What's Bothering You?

My baby girl just died.

I'm so, so, so sorry. I lost 3 cats in 2021-2022, so I understand how devastated you must be. I know devastated is an understatement. Your girl is so gorgeous, and I can tell by the way she's looking at you in that photo that she loves you so, so much. Sending so much love to you. 🫂
My brother is happy that he's getting a day off tomorrow because of Storm Eowyn. He doesn't seem to bother about the harm the storm could do to people.
I think a lot of us are happy to have the day off today! I work for the council and our entire city has shut down. No one wants to be out in this. 😬
I was finally able to take off the heart monitor at 9:25 this morning. I thought I'd get relief from the pain and itching - nope!

2/3 of the spots where the wires were attached still hurt like hell 12 hours later. My girlfriend took a close look at them with a torch and said there are a ton of tiny blisters where one was. 😬
We have about a week until we have to move out of our house to our new house, and we're STILL not done packing everything yet. We have until the end of January to move out of our house. Luckily, my dad will get one of his buddies to help us pack our stuff and move out.

The reason why we're moving out in the first place is because my mom tried to confront my sister's ex friend's mom over some high school drama **** (so basically there were these kids talking **** about my little sister). While I wasn't there to confront them myself, I did hear about my mom and the other mom getting into some kinda fight, and the other mom's husband was also involved. So after the fight broke out, the ****ing police got called to confront them about the situation. No arrests were made, but the mom who fought with my mom called the ****ing landlord, and he ended up evicting us out of our house as a result.

And to make matters worse, my little sister fought her ex friend on the school bus and it was caught on video. I watched the video myself, and I was shocked. Apparently, my mom encouraged her to stand on 10 or whatever, and so my sister had the bright idea to fight her on the school bus of all places. This girl didn't even fight back, and my sister was the one who hit her first. My sister is now suspended from school for 75 days as a result of the fight, which is basically the rest of the ****ing school year.

Roughly about a week later, there was this police officer lady who showed up at our doorstep, talking about something about some court **** (I don't really understand what it is, but it sounds serious). I feel like my little sister could end up in jail for assault charges, and I wouldn't be surprised if her ex friend and her mom choose to press charges against her if that's the case. Literally none of this **** would've happened if it weren't for my mom. She's the one who tried to confront my sister's ex friend's mom in and encouraged my sister to fight her ex friend in the first place. My dad tried to tell my mom not to do that, but she ****ing did it anyways, and now we're in the middle of moving out of our house. I'm so ****ing done with this bull**** fr.
We bought chicken legs yesterday for tonight dinner, So I turned on the oven, searched for the chicken in the fridge, no chicken...
No chicken in the freezer either... Found the chicken still in the bag next to the door 😢, more than 24h later. It still looked good and didn't smell but +24h at 20C....a bit dangerous no? Aw..... I should have kept that bag with me. Trusted my family way too much.

I was already feeling down today... Good Bye dinner...
I'm so done ordering any physical books from amazon because those idiots always deliver it damaged. I've never had this issue with them either until recently so I don't know what's going on with them but this is unacceptable.