I got into a huge argument with my mom, because she wanted to prevent me from rescheduling my appointment to see my doctor. She taught that I should see him soon, but because she had other appointments on that same day it would not make sense for our appointments to conflict with each other. I told her that it was my decision to reschedule but then she got very mad and went on the phone to stop me from doing it. I told her to stop but she just told me to "Shut up" and then telling the person on the phone saying "I don't care if he yells, I'm his mother" The thing is I am a 25 year old adult who is autistic and I have to learn to make my own decision, but when my mom tries to make them for me it gets in the way of doing stuff I want to do. Since then we haven't spoken to each other all day and she is still mad. I just wish she would support my decisions instead of just doing things her way that stops me from doing what I want to do.