What's Bothering You?

I have woken up three times in the span of two hours, each with long and vivid dreams, and I keep waking up and feeling really itchy all over my body. I don't know what my problem is 🥲 I'll probably try taking my allergy med and seeing if that helps.

I did just make a comment to my mum this evening about how dry my room is. maybe I need a humidifier in here, maybe that would help. I'm sure the subgrade temp outside isn't helping.

as for the frequent dreams happening right after I fall asleep again... narcolepsy. I suspect at least, it's not diagnosed, but my symptoms pretty much fit the bill. I also started to randomly feel sleepy while driving to work yesterday despite sleeping okay the night before. it's so annoying. I wonder if I can schedule to have a sleep study done before I go to Toronto in a few weeks?

anyway, I really hope that I can go back to sleep and actually *stay* asleep. I'm such a sleepy bug 😪
IG clothing shops rarely selling bigger sizes (esp for bottoms) is so.... tiring. I saw a few bottoms that are my size but I wish there were more options, especially larger sizes for more people. I don't think I've seen bottoms so far that are above 36 inches and that really sucks. I hate the clothing/fashion scene so much, can we please normalize having clothes with bigger sizes for everyone.
My first week of work has been going well so far, but there is so much to take in and my to do list is never ending already. I’m full of anxiety - I feel fine when I stay busy and I’m with the kids, but as soon as I’m not working it hits me. Feeling pretty exhausted!
Life is meh right now. I was entitled to 5 days paid bereavement leave, but I decided to go back early. Being at home sucks. Being at work sucks. I know it's going to get better, but just wish I had a fast forward button. It probably doesn't help it is constantly cold and grey out. I hate January.

Aching from today's workout. Despite being sleep-deprived and generally feeling off I did manage a new personal best deadlifting though.

2/3 of my heart monitor stickies are really bothering me. One itches like hell and the other gets painful. I've 36hrs left of this and just looking at my own tracker I know the results are abnormal. Fingers-crossed that after dealing with heart rate issues since summer I'll have answers soon.
I hate how over worried I potiently get at any situation, specically when it comes to my cats.
My oldest cat today decided to sit in this small cave like cat bed, which hasn't been used in years, and my first thought was that something was wrong with him physcially, like something inside him he couldn't inform me. I only worry like this, because one of my other cats who had passed did this once by sitting underneath the bed of my mum's and they say some cats will find somewhere to go when feeling unwell.
I thought maybe he was just not feeling well, like nothing too bad. But when its me and my mum together, we both worry each other too much.

Definitely, when it came to dinner, he actually got out of the cat bed to get his dinner; like he normally does. He even had extra, and eventually went back into this bed.
Like if he didn't eat, thats when my worry would've been standard, but no I think he's fine, my head is just making me doubt myself terribly and I don't wanna think about it. DX

Like, another time my ginger cat, went into this box on the cat climbing frame and would stay in there for long periods of time, we thought physcially something was wrong, but I think that was mentally she didn't want to be around others, and at the time my youngest was more aggressive.
I know cats are used to their routine but they can change up things, my ginger cat is actually moving around more.

But yeah, I definitely hate this, because I get worried, my mum gets worried, we both worry each other, our cats can tell we're worried and in turn get stressed. A whole damn circle.

Might try and play some games to distract myself, I haven't drawn in my book today or yesterday, and I hate not doing it on the day, but I am not entirely feeling it tonight.
Same as last week, I was supposed to go with someone to the grocery store today but that person forgot again and preferred scrolling Instagram for hours instead. Are we going to do this every week?
My cat still wants to sleep on that damn wall even if he fell last time, It's like almost 3 meters!!! I'm trying to block all accesses, put aluminium foil everywhere, but he always finds a way. Nothing scares him away. He likes uncomfortable places.
I have a bad habit of joining public Discord servers out of boredom and a desire to interact with new people, and I regret it almost every time. Two days ago, I joined a server for Kpop and Infinity Nikki. The people seemed okay until yesterday afternoon when the server owner spent an hour telling me on general chat to kiss them. At first I played along before then trying to change the conversation to other things. They kept insisting I needed to kiss them. A mod asked them to hold back and they ignored them and kept going. I checked their post history and they never went this far with any other person on the server. I didn’t speak up and tell them to stop out of fear of being banned.

I’m tempted to just block the server owner and leave, but I want to stay on there a few more days until I can leave a negative warning on Disboard warning people that the owner is creepy and weird.
1. I hate seeing my country pick up more of American political discourse down to calling things “woke”, stop making existence for people like me a political debate : /

2. Yikes never mind green carding to America. Embarassing, you know exactly what I’m alluding to

3. I wish I was better at keeping in touch with people here because yall are like the only chill community I’m in other than orange scrimblo server

4. I hate this so much it receded into the back of my mind but tomorrow = new therapist and I hate it because I’ve done things like this for a decade and this is gonna be the fiftieth person in the last few months I’ve had to explain my life to. WHERE DOES THIS EVEN GET ME
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I feel kinda stupid for saying this, but I feel like AI art looks so much better than my own art. I mean, sure it's artificial, but at least AI art looks highly detailed and rendered but you can still tell that it's made using AI, tho. I go onto AI art websites to look at random AI art pieces and go "Damn, this AI robot can generate better art pieces than I ever could."

Sometimes, I just wanna throw all my crappy art pieces into an AI art generator and let it do the art for me. And before you reply to this, yes, I'm fully aware of the whole "AI art steals from real artists" thing. I just feel like my art doesn't light a candle to AI art.
pokemon scalpers really irk me. (to put it incredibly mildly.) i was waiting for the new vaporeon figurine to come out after hearing about it a few weeks ago. just saw that i missed the release, and it's already out of stock, and now a hundred people are selling it for 3x the price. idk if they plan to restock it, probably not since it's a figurine. don't even get me started on the scalping around the new cards just released. i'm hoping to get a mini tin each of my favorite eeveelutions when they release + the poster collection with the vaporeon/jolteon/flareon cards at the start of next month when they come into stock at my local toystore, but god knows if i'm even going to have any luck because of these people. (that latter item is already being sold on ebay for 2x the price.)
Hey all! We just pruned this thread a bit as it's been brought to our attention that members were offering medical advice that could be seriously dangerous or detrimental. While it's clear these posts were meant to be kind and supportive, we have to draw a hard line here in the best interest of our community and their health.

The rules of this thread have been updated to reflect our stance on medical advice and will also be added to the official forum rules whenever we get around to updating them. Again, please do not ask for or give medical advice of any kind here on TBT even when done so out of kindness and concern, as unqualified advice like this could do a lot more harm than good if followed.

Generally speaking, please reach out to your doctor when/if things just don't feel right, and if they won't listen or take you seriously then seek a second (or third, fourth, etc) opinion until you find a professional who can properly help you. Self-advocacy is sometimes our best asset as no one understands your body, mind, or feelings as well as you do. ❤️

Thanks everyone!
I've had a terrible flu the past 2 days. Normally I take my mom to activities during the week like her crafting group but I had to cancel on her. She was really upset cause she can't get outta her house without me so it's basically gonna be a very boring week for her. I also go over to her place multiple times a week so my dad can go get groceries and run some errands but I don't wanna make them sick so I had to ask my mom's friend to come visit with her while my dad leaves the house. Now I have a weird guilt lingering feeling even though I know cancelling was the only option.
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I lost my debit card. 🫠 It's not a huge deal since I was able to lock it and I most likely misplaced it somewhere in the house, but it's pretty ****ing inconvenient. I was hoping I'd have at least one full day to relax after doing most of my errands for the week. But then again, there is no such thing as peace in this household when I'm constantly being bothered.
As much as I love my younger brother, I'm very apprehensive about being around him. He's very judgmental, rude, and persistent towards me, and I'm getting sick of it. He asks personal questions and gets mad when I don't answer them. He judges me for both trivial and serious things. He's just difficult to be around when he's so negative and makes me feel like ****. I really wish I was in college so I didn't have to be around my family, stress be damned.
Some guy is spreading rumours about one of my friends encouraging other people to sh. Which is very much not true, because if anything, she offers alternatives to people who find themselves doing it and tries to help people who are feeling like they need to sh. She confronted him, but he completely avoided all the questions she asked. I'm actually getting sick of forgiving this guy for stuff he's done in the past when all he does is start doing other stuff that's just as bad/worse.
I feel kinda stupid for saying this, but I feel like AI art looks so much better than my own art. I mean, sure it's artificial, but at least AI art looks highly detailed and rendered but you can still tell that it's made using AI, tho. I go onto AI art websites to look at random AI art pieces and go "Damn, this AI robot can generate better art pieces than I ever could."

Sometimes, I just wanna throw all my crappy art pieces into an AI art generator and let it do the art for me. And before you reply to this, yes, I'm fully aware of the whole "AI art steals from real artists" thing. I just feel like my art doesn't light a candle to AI art.
i don't know what your art looks like but as an artist i can guarantee you your art looks better than AI because it was made with human emotion and intention which is far more obvious than AI's sloppy details.
I feel kinda stupid for saying this, but I feel like AI art looks so much better than my own art. I mean, sure it's artificial, but at least AI art looks highly detailed and rendered but you can still tell that it's made using AI, tho. I go onto AI art websites to look at random AI art pieces and go "Damn, this AI robot can generate better art pieces than I ever could."

Sometimes, I just wanna throw all my crappy art pieces into an AI art generator and let it do the art for me. And before you reply to this, yes, I'm fully aware of the whole "AI art steals from real artists" thing. I just feel like my art doesn't light a candle to AI art.

I felt the same when digital art started to be a thing and I stopped physically drawing as a result because I couldn't compete with that in the world that was forming. I have doodled since, but I lost passion and the doodles wasn't serious and it's kinda sad. I am not sure if physical drawing has made any kind of come back, but I do always appreciate pieces that are physically drawn and then printed. I don't think too many mes are out there though.
Maybe you just have to find the right audience. Not everyone cares for hyper details like what AI can produce.