Look my best friend does the same thing, it's just natural for boys to act differently around some people than others, I've learned to just accept that factJust learned a guy that I think I like acts differently around other people... some of the things he says and does, they're just different. And not necessarily in a good way. Wonder why..?
Look my best friend does the same thing, it's just natural for boys to act differently around some people than others, I've learned to just accept that fact
I mean, I didn't didn't exactly directly confront him about it or anything, he just asked me if I thought any less of him for finding out Hes like that and nah I don'tYeah. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone in thisdid you talk to him about it?
I mean, I didn't didn't exactly directly confront him about it or anything, he just asked me if I thought any less of him for finding out Hes like that and nah I don't
He acts different on tbt and the tbt discord I joined then he does when directly talking to me, I don't think there's really anything I can do about it because that's just how he is
Just learned a guy that I think I like acts differently around other people... some of the things he says and does, they're just different. And not necessarily in a good way. Wonder why..?
i feel like most people tend to act differently depending upon who they're around. for instance, you may behave differently around your family versus your friends, or classmates, etc. i don't think it's anything to really worry about, unless its something that is offensive to you
well, i don't think you need to relate just to to confirm it, it's already confirmed for good or bad but yeah i rly hope u can get the help you need <3Just read an article stating the effects of narcissistic abuse, and I can relate to all three of the effects listed. I'm sort of frightened now.
I feel like if I say anything, it'll be taken wrong or people will think I'm looking for pity or just whining or complaining and I don't anyone to think that at all! I also hate to sound like I'm complaining when I'm so very blessed. I feel I don't have the right to complain about anything as there are people out there that have it so much worse...
^^^^this.sounds like you're dealing with emotional invalidation :c just because your issues aren't as bad as others, doesn't make them any less valid! it took me a long time to accept that, but in the long run, it'll only hurt you if you don't let others know how you truly feel about what's bothering you. hope that helps c: