What's Bothering You?

have a lil headache from being out of my house today just to come home to my neighbors playing super loud music that is still super loud in my room at the opposite side of the house

they’ve been having SUPER loud parties every single weekend why? i think it’s super inconsiderate
There are elitist neopet users? Neopets still exist after losing flash?
No, they recently allowed for people to talk about lgbtq+ stuff and immediately people went haywire and basically bullied others and spammed all the boards with it.

And they were like "lol tnt suckers 20 years late" They just don't care to see that the companies who owned neopets couldn't allow it for basically above reasons and for being a safe environment, and also that issue is basically forbidden in certain countries.

Like, be glad they allowed it and see perspective instead of assuming everyone not being anything/only one letter etc. being douchebags. I'm all for being open and I'm bi myself but some people just need to calm down and I don't go to that site to discuss those topics anyway, there are bunch of better sites that are more suitable for it.
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No, they recently allowed for people to talk about lgbtq+ stuff and immediately people went haywire and basically bullied others and spammed all the boards with it.

And they were like "lol tnt suckers 20 years late" They just don't care to see that the companies who owned neopets couldn't allow it for basically above reasons and for being a safe environment, and also that issue is basically forbidden in certain countries.

Like, be glad they allowed it and see perspective instead of assuming everyone not being anything/only one letter etc. being douchebags. I'm all for being open and I'm bi myself but some people just need to calm down and I don't go to that site to discuss those topics anyway, there are bunch of better sites that are more suitable for it.
Related topics can escalate quickly, and that's all I feel I can say on the matter, despite my interests.
Related topics can escalate quickly, and that's all I feel I can say on the matter, despite my interests.
Yeah they did everywhere and people started posting very rude stuff as well, so yeah I hope TNT knew what they were doing.

I mean neopets is definitely not like TBT and other friendly places.
My body has no idea what's going on. My sleeping and eating patterns have been changed so much over the past couple of weeks because of my work shifts, including a couple nightshifts.

I also really miss being away from home for work. Most of my coworkers were pretty good, my supervisor was cool and it was nice to be somewhere different.
Just some stuff to do with mental issues somewhat, but more health issues than anything else acting up, which sucks. Also, I wish I could pick up digital art quicker and need to find some good tutorials on using layers and other tools in a couple of free programs I have that I can use with my bamboo tablet. I hope I can sleep finally because it's 2am. :sleep:
my mom says that if it snows we might not go to my grandma's. which i understand, snow is scary/hard to drive in, but im really hoping we go either way becus my bro can actually go with us this time and i wanna see my grandma!! :c
The closer it gets to Christmas the more I am feeling down 😔
I want to preface by saying this is not directed to anyone specifically (though if it strikes a chord with you, maybe you're guilty of doing it, maybe not, I dont know). I don't really ever rant, I try not to be negative, but this has got me pretty bad. I hate being ghosted. Like, what is so hard about replying. People ask for offers on stuff, i MAKE OFFERS, AS THEY ASKED, and then can't even get a reply. Like at least say, oh sorry, thats not quite what I'm looking for, or, thanks but I'm not interested. I just find it so rude, *especially* if someone is asking for offers not to reply to the ones they get.

Thanks for letting me rant. It is just frustrating.
Oh god, I hate this. A lot of my friends are so guilty of this, it's not funny. It got to the point that I just stopped bothering with them. I know how you feel. I don't get why people act like communication is so hard to do. Are people just so effing lazy these days that a simple response is that hard to muster?

I used to think I was the problem until I found a group of friends that actually valued my time and respected me. I know you're talking about randoms and organizing trades, but I feel like this is such an issue, universally, in this age of technology when it shouldn't be acceptable. But we normalize it for some stupid reason.

I would always get them flaking on me whenever we were about to do something. Normally at the last second they would tell me. This year was the final nail in the coffin though. Everyone agreed to a certain time/day and when it came I was the only one to show. No response before or after. I thought about asking them where they were, but I thought better of it and my mentality has been better without them.

Or how they'd always make an excuse about them being so busy. I hate that excuse. A few times is fine, but almost all the time? I've had a horrible work/life year due to covid/the seasons/my line of work, but I have never been 'too busy' to make time for my friends and family if they needed me.

They've since joined an echo chamber in tumbler/twitter/reddit that just encourages their unhealthy lifestyles.
Oh god, I hate this. A lot of my friends are so guilty of this, it's not funny. It got to the point that I just stopped bothering with them. I know how you feel. I don't get why people act like communication is so hard to do. Are people just so effing lazy these days that a simple response is that hard to muster?

I used to think I was the problem until I found a group of friends that actually valued my time and respected me. I know you're talking about randoms and organizing trades, but I feel like this is such an issue, universally, in this age of technology when it shouldn't be acceptable. But we normalize it for some stupid reason.

I would always get them flaking on me whenever we were about to do something. Normally at the last second they would tell me. This year was the final nail in the coffin though. Everyone agreed to a certain time/day and when it came I was the only one to show. No response before or after. I thought about asking them where they were, but I thought better of it and my mentality has been better without them.

Or how they'd always make an excuse about them being so busy. I hate that excuse. A few times is fine, but almost all the time? I've had a horrible work/life year due to covid/the seasons/my line of work, but I have never been 'too busy' to make time for my friends and family if they needed me.

They've since joined an echo chamber in tumbler/twitter/reddit that just encourages their unhealthy lifestyles.
Thank you, it means alot to know that I'm not the only one that hates this and thinks it's unacceptable and rude. I thought maybe I was crazy for expecting responses when people asked for offers. I've also had that happen with planned events/ hangouts in the past and just gave up. We're better off just removing ourselves from those people/situations in the end. Thanks for understanding and for responding!
Thank you, it means alot to know that I'm not the only one that hates this and thinks it's unacceptable and rude. I thought maybe I was crazy for expecting responses when people asked for offers. I've also had that happen with planned events/ hangouts in the past and just gave up. We're better off just removing ourselves from those people/situations in the end. Thanks for understanding and for responding!
No problem! It's why I responded to your message. You don't see many people talking about it and I think it's because they're afraid to speak up about their 'friends' or opposition. I have a handful of friends now and we've gotten in plenty of different fun activities together. More then I ever had with my old batch of friends. And I've only had them for like less than a year, so that's kind of sad (for the old me lol)

I hope you end up having better luck with your trades soon enough!
No problem! It's why I responded to your message. You don't see many people talking about it and I think it's because they're afraid to speak up about their 'friends' or opposition. I have a handful of friends now and we've gotten in plenty of different fun activities together. More then I ever had with my old batch of friends. And I've only had them for like less than a year, so that's kind of sad (for the old me lol)

I hope you end up having better luck with your trades soon enough!
Thanks, me too! Everyone else seems to be able to get what they're looking for except me lol.
The mall I work at is so disgustingly crowded considering we are definitely still in the middle of a pandemic. The parking lots are totally full, and there are areas in the hallways where you literally cannot move due to the congestion. I’m only here because I have to be, but what about all these shoppers who come out for fun? So irresponsible and unnecessary. Just stay home and order what you need online.
my sleep schedule is horrible, ive been going to sleep at 4-5 am everyday and ive been waking up at 3-4 pm.. my parents get mad because im being lazy which is understandable. but today i woke up at 10 am but fell asleep without even realizing it and woke up again at 1 pm. fell asleep again unexpectedly and woke up at 4. :(
my sleep schedule is horrible, ive been going to sleep at 4-5 am everyday and ive been waking up at 3-4 pm.. my parents get mad because im being lazy which is understandable. but today i woke up at 10 am but fell asleep without even realizing it and woke up again at 1 pm. fell asleep again unexpectedly and woke up at 4. :(
If you don't already do this, I would suggest setting multiple alarms in 10-15 minute increments about an hour before you intend to get up by. By the third or fourth alarm it will be so annoying you won't be able to fall back to sleep.