Reginald Fairfield
Senior Member
A lot of the people I see around town are higher than giraffe balls, and I'm tired of it.
it's so hard to be saddled with unnecessary feelings.
i've always suppressed that part of me, i've always wanted it to go away, but somehow my subconscious pulls me to you in my dreams. it builds this version of you filled with lies and i take it like a blind follower to a false god. i'm consciously putting effort to distance myself and yet my subconscious is still so drawn to you that it hurts me a lot. it seeps into my every day life and time and time again i have to burn the image of you.
(it never truly burns down. my subconscious always keeps a part of you with it.)
I didn't know you lost your kitty! I had to go through this loss myself a few months ago!Thank you everyone who reached out. I miss my kitty so much. I'm grateful for y'alls condolences.