I know that online friends can't quite replace that feeling of being in someone's physical presence and feeling their love, but at least know that we're here for you. also I'm sure you gave your hamsters a wonderful life, they seem like they were very happy 🥺💗
@skarmoury I apologize if you didn't want a response. I know those thoughts are hard to deal with, and I know that online friends can't quite replace that feeling of being in someone's physical presence and feeling their love, but at least know that we're here for you. also I'm sure you gave your hamsters a wonderful life, they seem like they were very happy 🥺💗
nono its okay really!! i dont mind at all! i really appreciate everyone….. it truly is a hard thing being physically apart from people, but more than anything a lot of people in this community are super kind and deserving of so much love 😭 i said it to a few people but i desperately wish i could hug everyone here in WBY, we are going through different things, but the collective warmth of friends and community members is nice 🥹🫂 really sorry i’m not able to reply or keep up that much with all the posts here, but i would give everyone a hug if i could!! the world is cruel but i hope tbt helps make it just a little brighter.

wishing nothing but the best for all you guys. warmth, love, hugs, belongingness 🌸
I’m still upset about my nintendo switch connection and feeling worse than yesterday. I got one suggestion that I’ll try but aside from that Idk what to do. I want to play Among Us on my Switch especially now I spent $11 on it.

I’ve been upset about something too for a few days and again feeling out of place. I want to say I’m just being extra sensitive and am just imagining things but Idk… I want to go back to sleep. But I know I need to get up and take my medicine
I'm not sure what to say but something happened the other night and it's seeming like it's going to having a lasting effect on my mental health. I do not know how long it will take for me to stop thinking about it. Something just feels really, really off about everything.
When I was a kid, I was in such a big rush to be an adult. I hated the feeling of being powerless of my life for as long as I can remember, and I yearned for that freedom. Now I'm turning 18 next winter and I'm thinking... What now?

For me, 11th grade zipped by like nothing. It doesn't even feel like I went through a full school year. I don't understand how growing up felt so torturously slow, and all of a sudden I have all kinds of pressures and responsibilities dumped on me. It's just surreal, I guess.

No, I wouldn't go back to my childhood if I was theoretically given the choice. There isn't a single thing I miss about it. However, I wish I felt more prepared about my life. Instead, I'm just lazy, unambitious, and set to disappoint.
TW: Dog injury, blood.

I went to the park today with my bf to relax a bit and after spending some time on a bench we heard an old lady screaming things like "help!" "get it off!" so we stood up and went to the scene. a rather small dog (ugly breed, not one you'd expect to have this sort of behavior) was biting down on the old ladies' dog's tail. My bf went in and tried to pry its jaw open but nothing worked. I also tried helping but the dog's mouth was full of blood and being scared of blood, I didn't last long. After a few tries (we managed to free the other dog once but the owner of the "attacker" didn't hold it strong enough and came back biting the dog's tail and shaking his head to hurt it.)

The old lady was in clear shock, she was also slightly bit by the dog so I called the 911 equivalent of Europe.
The dog's tail was in pretty bad shape but he was walking and being really brave about it. He got carried to a very nearby vet by someone else while the lady stayed to wait for help.
It was a pretty hard thing to witness although it could've been much worse. The dog who attacked apparently did this multiple times before, and since the old lady wants to press charges, (she was really pissed because her dog had been attacked before) chances are he'll be put down.

I would've been fine without this whole event tbh! Luckily neither my bf or I got injured or anything. And the old lady only got a small scratch.
I really really need to take a nap, and I've been trying for like an hour now and I just can't. so now it's 7pm and I'm just gonna be super tired until I eventually go to sleep later. 🥲 which probably means I won't be very productive for the next three hours, even though I have commissions and journaling and chores to do. ugh.
I'm tired of feeling bad all the time... Some part of me at least always hurts a little or feels a bit bad, but then the doctors do a test and say the results are normal. The only one that wasn't normal was when they found otosclerosis in the bone behind my ear. But even the ENT didn't think that explained most of my symptoms... So next is the neurologist, but my appointment isn't until December, so I just have to hope I don't feel too bad in the meantime I guess. But I wonder if any tests they do will have normal results too...
I'm so tired. My grandmother who I am very close to and has been fighting dementia for many years passed away a few hours ago. I tried to help and be her caregiver for the last few years. I've been trying to take my mind off of it for a bit doing anything and all I've been doing is staring at a wall lmao.
Went to the doctor to try and find out why I'm not getting better and he suspects I have two chronic diseases - says it aligns with previous bloodwork showing I was already borderline for one of them when last tested a few years ago. No one told me this!

Lots of blood drawn today - just what you need when you already feel dizzy/fatigued. Feel dreadful. But three weeks from now I should hopefully have answers - and with answers comes treatment! 🤞
I’ve kinda realized I have no real aspirations or ideas about the future. My parents are getting older and I can’t live with them forever. My executive functioning issues would make it much harder for me to live on my own and I’d either have to live in a group home (which the thought of gives me dread) or find a way to pay a caregiver to help me with things I struggle with. Both are rather embarrassing and I wish I was able to live fully on my own.
My heart breaks each time it sees more news of mass shootings in schools. The cycle continues and children are failed as no changes are ever made.

I'll never forget how when some of my classmates met up for a demonstration with those who lived through Parkland, they were met with jabs and insults from unsympathetic adults. It sure can feel like a dystopian society.

Regardless, I'm sorry to those who are now ensnared into this nightmare. The children and families. May they find healing.