What's Bothering You?

Feeling so empty today, I have no idea what to do nor do I have any motivation to actually do anything.
Also I'm extremelly annoyed by how much weight I actually gained since beginning of pregnancy and there is
still about 2 month to go.. besides eating a lot of watermelon and strawberries I didn't even eat that much crazy
things, so I don't understand where the 15kg come from.. U-U
I feel you on the pregnancy weight gain! Did you know that you gain 40-50%more blood during pregnancy? That is actually where most of the weight comes from! That and the placenta, which is a couple of pounds on its own. It's also why we get so HOT all the time during pregnancy! Try not to worry about the weight and make sure you're eating foods rich in good fat too, like salmon and avocados (assuming you aren't allergic to fish or anything, of course). I'm here if you need to vent!
Slept terribly. Fell asleep without taking my night medicine. Feel terrible. Not accomplishing anything.

And still without a good job over a year after I’ve graduated from university.
Slept terribly. Fell asleep without taking my night medicine. Feel terrible. Not accomplishing anything.

And still without a good job over a year after I’ve graduated from university.
i also haven't found a good job after uni so you're not alone, i know the feeling, i hope you'll find something soon!!!
I feel you on the pregnancy weight gain! Did you know that you gain 40-50%more blood during pregnancy? That is actually where most of the weight comes from! That and the placenta, which is a couple of pounds on its own. It's also why we get so HOT all the time during pregnancy! Try not to worry about the weight and make sure you're eating foods rich in good fat too, like salmon and avocados (assuming you aren't allergic to fish or anything, of course). I'm here if you need to vent!

Thank you for the kind words and information. I didn't know it's that much more blood, wow!! Also that's why I keep getting complains about being too hot during the night to get some hugs, hmpf :(
I am going to try and not worry about it anymore, after all it's "only" 2 months left. I actually love salmon! I'm sad that raw / smoked it's not good for pregnant women, but cooked one is good aswell. I will definitely add more of it to my foodchoice. :D
And thank you a lot for offering to be here for me!! <3
Thank you for the kind words and information. I didn't know it's that much more blood, wow!! Also that's why I keep getting complains about being too hot during the night to get some hugs, hmpf :(
I am going to try and not worry about it anymore, after all it's "only" 2 months left. I actually love salmon! I'm sad that raw / smoked it's not good for pregnant women, but cooked one is good aswell. I will definitely add more of it to my foodchoice. :D
And thank you a lot for offering to be here for me!! <3
I know, I wish smoked salmon was in the allowable food options too. And yeah, "only" 2 months, but like, the longest 2 months ever! And of course! Always here :) 🥰
I just woke up (it was 5:45 pm when my mom woke up). I was in a lot of pain earlier because of my ear and jaw again; grateful my mom let me sleep after i gave my cat her pill and took pain killers this morning but dang… 😳

A little worried about some of my friends. Also worried i might make one or both of them mad unintentionally some day ><
I didn’t get my second covid vaccine today.

I went in and they were only offering moderna. I feel bad for leaving but the thought of mixing the vaccines just feels wrong to me. I’m sure I’m just being silly and irrational but idk. I’ll call the pharmacies and see if they have Pfizer.

eek this actually happened to my mom as well. she had an appointment yesterday to get her second shot of pfizer, since that’s what the clinic said they had, only for her to find out once she got there that all they were offering was moderna. total waste of time. you’re not being silly or irrational for walking out - mixing vaccines doesn’t sound great to me either, or to my mom. i hope you’re able to get pfizer soon. >_<
There was another art sharing thread and i posted some of my art even though I know it isn’t great. starting to get the delete the post itch 😅. I am really proud of those drawings though but ugh, I am so nervous ><.
There was another art sharing thread and i posted some of my art even though I know it isn’t great. starting to get the delete the post itch 😅. I am really proud of those drawings though but ugh, I am so nervous ><.
I can relate to that. My art looks like garbage compared to some other users, and I'm surprised everyone seems to like it for that reason, and I can relate to being nervous. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter, to me anyways, what other people think about my art. I do me, and they do them.
Anxiety sucks. Every time I post or even message a friend, I get anxiety about annoying them or overdoing it. When will I be mentally at peace? I have tried meditation (a guy I used to be friends with suggested it but yeah, I can’t do it and small part of it may be because i can’t get over being pissed at him for over three years).

Sleeping till five forty has threw me off. I feel like crap and my ear is still sensitive and hurting a little. ><

I have something special planned for a friend’s birthday and now I am worried it might not be funny or it ends up hurting our friendship. Maybe i should cancel it :/ I already know my sense of humor does not exist. 😔
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There was another art sharing thread and i posted some of my art even though I know it isn’t great. starting to get the delete the post itch 😅. I am really proud of those drawings though but ugh, I am so nervous ><.
Well, we all start somewhere, right? Trust me, when I first started drawing in 2015, it was utter garbage lol. In fact, it took me two hours in total to finish it. Whenever I see someone who is starting out or still getting the hang of drawing, I can relate to them, including you and Koopadude100. If you keep looking for ways to improve and having fun (which is also really important!), I'm sure you'll get better as time goes on. Even I have some ways to go despite compliments from kind people around here and I'm up for the challenge. After all, we don't become professionals in a single night! The last thing I want to happen is my drawing skills stagnating and it's tough.
Well, we all start somewhere, right? Trust me, when I first started drawing in 2015, it was utter garbage lol. In fact, it took me two hours in total to finish it. Whenever I see someone who is starting out or still getting the hang of drawing, I can relate to them, including you and Koopadude100. If you keep looking for ways to improve and having fun (which is also really important!), I'm sure you'll get better as time goes on. Even I have some ways to go despite compliments from kind people around here and I'm up for the challenge. After all, we don't become professionals in a single night! The last thing I want to happen is my drawing skills stagnating and it's tough.

you’re right :); I keep trying to tell myself that but so difficult to convince myself 😅. Also doesn’t help I haven’t drawn a lot recently; nervous it is going to stagnate. But, I think first I should worry about getting rid of this pain that has added on to my recent sleep schedule problem since the lack of energy is why I haven’t been drawing. I definitely am not discouraged or giving up, though I will admit I feel like I am diving into this hobby blind and am daunted by how much there is to learn. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me :).
you’re right :); I keep trying to tell myself that but so difficult to convince myself 😅. Also doesn’t help I haven’t drawn a lot recently; nervous it is going to stagnate. But, I think first I should worry about getting rid of this pain that has added on to my recent sleep schedule problem since the lack of energy is why I haven’t been drawing. I definitely am not discouraged or giving up, though I will admit I feel like I am diving into this hobby blind and am daunted by how much there is to learn. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me :).
You're welcome! Your health comes first so don't push yourself unnecessarily! No one's pressuring you to meet a deadline or anything like that.
Something that really shouldn’t bother me because I don’t know how it could happen given the circumstances. Nonetheless, this brain of mine says otherwise.
I’m contemplating changing my username here and on twitter but I really like my username and don’t want to confuse my followers. i should have never used my gaming name that my friends are familiar with :/. I am terrible with coming up with new names though.
My son poured my fancy Shiseido face sunscreen in the party favor bags I had staged for his classmates... :eek:🤬💸 I spent precious time planning and putting those together. OTL The bottle is very light now. T_T
Sunscreen doesn't just wipe off, kid! Nobody wants greasy slick candy and stickers; sus AF.
Pat me on the back for not flipping out at him... much.
I need to pack because I have to move, like really soon. I've been uncharacteristically productive for the past week and now.. the exhaustion has caught up to me and I'm like.. too depressed to pack? Even though I need to move in order to start my dream job and be less depressed. I just can't bring myself to be productive right now and I feel like a poor excuse for an adult.
I’m contemplating changing my username here and on twitter but I really like my username and don’t want to confuse my followers. i should have never used my gaming name that my friends are familiar with :/. I am terrible with coming up with new names though.
I'd consider the reasons you're contemplating changing it to begin with. Since you like it, it makes the most sense to keep it. If you don't like it to some degree, or just want something new, you could change your title to, "previously Dunquixote" so as not to confuse people who follow you. If you're considering changing it to, in a sense, run away from something or avoid facing something or someone, I think you'll end up disappointed, as it won't be a veil for very long. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!