What's Bothering You?

Been feeling very, not great the last little while. Like I'm stuck in a funk. I want to do things but I literally just, don't feel like doing anything at all, and it's very frustrating. On top of that I haven't been feeling well physically lately either. :c

I also only have a little while till my birthday, and my best friend's birthday. She wants me to draw her something as her gift, and I want to, but I suck at art these days and I'm super worried I won't be able to do it or that even if I do she'll be disappointed.
I feel embarrassed about something.
Firecrackers again. Please stop 😭

I am a bit worried about some stuff but I think everything will be okay. :)
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i was doing decent at learning a new song and not getting frustrated at myself but then i had to go do something and it totally ruined it. now i can't play it right and i'm getting mad.
How am I this cold right now. I literally woke up due to being too warm and now I'm freezing.
I'm guessing it's my bad sleeping habits not agreeing with me once again.​
I thought I was doing better, but I can feel depression creeping in again. I should find another therapist because I really didn’t like my last one, but I’m having problems trusting anyone. The old one seemed so biased and didn’t seem to like me at all. Why continue to be my therapist when you seem to feel that way, It seems unethical to me. Maybe I just need more sleep, but when I get to sleep in I can’t sleep that night so I’m back where I started. My eyes also burn from allergies I’m ready for spring to be over.
honestly **** this medication, man. Coming off it slowly has given me every single side effect possible - nausea, dizziness, indigestion, digestion problems, chills and sweats. Just started my new one this morning and feel like I’m going to vomit and fall over from dizziness. Perhaps I shouldn’t be working right now lmao. I hope all this crap goes away soon because I just want to feel better. A pinch of happiness would be fantastic rn.
damn sunburns lol

also yeah people who say they have a broad music taste yet they only listen to billy eyelash and mumble soundcloud rap okey dokey bruthurrrr
this is nothing bad. I am a bit overwhelmed by Toyhouse now i have an account. I thought when I deleted a folder I deleted a picture by accident but I found out it wasn’t. Then I saw i had two of one image so i am still confused by that. Also I read the rules about using screenshots I freaked out a bit since i uploaded screenshots i took from video games of my favorite character so I quickly took them down; was going to upload a gacha character to be in gallery of references with link going back to game’s site but not sure if that is okay. If I was an anime character last night and now, my eyes would be kinda like @.@. lol. I do like this a lot but am so confused. I keep changing my mind how I want to organize them. I just remade some folders and moved the characters to the appropriate one but now I’m wondering if unsorted would be better.
They're bringing back iCarly without Sam?
i grew up on icarly i cried when it was over
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This is going to get personal:
I got into a huge argument with my mom, because she wanted to prevent me from rescheduling my appointment to see my doctor. She taught that I should see him soon, but because she had other appointments on that same day it would not make sense for our appointments to conflict with each other. I told her that it was my decision to reschedule but then she got very mad and went on the phone to stop me from doing it. I told her to stop but she just told me to "Shut up" and then telling the person on the phone saying "I don't care if he yells, I'm his mother" The thing is I am a 25 year old adult who is autistic and I have to learn to make my own decision, but when my mom tries to make them for me it gets in the way of doing stuff I want to do. Since then we haven't spoken to each other all day and she is still mad. I just wish she would support my decisions instead of just doing things her way that stops me from doing what I want to do.